
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


SftTreeItems Object (ISftTreeItems Interface)

The SftTreeItems object describes attributes that apply to all items in a SftTree/OCX control. The SftTreeItems object can be accessed through the control's Items property. A control has only one SftTreeItems object. An individual item's SftTreeItem object can be accessed through the control's Item property.

AddAdds a new item at the end of the list.
AutoExpandDragDropDefines whether items are automatically expanded during an OLE drag & drop operation.
AutoExpandDragDropIntervalDefines the delay (in milliseconds) after which items are automatically expanded during an OLE drag & drop operation.
AutoExpandHoverDefines whether items are automatically expanded when the mouse cursor hovers over an item.
AutoExpandHoverIntervalDefines the delay (in milliseconds) after which items are automatically expanded when the mouse cursor hovers over an item.
BackColorDefines the default background color used to draw items that are not selected.
BackColorOddDefines the background color used to draw items in odd rows.
CalcLimitDefines the maximum number of items to consider for optimal column width and scrolling calculation.
CalcOptimalCellReturns the size of the cell contents.
CalcVisibleOnlyDefines whether only visible items are considered for optimal column width and scrolling calculation.
Cell3DDefines whether cells are painted using a 3D effect.
CharSearchColumnDefines the column searched for characters typed by the user.
CharSearchModeDefines the search mode for characters typed by the user.
ClearRemoves all items.
ClearCellImagesRemoves the cell images from all items.
ClearItemImagesRemoves the item images from all items.
ClearLabelImagesRemoves the label images from all items.
CollapseCollapses all items so no child items are visible.
CopyCopies items to a new position in the tree control.
CopyAfterCopies items to a new position in the tree control.
CountReturns the number of items in the tree control.
CurrentDefines the current item (caret location).
DisabledItemsSelectableDefines whether disabled items can be selected by the end-user.
DropHighlightDefines the index of the current drop target of a drag & drop operation.
DropHighlightColorDefines the color used to display the drop target item of a drag & drop operation.
DropHighlightStyleDefines the style used to display the drop target of a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
EdgeHorizontalColorDefines the color used to draw all horizontal edges around headers/footers.
EdgeVerticalColorDefines the color used to draw all vertical edges around headers/footers.
EditNoFocusStyleDefines the display style of selected items during cell editing.
ExpandExpands all items so their dependents become visible.
FindCellSearches items for a string.
FindCellTextSearches items for a string.
FindCellTextExactSearches items for a string using an exact match.
FindDataSearches the Data property of items.
FindDataStringSearches the DataString property of items.
FirstShownReturns the index of the first visible item in the tree control.
FlybyHighlightDefines whether items are underlined as the mouse cursor moves over an item.
FlybyHighlightStyleDefines whether items are underlined as the mouse cursor moves over an item.
ForeColorDefines the default text color used to draw items that are not selected.
ForeColorOddDefines the text color used to draw items in odd rows.
GrayedColorDefines the text color used to draw items that are disabled.
GridHorizontalColorDefines the color used to draw horizontal grid lines.
GridStyleDefines the method used to paint grid lines.
GridVerticalColorDefines the color used to draw vertical grid lines.
HeightReturns the height of an item in a fixed height tree control.
HeightPixReturns the height of an item in a fixed height tree control.
HilightColorDefines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of items.
HitTestReturns the index of the item found at given coordinates.
HitTestPixReturns the index of the item found at given coordinates.
HorizontalExtentDefines the current horizontal scrolling extent.
HorizontalExtent2Defines the current horizontal scrolling extent in the right pane.
HorizontalExtent2PixDefines the current horizontal scrolling extent.
HorizontalExtentPixDefines the current horizontal scrolling extent.
HorizontalOffsetDefines the current horizontal scrolling offset.
HorizontalOffset2Defines the current horizontal scrolling offset in the right pane.
HorizontalOffset2PixDefines the current horizontal scrolling offset in the right pane.
HorizontalOffsetPixDefines the current horizontal scrolling offset.
HotInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
HotInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
HotInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
HotOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
IndentationDefines the indentation for item levels.
