
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


SelectStyle Property, SftTreeItems Object

Defines the display style of selected items when the tree control has the input focus.



VB.NETStyle = object.SelectStyle As SftTreeSelectStyleConstants
VBStyle = object.SelectStyle As SftTreeSelectStyleConstants
C#.NETSftTreeSelectStyleConstants Style = object.SelectStyle;
VC++enum SftTreeSelectStyleConstants Style = object->SelectStyle;
enum SftTreeSelectStyleConstants Style = object->GetSelectStyle();
CHRESULT object->get_SelectStyle(enum SftTreeSelectStyleConstants* Style);


VB.NETobject.SelectStyle = Style As SftTreeSelectStyleConstants
VBobject.SelectStyle = Style As SftTreeSelectStyleConstants
C#.NETSftTreeSelectStyleConstants object.SelectStyle = Style;
VC++enum SftTreeSelectStyleConstants object->SelectStyle = Style;
void object->PutSelectStyle(enum SftTreeSelectStyleConstants Style);
CHRESULT object->put_SelectStyle(enum SftTreeSelectStyleConstants Style);


A SftTreeItems object.


Defines the display style of selected items when the tree control has the input focus.

selectSftTreeAll0The entire item is highlighted. A selected item is drawn using the colors specified using the color properties Items.SelectForeColor, Items.SelectBackColor, Column.SelectForeColor, Column.SelectBackColor, Cell.SelectForeColor and Cell.SelectBackColor.
selectSftTreeText1Only cells are highlighted. A selected item is drawn using the colors specified using the color properties Items.ForeColor, Items.BackColor, Column.SelectForeColor, Column.SelectBackColor, Cell.SelectForeColor and Cell.SelectBackColor.
selectSftTreeCell12Only the first displayed cell is highlighted. The first displayed cell is drawn using the colors specified using the color properties Items.SelectForeColor, Items.SelectBackColor, Column.SelectForeColor, Column.SelectBackColor, Cell.SelectForeColor and Cell.SelectBackColor. The text's background color extends a few pixels around the text, not necessarily to the top and bottom of the cell.
selectSftTreeCellCurrent3Highlights the entire current cell only. The current cell is always the cell in the first displayed column of the selected item(s). The current cell is drawn using the colors specified using the color properties Items.SelectForeColor, Items.SelectBackColor, Column.SelectForeColor, Column.SelectBackColor, Cell.SelectForeColor and Cell.SelectBackColor.
selectSftTreeCell1Full4Only the first displayed cell is highlighted. The first displayed cell is drawn using the colors specified using the color properties Items.SelectForeColor, Items.SelectBackColor, Column.SelectForeColor, Column.SelectBackColor, Cell.SelectForeColor and Cell.SelectBackColor. The text's background color extends to the top and bottom of the cell.


The SelectStyle property defines the display style of selected items when the tree control has the input focus.

The Items.NoFocusStyle property is used to change the appearance of selected items in a tree control that does not have the input focus.

The Items.SelectStyle and Items.NoFocusStyle properties work in conjunction with the Items.OutlineStyle property to determine the exact appearance of selected items. The highlighted portion of an item is rendered using the outline style defined by the Items.OutlineStyle property.

The Items.SelectionArea property defines the area where selection changes occur.

See Also SftTreeItems Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.