
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


EditNavigating Event, SftTree Object

A key has been intercepted which is used for navigation during cell editing.


VB.NETPrivate Sub object_EditNavigating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgumentType) Handles object.EditNavigating
VBPrivate Sub object_EditNavigating(ByVal Key As Long, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal ItemIndex As Long, ByVal ColIndex As Integer)
C#.NETvoid object_EditNavigating(object sender, EventArgumentType e);
VC++void OnEditNavigatingobject(long Key, short Shift, long ItemIndex, short ColIndex);
CHRESULT OnEditNavigatingobject(long Key, short Shift, long ItemIndex, short ColIndex);


A SftTree object.


A virtual key code. Defines the key that was intercepted. See the CellEditIntercept method for a list of available virtual key codes.


The state of the SHIFT, CONTROL and ALT keys during the event (see SftTreeKeyConstants). A bit is set if the key is down. The Shift argument is a bit field with bits corresponding to the SHIFT, CONTROL and ALT keys. The Shift variable indicates the state of these keys. Some, all, or none of the bits can be set, indicating which of the keys are pressed.

constSftTreeShiftMask1The SHIFT key was pressed.
constSftTreeCtrlMask2The CONTROL key was pressed.
constSftTreeAltMask4Not used. The ALT key was pressed.


The zero-based index of the item being edited. The combination of EditIndex and EditCol describes an individual cell.


The zero-based column number. The combination of EditIndex and EditCol describes an individual cell.


The EditNavigating event occurs when a key has been intercepted which is used for navigation during cell editing.

The CellEditIntercept method defines keystrokes to be intercepted during cell editing using the EditNavigating event. Only navigation keys should be intercepted. Other keys can be handled in the control's own event handlers (KeyDown/KeyPress/KeyUp events).

An application can handle a key by calling EndEdit to end cell editing of the current cell, followed by a call to Cell.Edit for the new cell to be edited.



            Combo1.Height = e.heightPix
            Combo1.Enabled = True
            Combo1.Visible = True
            Combo1.DroppedDown = True
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub AxSftTree1_EditNavigating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxSftTreeLib75._DSftTreeEvents_EditNavigatingEvent) Handles AxSftTree1.EditNavigating
        ' Process key pressed
        AxSftTree1.EditNavigate(e.key, e.shift)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AxSftTree1_EditValidate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxSftTreeLib75._DSftTreeEvents_EditValidateEvent) Handles AxSftTree1.EditValidate
        ' Validate the new cell contents
        Dim S As String


        ' Combo1.Height = HeightPix * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY ' can't set height of a combo box
        Combo1.Enabled = True
        Combo1.Visible = True
        SendMessage Window, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, 1, 0
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SftTree1_EditNavigating(ByVal Key As Long, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal ItemIndex As Long, ByVal ColIndex As Integer)
    ' Process key pressed
    SftTree1.EditNavigate Key, Shift
End Sub

Private Sub SftTree1_EditValidate(ByVal Window As stdole.OLE_HANDLE, ByVal vData As Variant, ByVal EditIndex As Long, ByVal EditCol As Integer, InputValid As Boolean)
    ' Validate the new cell contents
    Dim S As String


                Combo1.Height = e.heightPix;
                Combo1.Enabled = true;
                Combo1.Visible = true;
                Combo1.DroppedDown = true;

        private void axSftTree1_EditNavigating(object sender, AxSftTreeLib75._DSftTreeEvents_EditNavigatingEvent e) {
            // Process key pressed
            axSftTree1.EditNavigate(e.key, e.shift);

        private void axSftTree1_EditValidate(object sender, AxSftTreeLib75._DSftTreeEvents_EditValidateEvent e) {
            // Validate the new cell contents
            string s;


        m_Combo1.MoveWindow(LeftPix, TopPix, WidthPix, HeightPix, TRUE);

void CCellEditingDlg::OnEditNavigatingSftTree1(long Key, short Shift, long ItemIndex, short ColIndex)
    // Process key pressed
    m_vTree->EditNavigate(Key, Shift);

void CCellEditingDlg::OnEditValidateSftTree1(long Window, const VARIANT FAR& vData, long EditIndex, short EditCol, BOOL FAR* InputValid)

See Also SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.