
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control for Windows Forms


ButtonLookEnum Enumeration

Defines the appearance of expand/collapse buttons.

Class: (none)
Namespace: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET
Assembly: Softelvdm.SftTreeNET


public enum ButtonLookEnum;
Public Enum ButtonLookEnum


SystemThe expand/collapse buttons have an appearance that mimics the current operating system, but does not use themes, even if these are enabled by the operating system.
SimpleThe expand/collapse buttons use a predefined, simple appearance, similar to expand/collapse buttons used on non-themed versions of Windows.
ThemedAppearanceXPThe expand/collapse buttons emulate an appearance that mimics Windows XP themes, even on operating systems that do not offer themes.
ThemedAppearanceVistaThe expand/collapse buttons emulate an appearance that mimics Windows Vista themes, even on operating systems that do not offer themes.
ThemedSystemThe expand/collapse buttons have an appearance that mimics the current operating system. For example, on Windows XP (and above), Windows themes would be used if these are enabled by the operating system.
CustomThe expand/collapse buttons use application-defined images and attributes defined using the SftTree.Buttons property.


Defines the appearance of expand/collapse buttons.

See Also | Classes | SftTree/NET 2.0