SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftDirectory 3.5 - File/Folder Control (discontinued)
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftOptions 1.0 - Registry/INI Control (discontinued)
SftPrintPreview/OCX 1.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftTabs/NET 6.0 - Tab Control (discontinued)
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control
The SftDirectory object represents the SftDirectory control. Through its properties, additional objects can be accessed.
Property/Method | Description |
_Version | Returns the product's exact version. |
AboutBox | Displays product, contact and copyright information. |
ActiveColumnBackColor | Defines the background color of the active column. |
Appearance | Defines the control's border look. |
AutoExpandDragDrop | Defines whether folders are automatically expanded during drag & drop. |
AutoExpandHover | Defines whether folders are automatically expanded when the mouse hovers over a folder. |
AutoInitialLoad | Defines whether the control's contents are automatically loaded when the control is initially created. |
AutoReload | Defines whether the control's contents are automatically updated when folders and their contents change. |
AutoSizeColumns | Defines whether the columns are automatically resized optimally when the contents are loaded. |
BackColor | Defines the background color. |
BorderStyle | Defines the control's border style. |
Can | Tests whether the specified action is supported by all selected files/folders. |
CancelMode | Cancels current processing modes. |
Clear | Empties the control. |
ClearSelection | Clears all selections. |
CollapseAll | Collapses all folders (hides child files/folders). |
Column | Returns a SftDirectoryColumn object for a given contents value. |
ColumnCount | Defines the number of columns. |
ColumnEntry | Returns a SftDirectoryColumn object for a given column. |
ContextMenu | Displays the context menu for the selected file/folder(s). |
ControlStyle | Defines the control's basic style. |
CorrectSelections | Corrects all selections so only files/folders of one parent folder are selected. |
CurrentFolder | Returns the SftDirectoryFolder object of the currently selected file/folder. |
CustomCode | Defines optional product customization. |
DeleteOnCollapse | Defines whether files or folders are removed as a parent folder is collapsed. |
Direct | Returns an ISftDirectoryVTable interface pointer. |
Do | Performs the specified action. |
DropDownHeight | Defines the number of items shown in the dropdown list when used as a combo box. |
DropDownWidth | Defines the width of the dropdown list (as a percentage of the main width of the control) when used as a combo box. |
DropTargetInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
DropTargetOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for items as drop targets during a drag & drop operation. |
Enabled | Defines whether the control responds to user-generated events. |
ErrorWindow | Defines the top-level application window for error message reporting. |
ExpandButtons | Defines whether expand buttons are shown. |
Folder | Returns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute path. |
FolderCount | Returns the total number of files and folders. |
FolderList | Returns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's index. |
FolderUsingIDL | Returns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute IDL. |
Font | Defines the default text font. |
ForeColor | Defines the foreground color. |
ForeColorArchiveReady | Defines the foreground color of files/folders ready to be archived. |
ForeColorCompressed | Defines the foreground color of compressed files/folders. |
ForeColorEncrypted | Defines the foreground color of encrypted files/folders. |
ForeColorHidden | Defines the foreground color of hidden files/folders. |
ForeColorReadOnly | Defines the foreground color of read/only files/folders. |
GetDiskspace | Determines disk space information for a disk volume. |
GetDiskspaceF | Determines disk space information for a disk volume. |
GetItemIDListFromCSIDL | Determines the file/folder's ITEMIDLIST given a file/folder's system-independent CSIDL. |
GetItemIDListParent | Retrieves the parent's absolute ITEMIDLIST given an absolute ITEMIDLIST. |
GetItemIDListRoot | Retrieves the root folder's ITEMIDLIST given an absolute ITEMIDLIST. |
GetPathFromCSIDL | Determines the actual path given a file/folder's system-independent CSIDL. |
GetPathFromItemIDList | Retrieves the file/folder's path name given an absolute ITEMIDLIST. |
GridStyle | Defines the use of grid lines. |
Headers | Returns the SftDirectoryHeaders object. |
HitTest | Determines the file/folder at the given cursor coordinates. |
HitTestPix | Determines the file/folder at the given cursor coordinates. |
HotInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
HotInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
HotInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
HotOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
InitialFolder | Defines the initially selected file/folder using a path name. |
