
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control for Windows Forms


ArrowLocationEnum Enumeration

Defines the location of the stem of a balloon style tooltip (ToolTipAppearanceEnum.Balloon).

Class: (none)
Namespace: Softelvdm.Controls
Assembly: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET


public enum ArrowLocationEnum;
Public Enum ArrowLocationEnum


TopLeft(not specified)
TopRightThe stem is anchored near the right of the top side of the tooltip window.
RightTopThe stem is anchored near the top of the right side of the tooltip window.
RightBottomThe stem is anchored near the bottom of the right side of the tooltip window.
BottomLeftThe stem is anchored near the right of the bottom side of the tooltip window.
BottomRightThe stem is anchored near the left of the bottom side of the tooltip window.
LeftTopThe stem is anchored near the top of the left side of the tooltip window.
LeftBottomThe stem is anchored near the bottom of the left side of the tooltip window.


Defines the location of the stem of a balloon style tooltip (ToolTipAppearanceEnum.Balloon).

The stem points at the data it references.

See Also | Classes | SftTree/NET 2.0