
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


SftTree Object (ISftTree Interface)

The SftTree object represents the SftTree/OCX control. Through its properties, additional objects can be accessed.

Properties and methods shown grayed are provided for compatibility with older releases only and should no longer be used.

_FlatPropertiesDefines whether properties are stored as a flat list in a property bag.
_VersionReturns the product's exact version.
AboutBoxDisplays product, contact and copyright information.
AddItemAdds a new item at the end of the list.
AppearanceDefines the control's border look.
AutoRespondDefines whether the tree control expands and collapses items automatically.
BackColorDefines the default background color used to draw items that are not selected.
BackColorOddDefines the background color used to draw items in odd rows.
BackgroundPictureDefines the graphic displayed as the control's background.
BackgroundPictureHDefines the graphic displayed as the control's background.
BackgroundStyleDefines the scrolling style of the background bitmap.
BackgroundXDefines the origin (horizontally) of the background bitmap.
BackgroundYDefines the origin (vertically) of the background bitmap.
BorderStyleDefines the tree control's border style used.
BulkUpdateDefines bulk update mode.
ButtonAppearanceDefines the expand/collapse button appearance.
ButtonCollapsedDefines the expand/collapse button for a collapsed parent item.
ButtonCollapsedDownDefines the expand/collapse button for a collapsed parent item when the expand/collapse button is pressed.
ButtonCollapsedHotDefines the expand/collapse button for a collapsed parent item when the mouse cursor is over the expand/collapse button.
ButtonExpandedDefines the expand/collapse button image for an expanded parent item.
ButtonExpandedDownDefines the expand/collapse button image for an expanded parent item when the expand/collapse button is pressed.
ButtonExpandedHotDefines the expand/collapse button image for an expanded parent item when the mouse cursor is over the expand/collapse button.
ButtonPictureDefines the graphic used to display expand/collapse buttons.
ButtonPictureHDefines the graphic used to display expand/collapse buttons.
ButtonStyleDefines the expand/collapse button display method.
CalcCellFromPosReturns the item index and column number for given coordinates.
CalcCellFromPosPixReturns the item index and column number for given coordinates.
CalcColumnFromPosReturns the column number for given coordinates.
CalcColumnFromPosPixReturns the column number for given coordinates.
CalcIndexFromPosReturns the item index for given coordinates.
CalcIndexFromPosPixReturns the item index for given coordinates.
CalcLimitDefines the maximum number of items to consider for optimal column width and scrolling calculation.
CalcOptimalColumnWidthCalculates a column's optimal width based on the column contents.
CalcOptimalRowHeaderWidthCalculates the row header's optimal width based on the contents of all row headers.
CalcVisibleOnlyDefines whether only visible items are considered for optimal column width and scrolling calculation.
CancelModeCancels internal modes.
CellReturns a SftTreeCell object for a given item/column.
Cell3DDefines whether cells are painted using a 3D effect.
CellBackColorDefines the background color used to draw an item's cell that is not selected.
CellEditInterceptDefines keystrokes to be intercepted during cell editing (using the EditNavigating event).
CellEditLimitDefines the maximum number of characters in an edit control or combo box during cell editing.
CellEditStyleDefines the cell editing display style.
CellEventHandlingDefines whether the application handles cell editing events.
CellFontDefines the font used to display an item's cell text.
CellForeColorDefines the text color used to draw an item's cell that is not selected.
CellItemDataDefines a cell's application specific value.
CellItemDataStringDefines a cell's application specific string value.
CellPictureDefines the graphic displayed as an item's cell graphic.
CellPictureAlignDefines the position of the graphic displayed in an item's cell.
CellPictureHDefines the graphic displayed as an item's cell graphic.
CellSelectBackColorDefines the background color used to draw an item's cell that is selected.
CellSelectForeColorDefines the text color used to draw an item's cell that is selected.
CellTextDefines an item's cell text.
CellTextAlignDefines the position of the text displayed in an item's cell.
CharSearchColumnDefines the column searched for characters typed by the user.
CharSearchModeDefines the search mode for characters typed by the user.
ClearRemoves all items.
ClearCellPicturesRemoves the cell graphics from all items.
ClearItemPicturesRemoves the item graphics from all items.
ClearLabelPicturesRemoves the label graphics from all items.
ClearRowHeaderPicturesRemoves the row header graphics from all items.
ColHeaderAppearanceDefines the appearance of all column headers.
ColHeaderBackColorDefines the background color for all column headers.
ColHeaderButtonDefines the currently pressed column header button.
