
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


New Features

SftTree/OCX 7.5 is virtually 100% upward compatible from version 7.0 and older versions. Upgrading a project from an older version usually takes just a few minutes. For details about upgrading, please see "Upgrading To Version 7.5".

The following enhancements were made available in version 7.0:

BackColorDefines the background color for this column footer.
BackColorDisabledDefines the background color for this column footer, when it is disabled.
EnabledDefines whether the column footer is enabled.
ForeColorDefines the foreground color for this column footer.
ForeColorDisabledDefines the foreground color for this column footer, when it is disabled.
GetPositionReturns the coordinates of the footer.
GetPositionPixReturns the coordinates of the footer.
ImageDefines the graphic displayed in this column footer.
ImageHAlignDefines the horizontal alignment of the graphic in this column footer.
ImageVAlignDefines the vertical alignment of the graphic in this column footer.
IndexReturns the column number of this footer.
LockedDefines whether this column's size is locked so the user cannot resize the column.
OverrideThemeDefines whether the column footer's color definitions override Windows themes.
RemainUpDefines whether this column footer button will return to its "up" position when pressed.
SelectBackColorDefines the background color for this column footer, when it is pressed.
SelectForeColorDefines the foreground color for this column footer, when it is pressed.
TextDefines this column footer's text.
TextHAlignDefines the horizontal alignment of the text in this column footer.
TextVAlignDefines the vertical alignment of the text in this column footer.
AppearanceDefines the row/column footer's appearance.
BackColorDefines the row/column footer's background color.
ButtonDownDefines whether the row/column footer button is currently pressed.
EdgeHorizontalColorDefines the color used to draw all horizontal edges around headers/footers.
EdgeVerticalColorDefines the color used to draw all vertical edges around headers/footers.
EnabledDefines whether the row/column footer is enabled.
ForeColorDefines the row/column footer's text color.
GrayedColorDefines the text color used to draw a disabled row/column footer.
HilightColorDefines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of the row/column footer.
ImageDefines the graphic displayed in the row/column footer.
ImageHAlignDefines the horizontal alignment of the graphic in the row/column footer.
ImageVAlignDefines the vertical alignment of the graphic in the row/column footer.
OverrideThemeDefines whether the row/column footer's color definitions override Windows themes.
RemainUpDefines whether the row/column footer button will return to its "up" position when pressed.
ShadowColorDefines the color used to draw the dark edge of the row/column footer.
TextDefines the text displayed in the row/column footer.
TextHAlignDefines the horizontal alignment of the text in the row/column footer.
TextVAlignDefines the vertical alignment of the text in the row/column footer.
WidthDefines the width of the row header ( and row/column header, row/column footer) area.
WidthPixDefines the width of the row header ( and row/column header, row/column footer) area.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.