SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftDirectory 3.5 - File/Folder Control (discontinued)
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftOptions 1.0 - Registry/INI Control (discontinued)
SftPrintPreview/OCX 1.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftTabs/NET 6.0 - Tab Control (discontinued)
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control
The SftTreeItems object describes attributes that apply to all items in a SftTree/OCX control. The SftTreeItems object can be accessed through the control's Items property. A control has only one SftTreeItems object. An individual item's SftTreeItem object can be accessed through the control's Item property.
Property/Method | Description |
Add | Adds a new item at the end of the list. |
AutoExpandDragDrop | Defines whether items are automatically expanded during an OLE drag & drop operation. |
AutoExpandDragDropInterval | Defines the delay (in milliseconds) after which items are automatically expanded during an OLE drag & drop operation. |
AutoExpandHover | Defines whether items are automatically expanded when the mouse cursor hovers over an item. |
AutoExpandHoverInterval | Defines the delay (in milliseconds) after which items are automatically expanded when the mouse cursor hovers over an item. |
BackColor | Defines the default background color used to draw items that are not selected. |
BackColorOdd | Defines the background color used to draw items in odd rows. |
CalcLimit | Defines the maximum number of items to consider for optimal column width and scrolling calculation. |
CalcOptimalCell | Returns the size of the cell contents. |
CalcVisibleOnly | Defines whether only visible items are considered for optimal column width and scrolling calculation. |
Cell3D | Defines whether cells are painted using a 3D effect. |
CharSearchColumn | Defines the column searched for characters typed by the user. |
CharSearchMode | Defines the search mode for characters typed by the user. |
Clear | Removes all items. |
ClearCellImages | Removes the cell images from all items. |
ClearItemImages | Removes the item images from all items. |
ClearLabelImages | Removes the label images from all items. |
Collapse | Collapses all items so no child items are visible. |
Copy | Copies items to a new position in the tree control. |
CopyAfter | Copies items to a new position in the tree control. |
Count | Returns the number of items in the tree control. |
Current | Defines the current item (caret location). |
DisabledItemsSelectable | Defines whether disabled items can be selected by the end-user. |
DropHighlight | Defines the index of the current drop target of a drag & drop operation. |
DropHighlightColor | Defines the color used to display the drop target item of a drag & drop operation. |
DropHighlightStyle | Defines the style used to display the drop target of a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
EdgeHorizontalColor | Defines the color used to draw all horizontal edges around headers/footers. |
EdgeVerticalColor | Defines the color used to draw all vertical edges around headers/footers. |
EditNoFocusStyle | Defines the display style of selected items during cell editing. |
Expand | Expands all items so their dependents become visible. |
FindCell | Searches items for a string. |
FindCellText | Searches items for a string. |
FindCellTextExact | Searches items for a string using an exact match. |
FindData | Searches the Data property of items. |
FindDataString | Searches the DataString property of items. |
FirstShown | Returns the index of the first visible item in the tree control. |
FlybyHighlight | Defines whether items are underlined as the mouse cursor moves over an item. |
FlybyHighlightStyle | Defines whether items are underlined as the mouse cursor moves over an item. |
ForeColor | Defines the default text color used to draw items that are not selected. |
ForeColorOdd | Defines the text color used to draw items in odd rows. |
GrayedColor | Defines the text color used to draw items that are disabled. |
GridHorizontalColor | Defines the color used to draw horizontal grid lines. |
GridStyle | Defines the method used to paint grid lines. |
GridVerticalColor | Defines the color used to draw vertical grid lines. |
Height | Returns the height of an item in a fixed height tree control. |
HeightPix | Returns the height of an item in a fixed height tree control. |
HilightColor | Defines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of items. |
HitTest | Returns the index of the item found at given coordinates. |
HitTestPix | Returns the index of the item found at given coordinates. |
HorizontalExtent | Defines the current horizontal scrolling extent. |
HorizontalExtent2 | Defines the current horizontal scrolling extent in the right pane. |
HorizontalExtent2Pix | Defines the current horizontal scrolling extent. |
HorizontalExtentPix | Defines the current horizontal scrolling extent. |
HorizontalOffset | Defines the current horizontal scrolling offset. |
HorizontalOffset2 | Defines the current horizontal scrolling offset in the right pane. |
HorizontalOffset2Pix | Defines the current horizontal scrolling offset in the right pane. |
HorizontalOffsetPix | Defines the current horizontal scrolling offset. |
HotInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
HotInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
HotInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
HotOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
Indentation | Defines the indentation for item levels. |
IndentationPix | Defines the indentation for item levels. |
Insert | Inserts a new item at the specified index position. |
InsertAfter | Inserts a new item following the specified index position. |
ItemImageAlign | Defines whether item graphics are aligned with higher level cells. |
ItemImageExpandable | Defines the default graphic used to display an expandable item's item image. |
ItemImageExpanded | Defines the default graphic used to display an expanded item's item image. |
ItemImageLeaf | Defines the default graphic used to display a leaf item's item image. |
ItemIndex | Returns the item index given an item ID. |
LastShown | Returns the index of the last visible item in the tree control. |
Lines | Defines the number of text lines used for item height calculation. |
MaxHeightPix | Defines the maximum height of all items. |
MinHeightPix | Defines the minimum height of all items. |
Move | Moves items to a new position in the tree control. |
MoveAfter | Moves items to a new position in the tree control. |
MultiSelect | Defines whether one or multiple items can be selected at a time. |
NoFocusStyle | Defines the display style of selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus. |
NoSelection | Defines whether the selection changes when the caret location changes. |
OutlineStyle | Defines the display style of the selection outline. |
PlusMinusImageExpandable | Defines the graphic used to display an expandable item's plus/minus graphic. |
PlusMinusImageExpanded | Defines the graphic used to display an expanded item's plus/minus graphic. |
PlusMinusImageLeaf | Defines the graphic used to display a leaf item's plus/minus graphic. |
RecalcHorizontalExtent | Recalculates the optimal horizontal scrolling extent. |
Remove | Removes an item. |
RubberbandSelection | Defines whether rubberband selection is enabled (multiple selection only). |
ScrollTips | Defines whether Scroll Tips are shown. |
SelectBackColor | Defines the background color used to draw selected items. |
SelectBackColorNoFocus | Defines the background color used to draw selected items when the control doesn't have the input focus. |
SelectForeColor | Defines the text color used to draw selected items. |
SelectForeColorNoFocus | Defines the text color used to draw selected items when the control doesn't have the input focus. |
SelectHotInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectHotInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectHotInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectHotOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for selected items. |
SelectInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items. |
SelectInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items. |
Selection | Returns the selected item. |
SelectionArea | Defines the area where selection changes occur. |
SelectionCount | Returns the number of currently selected items. |
SelectionGroupEnd | Returns the index of the last selected item in a group of selected items. |
SelectionGroups | Returns the number of groups of selected items. |
SelectionGroupStart | Returns the index of the first selected item in a group of selected items. |
SelectNoFocusInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus. |
SelectNoFocusInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus. |
SelectNoFocusInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus. |
SelectNoFocusOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for selected items when the tree control does not have the input focus. |
SelectOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for selected items. |
SelectRange | Selects or deselects a range of items. |
SelectStyle | Defines the display style of selected items when the tree control has the input focus. |
ShadowColor | Defines the color used to draw the dark edge of items. |
ShowFocusRectangle | Defines whether the focus rectangle is displayed. |
Shown | Returns the number of completely and partially visible items in the client area. |
ShownComplete | Returns the number of completely visible items in the client area. |
SortDependents | Sorts an item's dependents. |
Style | Defines the item style. |
ToolTipAlways | Defines whether Tool Tips are shown, even if cell text is completely visible. |
ToolTipBackColor | Defines the background color used to draw Tool Tips and Scroll Tips. |
ToolTipForeColor | Defines the text color used to draw Tool Tips and Scroll Tips. |
ToolTipIntervalOff | Defines the delay (in milliseconds) after which Tool Tips are removed. |
ToolTipIntervalOn | Defines the delay (in milliseconds) after which Tool Tips are displayed. |
ToolTipsUseEntireCell | Defines whether Tool Tips use the entire cell. |
TopIndex | Defines the index of the first item displayed in the tree control's client area. |
TreeLineColor | Defines the color used to draw connecting tree lines when the tree control is enabled. |
TreeLineGrayedColor | Defines the color used to draw connecting tree lines when the tree control is disabled. |
TreeLineStyle | Defines the current tree line display style. |
UpdateCurrentExpandCollapse | Defines whether the current item (Items.Current) is updated when the expand/collapse button is clicked. |
See Also Object Hierarchy