ColHeaderEnabledDefines whether the specified column header is enabled.
ColHeaderFontDefines the font used for all column headers.
ColHeaderForeColorDefines the text color for all column headers.
ColHeaderGrayedColorDefines the text color used to draw all disabled column headers.
ColHeaderHilightColorDefines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of all column headers.
ColHeaderShadowColorDefines the color used to draw the dark edge of all column headers.
CollapseCollapses an item so its dependents are no longer visible.
ColumnReturns a SftTreeColumn object for a given column.
ColumnBackColorDefines the background color of cells in the specified column.
ColumnButtonRemainUpDefines whether the specified column header button will return to its "up" position when pressed.
ColumnForeColorDefines the text color of cells in the specified column.
ColumnMinWidthDefines the minimum width of the specified column.
ColumnPictureDefines the graphic displayed in the specified column header.
ColumnPictureAlignDefines the position of the graphic displayed in the specified column header.
ColumnPictureHDefines the graphic displayed in a column header.
ColumnsDefines the number of columns.
ColumnSelectBackColorDefines the background color of selected items in the specified column.
ColumnSelectForeColorDefines the text color of selected items in the specified column.
ColumnsObjReturns the SftTreeColumns object.
ColumnStyleDefines the cell style in the specified column.
ColumnTextDefines a column header's text.
ColumnTextStyleDefines a column header's text style.
ColumnWidthDefines the width of the specified column.
CopyItemCopies an item to a new position in the tree control.
CopyItemDataStringDefines whether the Item.DataString property is copied or moved with an item.
CopyItemsCopies items to a new position in the tree control.
CrossColumnResizeDefines whether multiple columns can be resized in one resizing operation.
CustomCodeDefines optional product customization.
DeleteDependentsDeletes an item's dependents.
DeleteGDIPlusImageDeletes a GDI+ image object.
DependentCountReturns an item's number of dependents.
DirectReturns an ISftTreeVTable interface pointer.
DisplayColumnReturns the display column number given a real column number.
DragImageDefines whether a semi-transparent image is used to represent the data being dragged.
DragMethodDefines how drag & drop is implemented.
DragTypeDefines the method that determines when a drag & drop operation starts.
DropHighlightDefines the index of the current drop target of a drag & drop operation.
DropHighlightColorDefines the color used to display the drop target item of a drag & drop operation.
DropHighlightStyleDefines the style used to display the drop target of a drag & drop operation.
EditColumnReturns the column of the cell currently being edited.
EditIndexReturns the index of the cell currently being edited.
EditNavigatePositions cell editing on another cell.
EnabledDefines whether the tree control responds to user-generated events.
EndEditEnds cell editing.
ExpandExpands an item so its dependents become visible.
FindItemDataSearches the Item.Data property of items.
FindItemDataStringSearches the Item.DataString property of items.
FindStringSearches items for a string.
FindStringExactSearches items for a string using an exact match.
FirstDependentReturns the index of an item's first dependent.
FirstDisplayColumnReturns the index of the first displayed column.
FirstDisplayColumn2Returns the index of the first displayed column in the right pane.
FirstSiblingReturns the index of an item's first sibling item.
FlybyHighlightDefines whether items are underlined as the mouse cursor moves over an item.
FontDefines the default font used to display cell text.
FooterReturns a SftTreeFooter object for a given column.
FootersReturns the SftTreeFooters object.
ForeColorDefines the default text color used to draw items that are not selected.
ForeColorOddDefines the text color used to draw items in odd rows.
GDIPlusSupportReturns whether GDI+ support is available.
GetCellColorSampleDefines the color sample displayed as an item's cell graphic.
GetCellEditSelectionReturns the position of the selection during cell editing.
GetCellPictureImageDefines the graphic displayed as an item's cell graphic.
GetCellPicturePosReturns the coordinates of a cell's graphic component.
GetCellPicturePosPixReturns the coordinates of a cell's graphic component.
GetCellPosReturns the coordinates of a cell.
GetCellPosPixReturns the coordinates of a cell.
GetCellTextPosReturns the coordinates of a cell's text component.
GetCellTextPosPixReturns the coordinates of a cell's text component.
GetHeaderPosReturns the coordinates of a column header.
GetHeaderPosPixReturns the coordinates of a column header.
GetItemPictureImageDefines the graphic displayed as an item's item graphic.
GetItemPosReturns the coordinates of an item.
GetItemPosPixReturns the coordinates of an item.
GetNextShownReturns the index of the next visible item.
