
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


ColumnPictureH Property, SftTree Object

Defines the graphic displayed in a column header.

Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use Header.Image.PictureH instead



VB.NETHandle = object.get_ColumnPictureH(ByVal ColIndex As Short) As Integer
VBHandle = object.ColumnPictureH(ByVal ColIndex As Integer) As OLE_HANDLE
C#.NETint Handle = object.get_ColumnPictureH(short ColIndex);
VC++OLE_HANDLE Handle = object->ColumnPictureH[short ColIndex];
OLE_HANDLE Handle = object->GetColumnPictureH(short ColIndex);
CHRESULT object->get_ColumnPictureH(short ColIndex, OLE_HANDLE* Handle);


VB.NETobject.set_ColumnPictureH(ByVal ColIndex As Short, ByVal Handle As Integer)
VBobject.ColumnPictureH(ByVal ColIndex As Integer) = Handle As OLE_HANDLE
C#.NETvoid object.set_ColumnPictureH(short ColIndex, int Handle);
VC++OLE_HANDLE object->ColumnPictureH[short ColIndex] = Handle;
void object->PutColumnPictureH(short ColIndex, OLE_HANDLE Handle);
CHRESULT object->put_ColumnPictureH(short ColIndex, OLE_HANDLE Handle);


A SftTree object.


The zero-based column number.


A bitmap handle. Defines the graphic displayed in a column header. This bitmap handle has to remain valid until the tree control no longer uses it. The application has to destroy the bitmap handle once it is no longer needed. The top, left pixel of each graphic must contain the background color. This color will be replaced by the actual background when the graphic is displayed.


Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use Header.Image.PictureH instead

The ColumnPictureH property defines the graphic displayed in a column header.

The ColumnPicture and ColumnPictureH properties are synonyms, but accept different value types (Picture object reference or Windows bitmap handle).

All graphics used in a tree control as ColumnPictureH or Header.Image property at the same time must be the same size (height and width). The dimensions of the graphics are used to calculate the minimum dimension for the column headers, so graphics used as ColumnPictureH or Header.Image property are never clipped vertically. To change the column header graphic size, all column header graphics must be removed first by setting the ColumnPictureH and Header.Image properties to Nothing (NULL) for each column before assigning new column header graphics.

If a column header is disabled (see Header.Enabled property), the graphic is drawn in a "grayed" fashion, if it is based on a bitmap. Other image types, like color samples, .NET image objects, etc., must be explicitly replaced with a grayed image if a different rendering of a disabled image is desired.

The ColumnPictureH property can be set to the value Nothing (NULL), which removes the graphic from the column header.

The position of the column header graphic is determined by the Header.ImageHAlign, Header.ImageVAlign and Header.TextHAlign properties.

See Also SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.