SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftDirectory 3.5 - File/Folder Control (discontinued)
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftOptions 1.0 - Registry/INI Control (discontinued)
SftPrintPreview/OCX 1.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftTabs/NET 6.0 - Tab Control (discontinued)
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control
Positions cell editing on another cell.
Class: SftTree
Namespace: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET
Assembly: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET
public bool EditNavigate( EditNavigateEnum Direction );
Public Function EditNavigate( ByVal Direction As EditNavigateEnum ) As Boolean
The direction.
Returns True if cell editing has been repositioned successfully, otherwise False.
Positions cell editing on another cell.
While cell editing is active, this method can be used to implement cell navigation. The cell currently being edited is ended, the EditValidate event occurs and the next cell in the specified direction is edited.
if (e.Area == Softelvdm.SftTreeNET.ItemClickAreaEnum.CellSel)
e.Cell.Edit(); // Start cell editing
// Handle all the cell navigation for the text box here
private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up) {
e.Handled = true;
} else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) {
e.Handled = true;
} else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left && (e.Modifiers & Keys.Control) != 0) { // Ctrl+Left
e.Handled = true;
If e.Area = ItemClickAreaEnum.CellSel Then
e.Cell.Edit() ' Start cell editing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub textBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles textBox1.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then
e.Handled = True
ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then
e.Handled = True
ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Left And (e.Modifiers And Keys.Control) <> 0 Then ' Ctrl+Left
e.Handled = True
See Also SftTree Class | Classes | SftTree/NET 2.0