GetPrevShownReturns the index of the previous visible item.
GetSplitterPosReturns the coordinates of the splitter bar.
GetSplitterPosPixReturns the coordinates of the splitter bar.
GrayedColorDefines the text color used to draw items that are disabled.
GridHorizontalColorDefines the color used to draw horizontal grid lines.
GridStyleDefines the method used to paint grid lines.
GridVerticalColorDefines the color used to draw vertical grid lines.
HandleReturnDefines whether the control accepts and handles the RETURN key.
HeaderReturns a SftTreeHeader object for a given column.
HeadersReturns the SftTreeHeaders object.
HilightColorDefines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of items.
HitTestReturns the index of the item found at given coordinates.
HitTestPixReturns the index of the item found at given coordinates.
HorizontalExtentDefines the current horizontal scrolling extent.
HorizontalExtent2Defines the current horizontal scrolling extent in the right pane.
HorizontalOffsetDefines the current horizontal scrolling offset.
HorizontalOffset2Defines the current horizontal scrolling offset in the right pane.
hWndReturns the tree control's window handle.
InheritBgColorDefines whether the area left of the first cell inherits the cell's background color.
InsertItemInserts a new item.
IntegralHeightVertically resizes the tree control so visible items are displayed in their entirety.
ItemReturns a SftTreeItem object for a given item.
ItemDataDefines an item's application specific value.
ItemDataFloatDefines an item's application specific floating point value.
ItemDataObjectDefines an item's application specific object.
ItemDataStringDefines an item's application specific string value.
ItemDataTagDefines an application defined value associated with an item.
ItemEditFontDefines the font used for cell editing.
ItemExpandDefines whether an item is expanded or collapsed.
ItemExpandableDefines whether an item is expandable.
ItemExpandAllDefines an item and all its dependents as expanded or collapsed.
ItemHeightReturns the height of one item in the tree control.
ItemHeight1Returns the height of an item in the tree control.
ItemIDReturns the item ID of an item.
ItemIndexReturns the item index given an item ID.
ItemLevelDefines an item's level number.
ItemLinesDefines the number of text lines used for item height calculation.
ItemPictureDefines the graphic displayed as the item's item graphic.
ItemPictureAlignDefines whether item graphics are aligned with higher level cells.
ItemPictureExpandableDefines the default graphic used to display an expandable item's item graphic.
ItemPictureExpandableHDefines the default graphic used to display an expandable item's item graphic.
ItemPictureExpandedDefines the default graphic used to display an expanded item's item graphic.
ItemPictureExpandedHDefines the default graphic used to display an expanded item's item graphic.
ItemPictureHDefines the graphic displayed as the item's item graphic.
ItemPictureLeafDefines the default graphic used to display a leaf item's item graphic.
ItemPictureLeafHDefines the default graphic used to display a leaf item's item graphic.
ItemsReturns the SftTreeItems object.
ItemShownDefines whether an item is shown.
ItemsShownReturns the number of completely and partially visible items in the client area.
ItemsShownCompleteReturns the number of completely visible items in the client area.
ItemStatusDefines an item's enabled/disabled status.
ItemStyleDefines the item style.
LabelPictureDefines the graphic displayed as an item's label graphic.
LabelPictureHDefines the graphic displayed as an item's label graphic.
LastDependentReturns the index of an item's last dependent.
LastDisplayColumnReturns the index of the last displayed column.
LastDisplayColumn2Returns the index of the last displayed column in the right pane.
LastSiblingReturns the index of an item's last sibling item.
LeftButtonOnlyDefines whether the tree control responds only to the left mouse button.
LeftItemClickOnlyDefines whether the tree control generates Item(Dbl)Click events only in response to the left mouse button.
LeftWindowReturns the window handle of the left pane in a split tree control.
LicenseReturns the product's license number.
ListDefines an item's cell text.
ListCountReturns the number of items in the tree control.
ListIndexDefines the current item (caret location).
ListSelectionReturns the selected item.
ListSelection1Returns the selected item.
LoadLoads the control contents.
LoadGDIPlusImageLoads a GDI+ image from a file.
LoadGDIPlusImageFromResourceLoads a GDI+ image from a resource.
LoadPictureLoads a picture from a file/URL.
MakeCellVisibleHorizontally and vertically scrolls the specified cell into view so it is displayed in the tree control's client area.
MakeColumnOptimalSets the optimal column width so that the text and graphics of all items can be displayed.
MakeColumnVisibleHorizontally scrolls the specified column into view so it is displayed in the tree control's client area.