InitialFolderSpecial | Defines the initially selected file/folder using a file/folder's system-independent CSIDL. |
License | Returns the product's license number. |
LoadLayout | Loads the column layout and control information from the specified Registry location. |
MakeColumnsOptimal | Resizes all columns to their optimal width. |
MatchFile | Defines the wildcard pattern a file name has to match in order to be added to the control. |
MatchFileRegexp | Defines the regular expression a file name has to match in order to be added to the control. |
MatchFolder | Defines the wildcard pattern a folder name has to match in order to be added to the control. |
MatchFolderRegexp | Defines the regular expression a folder name has to match in order to be added to the control. |
MouseIcon | Defines a custom mouse icon. |
MouseIconH | Defines a custom mouse icon using a Windows icon handle. |
MousePointer | Defines the mouse pointer used. |
MultiSelect | Defines whether only one or multiple files/folders can be selected at a time. |
OLEDrag | Initiates an OLE drag & drop operation. |
OLEDragMode | Defines OLE drag support. |
OLEDragPix | Initiates an OLE drag & drop operation. |
OLEDropMode | Defines OLE drop support. |
OpenFiles | Defines whether files are opened when double-clicked. |
OutlineStyle | Defines the display style of the selection outline. |
Refresh | Repaints the entire control. |
RegistryEntry | Defines the Registry location used to load and save layout information. |
RegistryLocation | Defines the Registry location used to load and save layout information. |
Reload | Reloads all files/folders. |
RenameStyle | Defines how files/folders can be renamed. |
RightToLeft | Defines the display direction and visual appearance on a bidirectional system. |
RootFolder | Returns the root folder. |
SaveLayout | Saves the current column layout and control information to the specified Registry location. |
SelectBackColor | Defines the background color of selected files/folders when the control has the focus. |
SelectBackColorNoFocus | Defines the background color of selected files/folders when the control doesn't have the focus. |
SelectEnabledItemsOnly | Defines whether only enabled items can be selected by the user using the mouse or keyboard. |
SelectForeColor | Defines the foreground color of selected files/folders when the control has the focus. |
SelectForeColorNoFocus | Defines the foreground color of selected files/folders when the control doesn't have the focus. |
SelectHotInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectHotInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectHotInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectHotOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for selected items when the mouse cursor is on the item. |
SelectInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for selected items. |
SelectInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items. |
SelectInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items. |
Selection | Returns the requested selected file/folder. |
SelectionCount | Returns the number of selected files/folders. |
SelectNoFocusInnerBorderColor | Defines the inner border color for selected items when the control does not have the input focus. |
SelectNoFocusInnerFill1 | Defines the starting color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the control does not have the input focus. |
SelectNoFocusInnerFill2 | Defines the ending color used to fill the selection outline for selected items when the control does not have the input focus. |
SelectNoFocusOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for selected items when the control does not have the input focus. |
SelectOutlineBorderColor | Defines the outline border color for selected items. |
ShellVersionBuild | Returns the Shell's build number. |
ShellVersionMajor | Returns the Shell's major version number. |
ShellVersionMinor | Returns the Shell's minor version number. |
ShowCheckBoxes | Defines whether checkboxes are shown. |
ShowContextMenu | Defines whether the complete context menu is shown when the right mouse button is released or Shift-F10 is pressed. |
ShowErrors | Defines whether error messages are displayed. |
ShowFiles | Defines whether files are displayed. |
ShowHiddenFolders | Defines whether hidden (system) files/folders are shown. |
ShowImages | Defines whether the file/folder images are displayed. |
SizeBox | Defines whether a sizing box is available. |
TopMostFolder | Defines the topmost folder displayed using a path name. |
TopMostFolderIDL | Defines the topmost folder displayed using an absolute ITEMIDLIST. |
TopMostFolderSpecial | Defines the topmost folder displayed using predefined values. |
TreeLineStyle | Defines the display style of connecting tree lines. |
Up | Changes the topmost folder to the current topmost folder's parent folder. |
UpdateHorizontalScrollbar | Recalculates the horizontal scrolling extent for optimal horizontal scrolling. |
UseThemes | Defines whether Windows themes can be used. |
Version | Returns the product's exact version. |
Window | Returns the control's window handle. |
See Also Object Hierarchy