
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectoryFolder.Attributes Property

Returns the file/folder's attributes.



VB.NETValue = object.Attributes As Integer
VBValue = object.Attributes As Long
C#.NETint Value = object.Attributes;
VC++long Value = object->Attributes;
long Value = object->GetAttributes();
CHRESULT object->get_Attributes(long* Value);


A SftDirectoryFolder object.


Returns the folder's attributes. These are obtained using the Windows Shell IShellFolder interface, GetAttributesOf function. Details about this function can be found in the Windows documentation. The following values are currently defined and can occur in any combination

SFGAO_BROWSABLE</span>0x08000000LCan be browsed in place.
SFGAO_CANCOPY1Can be copied (same value as the DROPEFFECT_COPY flag).
SFGAO_CANDELETE0x00000020LCan be deleted.
SFGAO_CANLINK4Shortcuts can be created.
SFGAO_CANMOVE2Can be moved.
SFGAO_CANRENAME0x00000010LCan be renamed.
SFGAO_DROPTARGET0x00000100LPossible drop target.
SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR0x10000000LThe folder contains one or more file system folders.
SFGAO_FILESYSTEM0x40000000LThe item is part of the file system (that is a file, directory or root directory).
SFGAO_FOLDER0x20000000LThe item is a folder.
SFGAO_GHOSTED0x00008000LThe item should be displayed using a ghosted icon.
SFGAO_HASPROPSHEET0x00000040LHas property sheets.
SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER0x80000000LThe folder may have subfolders and is potentially expandable.
SFGAO_HIDDEN0x00080000LHidden item.
SFGAO_ISSLOW0x00004000LAccessing the object is a slow operation.
SFGAO_LINK0x00010000LItem is a shortcut.
SFGAO_NEWCONTENT0x00200000LContains new content.
SFGAO_REMOVABLE0x02000000LOn removable media.
SFGAO_STORAGE0x00000008LThe item can be bound to an IStorage interface through IShellFolder::BindToObject.
SFGAO_STORAGEANCESTOR0x00800000LChildren of this item may be accessible through IStream or IStorage.
SFGAO_STREAM0x00400000LIndicates that the item has a stream associated with it that can be accessed by a call to IShellFolder::BindToObject.
SFGAO_VALIDATE0x01000000LValidate cached information.

Note: The symbolic names (such as SFGAO_BROWSABLE) are not predefined and have to be defined explicitly by the application or the actual value must be used. C and C++ applications can find these symbols in ShObjIdl.h, which is part of Visual C++ or the Microsoft Platform SDK.


The Attributes property returns the file/folder's attributes.

The Attributes2 property returns additional file/folder attributes.

The IsFile, IsFolder and IsLink properties can be used to determine a file/folder's basic type. For additional information about the file/folder, the Attributes and Attributes2 properties can be used.

See Also SftDirectoryFolder Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.