MakeIntegralHeightVertically resizes the tree control so visible items are displayed in their entirety.
MakeIntegralHeightPixVertically resizes the tree control so visible items are displayed in their entirety.
MakeRowHeaderOptimalSets the optimal row header width so that the text and graphics of all row headers can be displayed.
MakeRowVisibleVertically scrolls the specified item into view so it is displayed in the tree control's client area.
MakeSplitterOptimalPositions the splitter bar optimally.
MouseIconDefines a custom mouse icon.
MouseIconHDefines a custom mouse icon.
MouseOverTransitionEffectDefines the transition effects used when the mouse enters/leaves the tree control.
MousePointerDefines the mouse pointer used.
MoveColumnMoves a column to a new position.
MoveItemMoves an item to a new position in the tree control.
MoveItemsMoves items to a new position in the tree control.
MultilineHeaderDefines whether column header titles can consist of multiple text lines.
MultiSelectDefines whether one or multiple items can be selected at a time.
NextSiblingReturns the index of an item's next sibling item.
NoFocusStyleDefines the display style of selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus.
NoSelectionDefines whether the selection changes when the caret location changes.
OLEDragInitiates an OLE drag & drop operation.
OLEDropModeDefines whether the tree control can act as an OLE drop target.
OpenEndedDefines whether the last column is open-ended.
OpenEnded2Defines whether the last column is open-ended in the right pane.
OverheadWidthReturns the width of the area added to the first column for hierarchical graphics components.
ParentReturns the index of an item's parent item.
PlusMinusPictureExpandableDefines the graphic used to display an expandable item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusPictureExpandableHDefines the graphic used to display an expandable item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusPictureExpandedDefines the graphic used to display an expanded item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusPictureExpandedHDefines the graphic used to display an expanded item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusPictureLeafDefines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusPictureLeafHDefines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic.
PrevSiblingReturns the index of an item's previous sibling item.
RealColumnReturns the real column number given a display column number.
RecalcHorizontalExtentRecalculates the optimal horizontal scrolling extent.
RefreshForces an immediate repaint of the tree control.
RemoveItemRemoves an item.
ReorderColumnsDefines whether columns can be reordered using column drag & drop.
ResizeColumnReturns the column number currently being resized.
ResizeHeaderDefines whether column headers can be resized by the user.
RightToLeftDefines the display direction and visual appearance on a bi-directional system.
RightWindowReturns the window handle of the right pane in a split tree control.
RowBackColorDefines the row header background color used to draw the item when it is not selected.
RowColButtonDownDefines whether the row/column button is currently down (pressed).
RowColButtonRemainUpDefines whether the row/column button will return to its "up" position when pressed.
RowColHeaderAppearanceDefines the row/column header's appearance.
RowColHeaderBackColorDefines the row/column header's background color.
RowColHeaderEnabledDefines whether the row/column header is enabled.
RowColHeaderForeColorDefines the row/column header's text color.
RowColHeaderGrayedColorDefines the text color used to draw a disabled row/column header.
RowColHeaderHilightColorDefines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of the row/column header.
RowColHeaderShadowColorDefines the color used to draw the dark edge of the row/column header.
RowColPictureDefines the graphic displayed in the row/column header.
RowColPictureAlignDefines the position of the graphic displayed in the row/column header.
RowColPictureHDefines the graphic displayed in the row/column header.
RowColTextDefines the text displayed in the row/column header.
RowColTextStyleDefines the style used to display the row/column header text.
RowColumnFooterReturns the SftTreeRowColumnFooter object.
RowColumnHeaderReturns the SftTreeRowColumnHeader object.
RowForeColorDefines the row header text color used to draw the item when it is not selected.
RowHeaderAppearanceDefines the row header appearance.
RowHeaderBackColorDefines the default background color used to draw row headers of items that are not selected.
RowHeaderButtonRemainUpDefines whether row header buttons will return to their "up" position when pressed.
RowHeaderEnabledDefines whether row headers are enabled.
RowHeaderFontDefines the row header font.
RowHeaderForeColorDefines the default text color used to draw row headers of items that are not selected.
RowHeaderGrayedColorDefines the text color used to draw disabled row headers.
RowHeaderHilightColorDefines the default color used to draw the highlighted edge of row headers.
RowHeaderLinesDefines the number of row header text lines used for height calculation.
RowHeadersReturns the SftTreeRowHeaders object.
RowHeaderSelectBackColorDefines the default row header background color used to draw items that are selected.
