
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory.ControlStyle Property

Defines the control's basic style.



VB.NETStyle = object.ControlStyle As SftDirectoryStyleConstants
VBStyle = object.ControlStyle As SftDirectoryStyleConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryStyleConstants Style = object.ControlStyle;
VC++enum SftDirectoryStyleConstants Style = object->ControlStyle;
enum SftDirectoryStyleConstants Style = object->GetControlStyle();
CHRESULT object->get_ControlStyle(enum SftDirectoryStyleConstants* Style);


VB.NETobject.ControlStyle = Style As SftDirectoryStyleConstants
VBobject.ControlStyle = Style As SftDirectoryStyleConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryStyleConstants object.ControlStyle = Style;
VC++enum SftDirectoryStyleConstants object->ControlStyle = Style;
void object->PutControlStyle(enum SftDirectoryStyleConstants Style);
CHRESULT object->put_ControlStyle(enum SftDirectoryStyleConstants Style);


A SftDirectory object.


Defines the control's basic style.

styleSftDirectoryTreeView0TreeView-Style TreeView displaying a hierarchical list of folders - supports multiple columns and single/multiple selection
styleSftDirectoryDetailList1DetailList-Style Flat list of folders - supports multiple columns and single/multiple selection
styleSftDirectoryComboBoxTreeView2ComboBox TreeView-Style Combo box displaying a hierarchical list of folders - supports multiple columns and single selection
styleSftDirectoryComboBoxDetailList3ComboBox DetailList-Style Combo box displaying a flat list of folders - supports multiple columns and single selection


The ControlStyle property defines the control's basic style.

All controls styles support multiple columns and most other properties. The combo box styles (styleSftDirectoryComboBoxTreeView and styleSftDirectoryComboBoxDetailList) however do not support multiple selection and the MultiSelect property is ignored.

The QuickSetup property page can be used to choose one of the predefined controls, which can be further refined by modifying the control's properties.

OLE drag & drop is not supported with combo box style controls.

See Also SftDirectory Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.