IndentationPixDefines the indentation for item levels.
InsertInserts a new item at the specified index position.
InsertAfterInserts a new item following the specified index position.
ItemImageAlignDefines whether item graphics are aligned with higher level cells.
ItemImageExpandableDefines the default graphic used to display an expandable item's item image.
ItemImageExpandedDefines the default graphic used to display an expanded item's item image.
ItemImageLeafDefines the default graphic used to display a leaf item's item image.
ItemIndexReturns the item index given an item ID.
LastShownReturns the index of the last visible item in the tree control.
LinesDefines the number of text lines used for item height calculation.
MaxHeightPixDefines the maximum height of all items.
MinHeightPixDefines the minimum height of all items.
MoveMoves items to a new position in the tree control.
MoveAfterMoves items to a new position in the tree control.
MultiSelectDefines whether one or multiple items can be selected at a time.
NoFocusStyleDefines the display style of selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus.
NoSelectionDefines whether the selection changes when the caret location changes.
OutlineStyleDefines the display style of the selection outline.
PlusMinusImageExpandableDefines the graphic used to display an expandable item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusImageExpandedDefines the graphic used to display an expanded item's plus/minus graphic.
PlusMinusImageLeafDefines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic.
RecalcHorizontalExtentRecalculates the optimal horizontal scrolling extent.
RemoveRemoves an item.
RubberbandSelectionDefines whether rubberband selection is enabled (multiple selection only).
ScrollTipsDefines whether Scroll Tips are shown.
SelectBackColorDefines the background color used to draw selected items.
SelectBackColorNoFocusDefines the background color used to draw selected items when the control doesn't have the input focus.
SelectForeColorDefines the text color used to draw selected items.
SelectForeColorNoFocusDefines the text color used to draw selected items when the control doesn't have the input focus.
SelectHotInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectHotInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectHotInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectHotOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for selected items.
SelectInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items.
SelectInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items.
SelectionReturns the selected item.
SelectionAreaDefines the area where selection changes occur.
SelectionCountReturns the number of currently selected items.
SelectionGroupEndReturns the index of the last selected item in a group of selected items.
SelectionGroupsReturns the number of groups of selected items.
SelectionGroupStartReturns the index of the first selected item in a group of selected items.
SelectNoFocusInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus.
SelectNoFocusInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus.
SelectNoFocusInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus.
SelectNoFocusOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus.
SelectOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for selected items.
SelectRangeSelects or deselects a range of items.
SelectStyleDefines the display style of selected items when the tree control has the input focus.
ShadowColorDefines the color used to draw the dark edge of items.
ShowFocusRectangleDefines whether the focus rectangle is displayed.
ShownReturns the number of completely and partially visible items in the client area.
ShownCompleteReturns the number of completely visible items in the client area.
SortDependentsSorts an item's dependents.
StyleDefines the item style.
ToolTipAlwaysDefines whether Tool Tips are shown, even if cell text is completely visible.
ToolTipBackColorDefines the background color used to draw Tool Tips and Scroll Tips.
ToolTipForeColorDefines the text color used to draw Tool Tips and Scroll Tips.
ToolTipIntervalOffDefines the delay (in milliseconds) after which Tool Tips are removed.
ToolTipIntervalOnDefines the delay (in milliseconds) after which Tool Tips are displayed.
ToolTipsUseEntireCellDefines whether Tool Tips use the entire cell.
TopIndexDefines the index of the first item displayed in the tree control's client area.
TreeLineColorDefines the color used to draw connecting tree lines when the tree control is enabled.
TreeLineGrayedColorDefines the color used to draw connecting tree lines when the tree control is disabled.
TreeLineStyleDefines the current tree line display style.
UpdateCurrentExpandCollapseDefines whether the current item (Items.Current) is updated when the expand/collapse button is clicked.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.