
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control for Windows Forms


CellBaseClass Class

The CellBaseClass abstract class is the base class for all cells in controls published by Softel vdm, Inc.

Cells, row headers, column headers and column footers are objects derived from the CellBaseClass class.

Cells contain text, images, checkboxes, radiobuttons, progressbars, etc., collectively referred to as "parts".

Namespace: Softelvdm.Controls
Assembly: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET



public abstract class CellBaseClass;
Public MustInherit Class CellBaseClass


This class cannot be instantiated.


PublicAllowMergeFromPreviousDefines whether this cell is eligible to be used for cell merging by the previous adjacent cell.
PublicAllowMergeFromUpperDefines whether this cell is eligible to be used for cell merging by the cell above.
PublicAppearanceDefines the background appearance of the cell.
PublicBackColorDefines the background color of the cell.
PublicBackColorEndDefines the ending background color of the cell, when a gradient fill is used.
PublicBackColorSelectedDefines the background color of the cell, if the cell is selected.
PublicBackColorSelectedEndDefines the ending background color of the cell, if the cell is selected, when a gradient fill is used.
PublicCanMergeWithPreviousReturns whether this cell is empty and can be merged with the previous adjacent cell.
PublicCanMergeWithUpperReturns whether this cell is empty or has the same cell text and can be merged with the cell above.
PublicDimensionsReturns the dimensions of the cell.
PublicEnabledReturns whether this cell is enabled.
PublicEvaluatedAllowMergeFromPreviousReturns whether this cell is eligible to be used for cell merging by the previous adjacent cell.
PublicEvaluatedAllowMergeFromUpperReturns whether this cell is eligible to be used for cell merging by the cell above.
PublicEvaluatedAppearanceReturns the background appearance of the cell.
PublicEvaluatedMergeWithLowerReturns whether this cell is eligible to merge with the cell below.
PublicEvaluatedMergeWithNextReturns whether this cell is eligible to merge with the next adjacent cell.
PublicEvaluatedOrientationReturns the cell parts orientation.
PublicEvaluatedSortIndicatorPositionReturns the sorting indicator position of the cell.
PublicFirstPartReturns the first part object of the cell's parts collection.
PublicForeColorDefines the foreground color of the cell.
PublicForeColorSelectedDefines the foreground color of the cell, if the cell is selected.
PublicImageDefines the image of the first ImagePartClass object found in the cell's parts collection.
PublicImagePartReturns the first ImagePartClass object of the cell's parts collection.
PublicIsEmptyReturns whether this cell is empty.
PublicIsSubordinateReturns whether this cell is part of another cell, due to cell merging.
PublicLowerMainCellReturns the next main cell below the current cell.
PublicLowerSubordinateCellReturns the cell below if the current cell merges into that cell.
PublicMainCellReturns the main cell, if the current cell is part of the main cell due to cell merging.
PublicMergeWithLowerReturns whether this cell is eligible to merge with the cell below.
PublicMergeWithNextReturns whether this cell is eligible to merge with the next adjacent cell.
PublicNextMainCellReturns the next main cell following the current cell.
PublicNextSubordinateCellReturns the following adjacent cell if the current cell merges into that cell.
PublicOrientationDefines the cell parts orientation.
PublicOwningItemReturns the owning item of the cell.
PublicPartsReturns the cell's parts collection.
PublicPreviousMainCellReturns the next main cell preceding the current cell.
PublicRealHeightReturns the physical height of the cell (not considering vertical/horizontal cell merging).
PublicRealWidthReturns the physical width of the cell (not considering vertical/horizontal cell merging).
PublicSortIndicatorPositionDefines the sorting indicator position of the cell.
PublicSortStatusDefines the status of the cell's sorting indicator.
PublicTagObjectDefines application-specific data.
PublicTagObjectsDefines application-specific data.
PublicTagStringDefines an application-specific string.
PublicTextDefines the text of the first TextPartClass object found in the cell's parts collection.
PublicTextPartReturns the first TextPartClass object of the cell's parts collection.
PublicUpperMainCellReturns the next main cell above the current cell.


PublicBestDimensionsCalculates the best dimensions for the current cell.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
ProtectedInherited from System.ObjectFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
PublicGetMainCellReturns the main cell, if the current cell is part of the main cell due to cell merging.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
PublicIsSameTextDetermines whether the same cell text is used in the current cell and the specified cell.
ProtectedInherited from System.ObjectMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
PublicPaintPaints the cell.
PublicStaticInherited from System.ObjectReferenceEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.
PublicInherited from System.ObjectToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
PublicTurnRadioButtonOffTurns all radiobuttons in this cell off.

See Also Classes | SftTree/NET 2.0