
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control for Windows Forms


Rows Property, FootersClass Class

Defines the number of rows in the footer area.

Class: FootersClass
Namespace: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET
Assembly: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET


public int Rows { get; set; }
Public Property Rows As Integer


The number of rows.

The default value is 1.


Defines the number of rows in the footer area.

Each row in the column footer area is represented by an item (of type ItemClass) which contains cells.



            // that are located on your system.
            m_PlusImage = Bitmap.FromFile("..\\..\\ExpandableNormal.bmp"); // a small + bitmap
            m_MinusImage = Bitmap.FromFile("..\\..\\CollapsableNormal.bmp"); // a small - bitmap
            Image img = Bitmap.FromFile("..\\..\\test.gif"); // a small sample bitmap

            // Most of this initialization code could be eliminated by designing the control.
            sftTree1.Initializing = true;
            sftTree1.Headers.Rows = 0;
            sftTree1.Footers.Rows = 0;
            sftTree1.Dimensions.LevelIndent = 5; // indent just a few pixels for level 1 items
            sftTree1.TreeLineStyle = TreeLineStyleEnum.None;
            sftTree1.ShowExpandCollapseButtons = ShowExpandCollapseButtonsEnum.None;
            sftTree1.RowHeaders.Width = 0;
            sftTree1.ShowFocusRectangle = false;
            sftTree1.ItemClick += sftTree1_ItemClick;
            sftTree1.ItemDoubleClick += sftTree1_ItemDoubleClick;


    ' a SftTree/NET control named sftTree1.
    ' In addition, adjust the following FromFile methods to use a (small) bitmaps
    ' that are located on your system.
    Dim img As Image = Bitmap.FromFile("..\\..\\test.gif") ' a small sample bitmap

    ' Most of this initialization code could be eliminated by designing the control.
    sftTree1.Initializing = True
    sftTree1.Headers.Rows = 0
    sftTree1.Footers.Rows = 0
    sftTree1.Dimensions.LevelIndent = 5 ' indent just a few pixels for level 1 items
    sftTree1.TreeLineStyle = TreeLineStyleEnum.None
    sftTree1.ShowExpandCollapseButtons = ShowExpandCollapseButtonsEnum.None
    sftTree1.RowHeaders.Width = 0
    sftTree1.ShowFocusRectangle = False
    sftTree1.ToolTip.ShowAlways = True
    sftTree1.ToolTip.Style = ToolTipAppearanceEnum.Balloon

See Also FootersClass Class | Classes | SftTree/NET 2.0