
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


LoadGDIPlusImage Method, SftTree Object

Loads a GDI+ image from a file.


VB.NETpGDIPlusImage = object.LoadGDIPlusImage(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal UseEmbeddedColorManagement As Boolean) As Integer
VBpGDIPlusImage = object.LoadGDIPlusImage(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal UseEmbeddedColorManagement As Boolean) As LONG_PTR
C#.NETint pGDIPlusImage = object.LoadGDIPlusImage(string Filename, bool UseEmbeddedColorManagement);
VC++LONG_PTR pGDIPlusImage = object->LoadGDIPlusImage(_bstr_t Filename, VARIANT_BOOL UseEmbeddedColorManagement);
CHRESULT object->raw_LoadGDIPlusImage(BSTR Filename, VARIANT_BOOL UseEmbeddedColorManagement, LONG_PTR* pGDIPlusImage);


A SftTree object.


Specifies the name of the file containing the image to be loaded.


Defines whether the new image object applies color correction according to color management information that is embedded in the image file. Embedded information can include International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles, gamma values, and chromaticity information. True specifies that color correction is enabled, and False specifies that color correction is not enabled.


Returns a Gdiplus::Image pointer or NULL/Nothing if the function failed.


The LoadGDIPlusImage method loads a GDI+ image from a file.

A GDI+ image created using LoadGDIPlusImage or LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource must be freed using DeleteGDIPlusImage (or the equivalent "delete Gdiplus::Image*", which is usually accessible to C++ applications only).

This method is mainly intended for applications written using a language that does not have direct access to GDI+ (such as VB6). Other languages usually have direct access to GDI+ (such as C++) or have other mechanisms (NETImageObject for .NET applications).



        ItemIndex = .Items.Add("GDI+ Images")
        .Item(ItemIndex).Level = 1
        .Cell(ItemIndex, 1).Text = "All GDI+ images are supported, like GIF, JPEG, Exif, PNG, TIFF and device-independent bitmaps (up to 64bpp) with semi-transparent and translucent areas."

        I = .Items.Add("PNG Sample with alpha-channel for translucent edges")
        .Item(I).Level = 2
        Dim PicturePNG1 As LONG_PTR
        PicturePNG1 = SftTree1.LoadGDIPlusImage(App.Path + "\pic_warn_32.png", False)
        UpdateImages I, PicturePNG1, halignSftTreeRight

        I = .Items.Add("Another PNG Sample with alpha-channel for translucent edges")
        .Item(I).Level = 2
        Dim PicturePNG2 As LONG_PTR
        PicturePNG2 = SftTree1.LoadGDIPlusImage(App.Path + "\pic_world_48.png", False)
        UpdateImages I, PicturePNG2, halignSftTreeRight

See Also SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2024 Softel vdm, Inc.