RowHeaderSelectForeColorDefines the default row header text color used to draw items that are selected.
RowHeaderShadowColorDefines the default color used to draw the dark edge of row headers.
RowHeaderTextStyleDefines the default alignment for row header text.
RowHeaderWidthDefines the width of the row header area.
RowPictureDefines the graphic displayed in an item's row header.
RowPictureAlignDefines the position of the graphic displayed in an item's row header.
RowPictureHDefines the graphic displayed in an item's row header.
RowSelectBackColorDefines the row header background color used to draw the item when it is selected.
RowSelectForeColorDefines the row header text color used to draw the item when it is selected.
RowTextDefines an item's row header text.
RowTextAlignDefines the position of the text displayed in an item's row header.
SaveSaves the control contents.
ScrollbarsDefines the presence of horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
ScrollbarStyleDefines the appearance of the scroll bars.
ScrollTipsDefines whether Scroll Tips are shown.
SelCountReturns the number of currently selected items.
SelectBackColorDefines the background color used to draw selected items.
SelectBackColorNoFocusDefines the background color used to draw selected items when the control doesn't have the input focus.
SelectedDefines whether an item is selected.
SelectForeColorDefines the text color used to draw selected items.
SelectForeColorNoFocusDefines the text color used to draw selected items when the control doesn't have the input focus.
SelectionAreaDefines the area where selection changes occur.
SelectionGroupEndReturns the index of the last selected item in a group of selected items.
SelectionGroupsReturns the number of groups of selected items.
SelectionGroupStartReturns the index of the first selected item in a group of selected items.
SelectRangeSelects or deselects a range of items.
SelectStyleDefines the display style of selected items when the tree control has the input focus.
SetCellColorSampleDefines the color sample displayed as an item's cell graphic.
SetCellEditSelectionSets the position of the selection during cell editing.
SetCellPictureImageDefines the graphic displayed as an item's cell graphic.
SetItemPictureImageDefines the graphic displayed as an item's item graphic.
ShadowColorDefines the color used to draw the dark edge of items.
ShowFocusRectangleDefines whether the focus rectangle is displayed.
ShowTruncatedDefines whether text is clipped or truncated using trailing '...'.
SmoothScrollDefines whether items are scrolled pixel by pixel (for small scrolling increments only).
SortDependentsSorts an item's dependents.
SplitColumnDefines the number of columns displayed in the left pane of a split tree control.
SplitterReturns the SftTreeSplitter object.
SplitterBarDefines whether a vertical splitter bar is present.
SplitterOffsetDefines the horizontal offset of the splitter bar in a split tree control.
SplitterResizeModeAllows the user to resize the panes of a split tree control using the keyboard.
SplitterWidthDefines the width of the splitter bar.
StartComboStarts editing the specified cell using a combo box.
StartComboEditStarts editing the specified cell using a combo box with edit capability.
StartEditStarts editing the specified cell using an edit control.
ToolTipAlwaysDefines whether Tool Tips are shown, even if cell text is completely visible.
ToolTipBackColorDefines the background color used to draw Tool Tips and Scroll Tips.
ToolTipForeColorDefines the text color used to draw Tool Tips and Scroll Tips.
ToolTipIntervalOffDefines the delay (in milliseconds) after which Tool Tips are removed.
ToolTipIntervalOnDefines the delay (in milliseconds) after which Tool Tips are displayed.
ToolTipsUseEntireCellDefines whether ToolTips use the entire cell.
TopIndexDefines the index of the first item displayed in the tree control's client area.
TopParentReturns the index of an item's top-most parent item.
TreeLineColorDefines the color used to draw connecting tree lines when the tree control is enabled.
TreeLineGrayedColorDefines the color used to draw connecting tree lines when the tree control is disabled.
TreeLineStyleDefines the current tree line display style.
UseThemesDefines whether Windows themes are used (Windows XP and up).
VAlignStyleDefines the vertical alignment of tree lines, expand/collapse buttons, label, plus/minus and item graphics.
VersionReturns the product's exact version.
VirtualCountDefines the number of items in the control in virtual mode.
VirtualImageSizesDefines the maximum graphics sizes when using a virtual data source.
VirtualItemChangedNotifies the control that one or all items of the virtual data source have changed.
VirtualModeDefines whether the tree control is in virtual mode.
VirtualPicturesDefines the maximum graphics sizes when using a virtual data source.
WebLicenseDefines the license information for use on one web site.

Properties and methods shown grayed are provided for compatibility with older releases only and should no longer be used.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.