
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory.Reload Method

Reloads all files/folders.


VB.NETobject.Reload(ByVal SyncContents As Boolean, ByVal Depth As Boolean)
VBobject.Reload(ByVal SyncContents As Boolean, ByVal Depth As Boolean)
C#.NETvoid object.Reload(bool SyncContents, bool Depth);
VC++HRESULT object->Reload(VARIANT_BOOL SyncContents, VARIANT_BOOL Depth);
CHRESULT object->raw_Reload(VARIANT_BOOL SyncContents, VARIANT_BOOL Depth);


A SftDirectory object.


Defines how the contents are updated.

TrueThe control's current contents are updated by inserting new files/folders and removing deleted files/folders.
FalseThe control's contents are completely removed and all files/folders are reloaded.


Defines how files/folders are updated.

TrueThe control's current contents are updated by visiting each already loaded file/folder and adding/removing new/deleted files/folders.
FalseThe root folder's contents are updated only. If SyncContents is False, Depth is ignored and the complete contents are reloaded.


The Reload method reloads all files/folders.

By setting SyncContents to True, current content is left unmodified, preserving customizations to files/folders an application has made, such as files/folders' Tag properties. New files/folders are added and folders that no longer exist are removed. Otherwise, if SyncContents is set to False, the control's contents are removed and then reloaded.

One single folder's entries can be reloaded using the file/folder's Folder.Reload method.

An end-user can click F5 to refresh the control contents.



Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    AxSftDirectory1.ColumnCount = 2
    AxSftDirectory1.ShowFiles = False
    AxSftDirectory1.GridStyle = SftDirectoryGridStyleConstants.gridSftDirectoryBoth
    AxSftDirectory1.Headers.Style = SftDirectoryHeadersStyleConstants.headersSftDirectoryButton
    AxSftDirectory1.get_ColumnEntry(0).HeaderText = "Folder"
    AxSftDirectory1.get_ColumnEntry(1).HeaderText = "Full Path"
    AxSftDirectory1.get_ColumnEntry(1).Contents = SftDirectoryContentsConstants.contentsSftDirectoryUser1
    AxSftDirectory1.Reload(False, False)
End Sub

Private Sub AxSftDirectory1_UserContents(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxSftDirectoryLib30._ISftDirectoryEvents_UserContentsEvent) Handles AxSftDirectory1.UserContents
    If e.contents = SftDirectoryContentsConstants.contentsSftDirectoryUser1 Then
        e.userString = e.folder.Path
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()
    SftDirectory1.ColumnCount = 2
    SftDirectory1.ShowFiles = False
    SftDirectory1.GridStyle = gridSftDirectoryBoth
    SftDirectory1.Headers.Style = headersSftDirectoryButton
    SftDirectory1.ColumnEntry(0).HeaderText = "Folder"
    SftDirectory1.ColumnEntry(1).HeaderText = "Full Path"
    SftDirectory1.ColumnEntry(1).Contents = contentsSftDirectoryUser1
    SftDirectory1.Reload False, False
End Sub

Private Sub SftDirectory1_UserContents(ByVal Folder As SftDirectoryLib30.ISftDirectoryFolder, ByVal Contents As SftDirectoryLib30.SftDirectoryContentsConstants, UserString As String)
    If Contents = contentsSftDirectoryUser1 Then
        UserString = Folder.Path
    End If
End Sub


    axSftDirectory1.ColumnCount = 2;
    axSftDirectory1.ShowFiles = false;
    axSftDirectory1.GridStyle = SftDirectoryGridStyleConstants.gridSftDirectoryBoth;
    axSftDirectory1.Headers.Style = SftDirectoryHeadersStyleConstants.headersSftDirectoryButton;
    axSftDirectory1.get_ColumnEntry(0).HeaderText = "Folder";
    axSftDirectory1.get_ColumnEntry(1).HeaderText = "Full Path";
    axSftDirectory1.get_ColumnEntry(1).Contents = SftDirectoryContentsConstants.contentsSftDirectoryUser1;
    axSftDirectory1.Reload(false, false);

private void axSftDirectory1_UserContents(object sender, AxSftDirectoryLib30._ISftDirectoryEvents_UserContentsEvent e)
    if (e.contents == SftDirectoryContentsConstants.contentsSftDirectoryUser1) {
        e.userString = e.folder.Path;


    m_vDir1->ColumnCount = 2;
    m_vDir1->ShowFiles = VARIANT_FALSE;
    m_vDir1->GridStyle = gridSftDirectoryBoth;
    m_vDir1->Headers->Style = headersSftDirectoryButton;
    m_vDir1->ColumnEntry[0]->HeaderText = _T("Folder");
    m_vDir1->ColumnEntry[1]->HeaderText = _T("Full Path");
    m_vDir1->ColumnEntry[1]->Contents = contentsSftDirectoryUser1;

    return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control

void CUserContentsDlg::OnUserContentsSftDirectory1(LPDISPATCH Folder, long Contents, BSTR FAR* UserString)
    ISftDirectoryFolderPtr pFolder = Folder;

See Also SftDirectory Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.