
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control



The SftTree/OCX control generates these events:

Events shown grayed are provided for compatibility with older releases only and should no longer be used.

AfterEditCell editing is about to end.
AutoCancelDraggingDragging has been canceled (automatic DragMethod only).
AutoDraggingDragging in progress (automatic DragMethod only).
AutoEndDraggingDragging has ended (automatic DragMethod only).
CaretChangeThe caret location changes.
CEChangeThe contents of the edit control or combo box have changed (cell editing).
CEClickThe selection of a combo box has changed (cell editing).
CEKeyDownA key has been pressed (cell editing).
CEKeyPressA key has been pressed (cell editing).
CEKeyUpA key has been released (cell editing).
ClickThe selection changes.
ColumnSizeThe user resizes the columns.
ColumnSizeEndedThe user has stopped resizing the columns.
ColumnSizeStartedThe user is about to resize the columns.
ColumnsReorderedThe columns have been reordered.
ContextMenuThe right mouse button is released or Shift-F10 is pressed requesting a context menu.
DblClickA mouse button is double-clicked.
DragStartingThe user initiates a drag & drop operation.
EditAllowedDetermines whether a cell can be reached during cell editing.
EditEndedCell editing has ended.
EditEndingCell editing is ending.
EditInitializedCell editing is about to start.
EditInitializingThe control used for cell editing is initialized.
EditNavigatingA key has been intercepted which is used for navigation during cell editing.
EditValidateThe new contents of the cell being edited are to be validated.
FlybyHighlightThe item highlighted by flyby highlighting has changed.
FocusInThe control receives the input focus.
FocusOutThe control loses the input focus.
ItemClickA mouse button is clicked.
ItemClickAgainAn already selected item has been clicked.
ItemCollapsedAn item has been collapsed.
ItemDblClickA mouse button is double-clicked.
ItemDeletedAn item is about to be deleted.
ItemExpandedAn item has been expanded.
KeyDownA key is pressed.
KeyPressAn ANSI key is pressed or released.
KeyUpA key is released.
MouseDownA mouse button is pressed.
MouseEnterControlThe mouse cursor is entering the control.
MouseLeaveControlThe mouse cursor is leaving the control.
MouseMoveThe mouse is moved.
MouseUpA mouse button is released.
OffsetChangeThe user scrolls the tree control horizontally.
OLECompleteDragThe OLE drag & drop operation has ended.
OLEDragDropAn OLE drag & drop event indicating something has been dropped over the tree control.
OLEDragOverAn OLE drag & drop event indicating something is being dragged over the tree control.
OLEGiveFeedbackThe OLE drag & drop operation is in progress, used for visual feedback.
OLESetDataOLE drag & drop data needs to be provided.
OLEStartDragThe tree control's OLEDrag method has been invoked.
PostEditCell editing has ended.
SelectionChangeThe selection changes.
SortCompareItems are being sorted.
ToolTipCellA cell Tool Tip is about to be displayed.
ToolTipColumnA column header Tool Tip is about to be displayed.
ToolTipColumnFooterA column footer Tool Tip is about to be displayed.
ToolTipColumnHeaderA column header Tool Tip is about to be displayed.
ToolTipVScrollA Scroll Tip is about to be displayed.
TopChangeThe user scrolls the tree control vertically.
VirtualItemThe virtual data source is called to provide item information.

Events shown grayed are provided for compatibility with older releases only and should no longer be used.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.