
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


DataObject.Files Property

Returns a collection of filenames used by the sftCFFiles format.



VB.NETFiles = object.Files As DataObjectFiles
VBSet Files = object.Files As DataObjectFiles
C#.NETDataObjectFiles Files = object.Files;
VC++IVDMDataObjectFiles* Files = object->Files;
IVDMDataObjectFiles* Files = object->GetFiles();
CHRESULT object->get_Files(struct IVDMDataObjectFiles** Files);


A DataObject object.


Returns a collection of filenames used by the sftCFFiles format.


The Files property returns a collection of filenames used by the sftCFFiles format.

The Files collection is filled with file names only when the DataObject object contains data of type sftCFFiles. The DataObject object can contain several different types of data. You can iterate through the Item property to retrieve the list of file names.

The Files collection can be filled to allow an application to act as a drag source for a list of files (similar to Windows Explorer).



Private Sub AxSftDirectory1_OLEDragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxSftDirectoryLib30._ISftDirectoryEvents_OLEDragDropEvent) Handles AxSftDirectory1.OLEDragDrop
    ' make sure the control doesn't perform its usual default handling of
    ' the files (copy/move, etc.)
    e.defaultHandling = False

    If e.data.GetFormat(SftOLEClipboardConstants.sftCFFiles) Then
        Dim I As Integer
        For I = 1 To e.data.Files.Count
            MessageBox.Show("""" & e.data.Files(I) & """ being dropped.")
            ' perform your own processing here
        ' some other format
    End If
End Sub


    SftDirectory1.AutoExpandDragDrop = True
End Sub

Private Sub SftDirectory1_OLEDragDrop(Data As SftDirectoryLib30.DataObject, _
        Folder As SftDirectoryLib30.ISftDirectoryFolder, Effect As Long, _
        Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, _
        DefaultHandling As Boolean)
    If Data.GetFormat(sftCFFiles) Then
        For i = 1 To Data.Files.Count
            MsgBox ("""" & Data.Files.Item(i) & """ being dropped.")
            ' perform your own processing here
        ' some other format
    End If
    ' make sure the control doesn't perform its usual default handling of


private void axSftDirectory1_OLEDragDrop(object sender, AxSftDirectoryLib30._ISftDirectoryEvents_OLEDragDropEvent e)
    // make sure the control doesn't perform its usual default handling of
    // the files (copy/move, etc.)
    e.defaultHandling = false;

    if (e.data.GetFormat((short) SftOLEClipboardConstants.sftCFFiles)) {
        for (int i = 0 ; i < e.data.Files.Count ; ++i) {
            MessageBox.Show("\"" + e.data.Files[i+1] + "\" being dropped.");
            // perform your own processing here
    } else {
        // some other format


void COLEDragDlg::OnOLEDragDropSftDirectory1(LPDISPATCH FAR* Data, LPDISPATCH FAR* Folder, long FAR* Effect, short FAR* Button, short FAR* Shift, float FAR* x, float FAR* y, BOOL FAR* DefaultHandling)
    IVDMDataObjectPtr pData(*Data);
    ISftDirectoryFolderPtr pFolder(*Folder);

    if (pData->GetFormat(sftCFFiles)) {
        int i;
        for (i = 1 ; i <= pData->Files->Count ; ++i) {
            CString str;
            CString strName((LPCWSTR)pData->Files->Item[i]);
            str.Format(_T("\"%s\" being dropped."), strName);
            // perform your own processing here
    } else {
        // some other format

See Also DataObject Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.