
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory.MultiSelect Property

Defines whether only one or multiple files/folders can be selected at a time.



VB.NETMode = object.MultiSelect As SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants
VBMode = object.MultiSelect As SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants Mode = object.MultiSelect;
VC++enum SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants Mode = object->MultiSelect;
enum SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants Mode = object->GetMultiSelect();
CHRESULT object->get_MultiSelect(enum SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants* Mode);


VB.NETobject.MultiSelect = Mode As SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants
VBobject.MultiSelect = Mode As SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants object.MultiSelect = Mode;
VC++enum SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants object->MultiSelect = Mode;
void object->PutMultiSelect(enum SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants Mode);
CHRESULT object->put_MultiSelect(enum SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants Mode);


A SftDirectory object.


Defines whether only one or multiple folders can be selected at a time.

selectSftDirectorySingle0Single - Only one folder can be selected at any time.
selectSftDirectoryMultiple1Multiple - One or more folders can be selected at any time.


The MultiSelect property defines whether only one or multiple files/folders can be selected at a time.

Combo box style controls (see ControlStyle property) support single selection only.

The SelectionCount property contains the number of currently selected files/folders. The selected files/folders can be retrieved using the Selection property.



Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ' This sample uses 2 SftDirectory controls
    ' SftDirectory1 allows single selection only
    AxSftDirectory1.MultiSelect = SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants.selectSftDirectorySingle
    ' SftDirectory2 allows multiple selection
    AxSftDirectory2.MultiSelect = SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants.selectSftDirectoryMultiple
End Sub

' This is a button event handler
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    ' Select one file/folder (in a single selection control)
    AxSftDirectory1.get_FolderList(1).Selected = True
    ' Select a few files/folders (in a multiple selection control)
    AxSftDirectory2.get_FolderList(1).Selected = True
    AxSftDirectory2.get_FolderList(3).Selected = True
    AxSftDirectory2.get_FolderList(5).Selected = True


Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' This sample uses 2 SftDirectory controls
    ' SftDirectory1 allows single selection only
    SftDirectory1.MultiSelect = selectSftDirectorySingle
    ' SftDirectory2 allows multiple selection
    SftDirectory2.MultiSelect = selectSftDirectoryMultiple
End Sub

' This is a button event handler
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    ' Select one file/folder (in a single selection control)
    SftDirectory1.FolderList(1).Selected = True
    ' Select a few files/folders (in a multiple selection control)
    SftDirectory2.FolderList(1).Selected = True
    SftDirectory2.FolderList(3).Selected = True
    SftDirectory2.FolderList(5).Selected = True


private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // This sample uses 2 SftDirectory controls
    // SftDirectory1 allows single selection only
    axSftDirectory1.MultiSelect = SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants.selectSftDirectorySingle;
    // SftDirectory2 allows multiple selection
    axSftDirectory2.MultiSelect = SftDirectoryMultiSelectConstants.selectSftDirectoryMultiple;

// This is a button event handler
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Select one file/folder (in a single selection control)
    axSftDirectory1.get_FolderList(1).Selected = true;
    // Select a few files/folders (in a multiple selection control)
    axSftDirectory2.get_FolderList(1).Selected = true;


    SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);            // Set big icon
    SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);        // Set small icon

    m_vDir1 = m_Dir1.GetControlUnknown();
    m_vDir2 = m_Dir2.GetControlUnknown();

    // This sample uses 2 SftDirectory controls
    // SftDirectory1 allows single selection only
    m_vDir1->MultiSelect = selectSftDirectorySingle;
    // SftDirectory2 allows multiple selection
    m_vDir2->MultiSelect = selectSftDirectoryMultiple;

    return TRUE;

// This is a button event handler

See Also SftDirectory Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.