
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory Object (ISftDirectory Interface)

The SftDirectory object represents the SftDirectory control. Through its properties, additional objects can be accessed.

_VersionReturns the product's exact version.
AboutBoxDisplays product, contact and copyright information.
ActiveColumnBackColorDefines the background color of the active column.
AppearanceDefines the control's border look.
AutoExpandDragDropDefines whether folders are automatically expanded during drag & drop.
AutoExpandHoverDefines whether folders are automatically expanded when the mouse hovers over a folder.
AutoInitialLoadDefines whether the control's contents are automatically loaded when the control is initially created.
AutoReloadDefines whether the control's contents are automatically updated when folders and their contents change.
AutoSizeColumnsDefines whether the columns are automatically resized optimally when the contents are loaded.
BackColorDefines the background color.
BorderStyleDefines the control's border style.
CanTests whether the specified action is supported by all selected files/folders.
CancelModeCancels current processing modes.
ClearEmpties the control.
ClearSelectionClears all selections.
CollapseAllCollapses all folders (hides child files/folders).
ColumnReturns a SftDirectoryColumn object for a given contents value.
ColumnCountDefines the number of columns.
ColumnEntryReturns a SftDirectoryColumn object for a given column.
ContextMenuDisplays the context menu for the selected file/folder(s).
ControlStyleDefines the control's basic style.
CorrectSelectionsCorrects all selections so only files/folders of one parent folder are selected.
CurrentFolderReturns the SftDirectoryFolder object of the currently selected file/folder.
CustomCodeDefines optional product customization.
DeleteOnCollapseDefines whether files or folders are removed as a parent folder is collapsed.
DirectReturns an ISftDirectoryVTable interface pointer.
DoPerforms the specified action.
DropDownHeightDefines the number of items shown in the dropdown list when used as a combo box.
DropDownWidthDefines the width of the dropdown list (as a percentage of the main width of the control) when used as a combo box.
DropTargetInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
DropTargetOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation.
EnabledDefines whether the control responds to user-generated events.
ErrorWindowDefines the top-level application window for error message reporting.
ExpandButtonsDefines whether expand buttons are shown.
FolderReturns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute path.
FolderCountReturns the total number of files and folders.
FolderListReturns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's index.
FolderUsingIDLReturns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute IDL.
FontDefines the default text font.
ForeColorDefines the foreground color.
ForeColorArchiveReadyDefines the foreground color of files/folders ready to be archived.
ForeColorCompressedDefines the foreground color of compressed files/folders.
ForeColorEncryptedDefines the foreground color of encrypted files/folders.
ForeColorHiddenDefines the foreground color of hidden files/folders.
ForeColorReadOnlyDefines the foreground color of read/only files/folders.
GetDiskspaceDetermines disk space information for a disk volume.
GetDiskspaceFDetermines disk space information for a disk volume.
GetItemIDListFromCSIDLDetermines the file/folder's ITEMIDLIST given a file/folder's system-independent CSIDL.
GetItemIDListParentRetrieves the parent's absolute ITEMIDLIST given an absolute ITEMIDLIST.
GetItemIDListRootRetrieves the root folder's ITEMIDLIST given an absolute ITEMIDLIST.
GetPathFromCSIDLDetermines the actual path given a file/folder's system-independent CSIDL.
GetPathFromItemIDListRetrieves the file/folder's path name given an absolute ITEMIDLIST.
GridStyleDefines the use of grid lines.
HeadersReturns the SftDirectoryHeaders object.
HitTestDetermines the file/folder at the given cursor coordinates.
HitTestPixDetermines the file/folder at the given cursor coordinates.
HotInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
HotInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
HotInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
HotOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
InitialFolderDefines the initially selected file/folder using a path name.
InitialFolderSpecialDefines the initially selected file/folder using a file/folder's system-independent CSIDL.
LicenseReturns the product's license number.
LoadLayoutLoads the column layout and control information from the specified Registry location.
MakeColumnsOptimalResizes all columns to their optimal width.
MatchFileDefines the wildcard pattern a file name has to match in order to be added to the control.
MatchFileRegexpDefines the regular expression a file name has to match in order to be added to the control.
MatchFolderDefines the wildcard pattern a folder name has to match in order to be added to the control.
MatchFolderRegexpDefines the regular expression a folder name has to match in order to be added to the control.
MouseIconDefines a custom mouse icon.
MouseIconHDefines a custom mouse icon using a Windows icon handle.
MousePointerDefines the mouse pointer used.
MultiSelectDefines whether only one or multiple files/folders can be selected at a time.
OLEDragInitiates an OLE drag & drop operation.
OLEDragModeDefines OLE drag support.
OLEDragPixInitiates an OLE drag & drop operation.
OLEDropModeDefines OLE drop support.
OpenFilesDefines whether files are opened when double-clicked.
OutlineStyleDefines the display style of the selection outline.
RefreshRepaints the entire control.
RegistryEntryDefines the Registry location used to load and save layout information.
RegistryLocationDefines the Registry location used to load and save layout information.
ReloadReloads all files/folders.
RenameStyleDefines how files/folders can be renamed.
RightToLeftDefines the display direction and visual appearance on a bidirectional system.
RootFolderReturns the root folder.
SaveLayoutSaves the current column layout and control information to the specified Registry location.
SelectBackColorDefines the background color of selected files/folders when the control has the focus.
SelectBackColorNoFocusDefines the background color of selected files/folders when the control doesn't have the focus.
SelectEnabledItemsOnlyDefines whether only enabled items can be selected by the user using the mouse or keyboard.
SelectForeColorDefines the foreground color of selected files/folders when the control has the focus.
SelectForeColorNoFocusDefines the foreground color of selected files/folders when the control doesn't have the focus.
SelectHotInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectHotInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectHotInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectHotOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item.
SelectInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for selected items.
SelectInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items.
SelectInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items.
SelectionReturns the requested selected file/folder.
SelectionCountReturns the number of selected files/folders.
SelectNoFocusInnerBorderColorDefines the inner border color for selected items when the control does not have the input focus.
SelectNoFocusInnerFill1Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the control does not have the input focus.
SelectNoFocusInnerFill2Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the control does not have the input focus.
SelectNoFocusOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for selected items when the control does not have the input focus.
SelectOutlineBorderColorDefines the outline border color for selected items.
ShellVersionBuildReturns the Shell's build number.
ShellVersionMajorReturns the Shell's major version number.
ShellVersionMinorReturns the Shell's minor version number.
ShowCheckBoxesDefines whether checkboxes are shown.
ShowContextMenuDefines whether the complete context menu is shown when the right mouse button is released or Shift-F10 is pressed.
ShowErrorsDefines whether error messages are displayed.
ShowFilesDefines whether files are displayed.
ShowHiddenFoldersDefines whether hidden (system) files/folders are shown.
ShowImagesDefines whether the file/folder images are displayed.
SizeBoxDefines whether a sizing box is available.
TopMostFolderDefines the topmost folder displayed using a path name.
TopMostFolderIDLDefines the topmost folder displayed using an absolute ITEMIDLIST.
TopMostFolderSpecialDefines the topmost folder displayed using predefined values.
TreeLineStyleDefines the display style of connecting tree lines.
UpChanges the topmost folder to the current topmost folder's parent folder.
UpdateHorizontalScrollbarRecalculates the horizontal scrolling extent for optimal horizontal scrolling.
UseThemesDefines whether Windows themes can be used.
VersionReturns the product's exact version.
WindowReturns the control's window handle.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.