
SftDirectory 3.5 - ActiveX File/Folder Control


SftDirectory.OutlineStyle Property

Defines the display style of the selection outline.



VB.NETStyle = object.OutlineStyle As SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants
VBStyle = object.OutlineStyle As SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants Style = object.OutlineStyle;
VC++enum SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants Style = object->OutlineStyle;
enum SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants Style = object->GetOutlineStyle();
CHRESULT object->get_OutlineStyle(enum SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants* Style);


VB.NETobject.OutlineStyle = Style As SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants
VBobject.OutlineStyle = Style As SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants
C#.NETSftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants object.OutlineStyle = Style;
VC++enum SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants object->OutlineStyle = Style;
void object->PutOutlineStyle(enum SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants Style);
CHRESULT object->put_OutlineStyle(enum SftDirectoryOutlineStyleConstants Style);


A SftDirectory object.


Defines the display style of the selection outline.

OutlineStyleSftDirectoryRect0Rectangle - The selection is rendered using a rectangle. The colors used for the selection rectangle are based on the definitions for selected items (SelectBackColor, SelectBackColorNoFocus). An item highlighted due to flyby highlighting is rendered by underlining the cell text.
OutlineStyleSftDirectoryRectGradient1Rectangle with borders and gradient fill - The selection is rendered using a rounded rectangle, with a gradient fill. The colors used for the selection outline are defined using the SelectOutlineBorderColor, SelectInnerBorderColor, SelectInnerFill1, SelectInnerFill2 or SelectNoFocusOutlineBorderColor, SelectNoFocusInnerBorderColor, SelectNoFocusInnerFill1, SelectNoFocusInnerFill2 properties. The selection outline of items highlighted due to flyby highlighting is rendered using the colors SelectHotOutlineBorderColor, SelectHotInnerBorderColor, SelectHotInnerFill1 and SelectHotInnerFill2 or HotOutlineBorderColor, HotInnerBorderColor, HotInnerFill1 and HotInnerFill2. The selection outline of items as drop targets is rendered using the colors DropTargetOutlineBorderColor, DropTargetInnerBorderColor, DropTargetInnerFill1 and DropTargetInnerFill2.


The OutlineStyle property defines the display style of the selection outline.

See Also SftDirectory Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
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