
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory.Folder Property

Returns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute path.



VB.NETrefFolderObj = object.get_Folder(ByVal FullPath As String) As SftDirectoryFolder
VBSet refFolderObj = object.Folder(ByVal FullPath As String) As SftDirectoryFolder
C#.NETSftDirectoryFolder refFolderObj = object.get_Folder(string FullPath);
VC++ISftDirectoryFolder* refFolderObj = object->Folder[_bstr_t FullPath];
ISftDirectoryFolder* refFolderObj = object->GetFolder(_bstr_t FullPath);
CHRESULT object->get_Folder(BSTR FullPath, ISftDirectoryFolder** refFolderObj);


A SftDirectory object.


A string value containing the fully qualified path of the folder to return.


Returns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute path.


The Folder property returns a SftDirectoryFolder object given a file/folder's absolute path.

If the specified folder is not already present in the folder list, it is added to the control and all its parent folders are expanded. If the path is only partially valid, all valid initial folders are added and expanded. If the specified path is already present (even if part of a collapsed parent folder), its refFolderObj reference is returned. Parent folders are not expanded.

If the specified path cannot be found, the return value is Nothing (NULL).

The root folder cannot be located using the Folder property.

The FolderUsingIDL property can be used to retrieve a SftDirectoryFolder object given an ITEMIDLIST structure.

See Also SftDirectory Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.