
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory Events

The SftDirectory control generates these events:

CheckBoxClickedA checkbox is clicked.
ContextMenuThe right mouse button is released or Shift-F10 is pressed requesting a context menu.
DragStartingThe beginning of a drag & drop operation has been detected.
FilteringA file/folder is added.
FocusInThe control receives the input focus.
FocusOutThe control loses the input focus.
FolderCollapsedA folder is collapsed.
FolderExpandedA folder is expanded.
FolderImageReadyThe requested file/folder image is available.
HeaderClickedThe left mouse button is pressed on the header.
HeaderDropDownClickedThe left mouse button is pressed on the header's dropdown/filter button.
KeyDownA key is pressed.
KeyPressAn ANSI key is pressed.
KeyUpA key is released.
MouseDblClkA mouse button is double-clicked.
MouseDownA mouse button is pressed.
MouseMoveThe mouse is moved.
MouseUpA mouse button is released.
OLECompleteDragSource object is notified that the OLE drag & drop operation is ending.
OLEDragDropAn object is dropped on the control.
OLEDragOverAn object is dragged over the control.
OLEGiveFeedbackSource object can provide visual feedback during OLE drag & drop.
OLESetDataSource object can provide data and/or data formats.
OLEStartDragSource object is starting an OLE drag & drop operation.
OpeningA file is being opened.
RenamedA file/folder has been renamed.
RenamingA file/folder is being renamed.
SelectionChangeA new file/folder is selected.
SelectionFinalA new file/folder is selected (and remains selected).
ShowingContextMenuThe context menu is about to be shown.
UserContentsA file/folder is added and application-specific contents can be added.
UserPictureA file/folder is added/refreshed and an application-specific image can be defined.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.