
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


CellEventHandling Property, SftTree Object

Defines whether the application handles cell editing events.

Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - See Cell Editing - This property continues to be used with Internet Explorer as it does not support the new cell editing mechanisms introduced with SftTree/OCX 5.0.



VB.NETBoolean = object.CellEventHandling As Boolean
VBBoolean = object.CellEventHandling As Boolean
C#.NETbool Boolean = object.CellEventHandling;
VC++VARIANT_BOOL Boolean = object->CellEventHandling;
VARIANT_BOOL Boolean = object->GetCellEventHandling();
CHRESULT object->get_CellEventHandling(VARIANT_BOOL* Boolean);


VB.NETobject.CellEventHandling = Boolean As Boolean
VBobject.CellEventHandling = Boolean As Boolean
C#.NETbool object.CellEventHandling = Boolean;
VC++VARIANT_BOOL object->CellEventHandling = Boolean;
void object->PutCellEventHandling(VARIANT_BOOL Boolean);
CHRESULT object->put_CellEventHandling(VARIANT_BOOL Boolean);


A SftTree object.


Defines whether the application handles cell editing events.

TrueIf the user clicks a mouse button outside of the cell being edited, the AfterEdit event is generated. This allows the application to perform input validation and other cleanup processing. If Cancel = False, the text selected replaces the cell's text. If Cancel = True, cell editing is not ended. The ENTER or TAB keys do not end cell editing and must be handled by the CEKeyDown or CEKeyPress event. Using these events, an application can implement cell motion, moving from one cell to the next in response to keystrokes.
FalseIf the user clicks a mouse button outside of the cell being edited or presses the TAB or ENTER key, the AfterEdit event is generated. This allows the application to perform input validation and other cleanup processing. If Cancel = False, the text selected replaces the cell's text. If Cancel = True, cell editing is not ended.


Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - See Cell Editing - This property continues to be used with Internet Explorer as it does not support the new cell editing mechanisms introduced with SftTree/OCX 5.0.

The CellEventHandling property defines whether the application handles cell editing events.

CellEventHandling affects the handling of ENTER and TAB keys. The ESCAPE key is not affected. If the user presses the ESCAPE key, cell editing is ended and the original cell text is restored. An AfterEdit event is not generated. Any data the user entered or selected is lost. Once cell editing has ended (or was aborted by the user), the PostEdit event is generated.

The CellEventHandling property is used for the edit control and combo box when editing cells using the StartEdit, StartComboEdit and StartCombo methods. It is not used for cell editing started using the Cell.Edit method.

See Also SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.