
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectoryFolder Object (ISftDirectoryFolder Interface)

The SftDirectoryFolder object describes the attributes of one file or folder. The SftDirectoryFolder object can be accessed through the control's Folder property. A control has one SftDirectoryFolder object for each displayed file/folder.

AttributesReturns the file/folder's attributes.
Attributes2Returns the file/folder's attributes.
BackColorDefines the file/folder's background color.
CanTests whether the specified action is supported by the file/folder.
CheckBoxDefines the file/folder's checkbox status.
CollapseCollapses the folder (hides child folders).
ContextMenuDisplays the context menu for this file/folder.
DateAccessedReturns the date and time the file/folder was last accessed.
DateCreatedReturns the date and time the file/folder was created.
DateModifiedReturns the date and time the file/folder was last modified.
DoPerforms the specified action.
DropTargetCreates an IDropTarget interface for the file/folder.
EnabledDefines the file/folder's enabled/disabled status.
EvaluateSubFolderCheckBoxesUpdates the file/folder's checkbox based on all subfolders' checkboxes.
ExpandExpands the folder (shows child folders).
ExpandableReturns whether the folder is expandable.
ExpandedReturns whether the folder is expanded.
FileExtReturns the real file's extension.
FileNameReturns the real file's name (without extension).
FirstSubfolderReturns the folder's first subfolder or file.
FontReturns the file/folder's font.
ForeColorDefines the file/folder's foreground color.
GetImageRetrieves the file/folder's image.
GetTextRetrieves the file/folder's text.
InfoTipReturns the file/folder's info tip text.
IsFileReturns whether the SftDirectoryFolder object represents a real file.
IsFolderReturns whether the SftDirectoryFolder object represents a real folder.
IsLinkReturns whether the SftDirectoryFolder object represents a link.
ItemIDListReturns the file/folder's absolute ITEMIDLIST.
ItemIDListShortReturns the file/folder's relative ITEMIDLIST.
MakeCurrentMakes the file/folder the currently selected file/folder.
MakeVisibleMakes the file/folder visible using vertical scrolling if needed.
NameDefines the file/folder's name (including extension, if any).
NextReturns the file/folder's next file/folder within the same parent folder.
ParentReturns the file/folder's parent folder.
PathDefines the file/folder's full path.
PictureDefines the picture used for the file/folder.
PreviousReturns the file/folder's previous file/folder within the same parent folder.
ReloadReloads the file/folder's contents.
RemoveRemoves the file/folder.
RenameStarts editing so the file/folder can be renamed.
SelectedDefines whether the file/folder is selected.
SetSubFolderCheckBoxesUpdates the subfolders' checkboxes.
SetTextDefines the file/folder's text.
ShellFolderReturns the file/folder's IShellFolder interface.
ShellViewCreates an IShellView interface for the file/folder.
TagDefines the file/folder's application-defined Variant value.
TypeReturns the file/folder's type if available.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.