
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - ActiveX Tree Control


SetCellPictureImage Method, VirtualItem Object

Defines the graphic displayed as the item's cell graphic.

Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use VirtualItem.Item.Cell.Image.SetImageList instead


VB.NETobject.SetCellPictureImage(ByVal ColIndex As Short, ByVal ImgListObj As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Short)
VBobject.SetCellPictureImage(ByVal ColIndex As Integer, ByVal ImgListObj As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer)
C#.NETvoid object.SetCellPictureImage(short ColIndex, object ImgListObj, short ImgIndex);
VC++HRESULT object->SetCellPictureImage(short ColIndex, LPDISPATCH ImgListObj, short ImgIndex);
CHRESULT object->raw_SetCellPictureImage(short ColIndex, LPDISPATCH ImgListObj, short ImgIndex);


A VirtualItem object.


The zero-based column number. The combination of ColIndex and the VirtualItem event's RowIndex parameter describes an individual cell.


An ImageList control supporting the IImageList interface. This ImageList object contains the graphics used to display the cell's graphic component. May be set to the value Nothing (NULL), which removes the graphic from the cell.


The one-based index of the image in the ImageList control to be used as the cell's graphic component.


Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use VirtualItem.Item.Cell.Image.SetImageList instead

The SetCellPictureImage method defines the graphic displayed as the item's cell graphic.

The VirtualItem.SetCellPictureImage property is used while handling a VirtualItem event to define the graphic displayed as the item's cell graphic. The item is described by the VirtualItem event's RowIndex parameter.

See Also VirtualItem Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.