
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory.RenameStyle Property

Defines how files/folders can be renamed.



VB.NETStyle = object.RenameStyle As SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants
VBStyle = object.RenameStyle As SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants Style = object.RenameStyle;
VC++enum SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants Style = object->RenameStyle;
enum SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants Style = object->GetRenameStyle();
CHRESULT object->get_RenameStyle(enum SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants* Style);


VB.NETobject.RenameStyle = Style As SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants
VBobject.RenameStyle = Style As SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants object.RenameStyle = Style;
VC++enum SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants object->RenameStyle = Style;
void object->PutRenameStyle(enum SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants Style);
CHRESULT object->put_RenameStyle(enum SftDirectoryRenameStyleConstants Style);


A SftDirectory object.

Defines how files/folders can be renamed.

renameSftDirectoryNone0None - Files/folders cannot be renamed by the end-user.
renameSftDirectoryMenu1Menu Only - Files/folders can be renamed by the end-user by accessing a context menu's Rename command. The ShowContextMenu property must be used to enable context menus or the ContextMenu method can be used to display the context menu.
renameSftDirectoryEdit2Edit Only - Files/folders can be renamed by the end-user by clicking on the file/folder name, which displays an edit control allowing modification of the name.
renameSftDirectoryAll3All - Both menu and edit methods are available to the end-user to rename files/folders.


The RenameStyle property defines how files/folders can be renamed.

The RenameStyle affects the end-users ability to rename files/folders using the context menu or by clicking on a file/folder name. An application can always rename files/folders using the Folder.Do command or the Folder.Rename command.

Renaming files/folders is not possible with combo box style controls (see ControlStyle property) and the RenameStyle property has no effect.

See Also SftDirectory Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.