
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectoryFolder.SetText Method

Defines the file/folder's text.


VB.NETobject.SetText(ByVal ColumnContents As SftDirectoryContentsConstants, ByVal String As String)
VBobject.SetText(ByVal ColumnContents As SftDirectoryContentsConstants, ByVal String As String)
C#.NETvoid object.SetText(SftDirectoryContentsConstants ColumnContents, string String);
VC++HRESULT object->SetText(enum SftDirectoryContentsConstants ColumnContents, _bstr_t String);
CHRESULT object->raw_SetText(enum SftDirectoryContentsConstants ColumnContents, BSTR String);


A SftDirectoryFolder object.


Defines the column contents for which the text should be set.

contentsSftDirectoryName0Name - Simple folder name.
contentsSftDirectorySize1Size - The file size, if available.
contentsSftDirectoryType2Type - The type of the folder as defined by the Windows Shell, if available.
contentsSftDirectoryDateMod3Date Modified - The date the folder was last modified, if available.
contentsSftDirectoryDateCre4Date Created - The date the folder was last modified, if available. The DateCreated property also returns the date and time the folder was created.
contentsSftDirectoryDateAcc5Date Accessed - The date the folder was last accessed, if available. The DateAccessed property also returns the date and time the folder was last accessed.
contentsSftDirectoryAttributes6Attributes - The attributes of the folder: 'A' - Folders ready to be archived, 'H' - hidden, 'C' - compressed, 'E' - encrypted folders. The Attributes property also returns the folder's attributes.
contentsSftDirectoryUser151User defined 1 - User-defined contents are added while the control's contents are added using the UserContents event.
contentsSftDirectoryUser252User defined 2.
contentsSftDirectoryUser353User defined 3.
contentsSftDirectoryUser454User defined 4.
contentsSftDirectoryUser555User defined 5.
contentsSftDirectoryUser656User defined 6.
contentsSftDirectoryUser757User defined 7.
contentsSftDirectoryUser858User defined 8.
contentsSftDirectoryUser959User defined 9.


Defines the folder's text.


The SetText method defines the file/folder's text.

The text can only be updated if a column with the specified contents has been defined. Only the control contents are modified for display purposes. The actual folder is not modified.

See Also SftDirectoryFolder Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.