SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftDirectory 3.5 - File/Folder Control (discontinued)
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftOptions 1.0 - Registry/INI Control (discontinued)
SftPrintPreview/OCX 1.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftTabs/NET 6.0 - Tab Control (discontinued)
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control
A mouse button is double-clicked.
VB.NET | Private Sub object_ItemDblClk(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgumentType) Handles object.ItemDblClk |
VB | Private Sub object_ItemDblClk(ByVal Part As SftBoxPortionConstants, ByVal AreaType As SftBoxAreaConstants, ByVal ItemIndex As Long, ByVal ColNum As Integer, ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) |
C#.NET | void object_ItemDblClk(object sender, EventArgumentType e); |
VC++ | void OnItemDblClkobject(enum SftBoxPortionConstants Part, enum SftBoxAreaConstants AreaType, long ItemIndex, short ColNum, short Button, short Shift); |
C | HRESULT OnItemDblClkobject(enum SftBoxPortionConstants Part, enum SftBoxAreaConstants AreaType, long ItemIndex, short ColNum, short Button, short Shift); |
Describes in which part of the combo box the operation has been detected.
Part | Value | Description |
partSftBoxStatic | 1 | Static portion |
partSftBoxEdit | 2 | Edit control portion |
partSftBoxDropDown | 3 | Drop down portion |
Describes the area where the mouse button was double clicked.
AreaType | Value | Description |
areaSftBoxLabel | 0 | The label picture was double clicked. ItemIndex has the item's index. ColNum is undefined. |
areaSftBoxTree | 1 | The area where tree lines are shown was double clicked. ItemIndex has the item's index. ColNum is undefined. |
areaSftBoxItem <sup>1)</sup> | 2 | The item picture was double clicked. ItemIndex has the item's index. ColNum is undefined. |
areaSftBoxCell <sup>1)</sup> | 3 | A cell was double clicked. ItemIndex and ColNum describe the cell. |
areaSftBoxColumn | 4 | A column header was double clicked. ColNum has the column number. ItemIndex is undefined. |
areaSftBoxRowCol | 5 | The row/column header was double clicked. ItemIndex and ColNum are undefined. |
areaSftBoxRow | 6 | A row header was double clicked. ItemIndex has the item's index. ColNum is undefined. |
areaSftBoxColumnRes | 7 | A column header was double clicked in the column resizing area. ColNum has the column number. ItemIndex is undefined. |
areaSftBoxButton <sup>1)</sup> | 9 | The mouse button was double clicked on the expand/collapse button. ColNum is undefined. |
areaSftBoxStatic | 15 | The static portion was double clicked. ItemIndex and ColNum describe the cell. |
The zero-based index of the item or undefined depending on AreaType.
The zero-based column number where the operation has been detected or undefined depending on AreaType.
Describes the button(s) that are pressed. The Button argument is a bit field with bits corresponding to the left button, right button and middle button. These bits correspond to the values shown below. The bits set indicate the button that caused the event.
Button | Value | Description |
constSftBoxLeftButton | 1 | The left mouse button was pressed. |
constSftBoxRightButton | 2 | The middle mouse button was pressed. |
constSftBoxMiddleButton | 4 | The right mouse button was pressed. |
Describes the state of the SHIFT, CONTROL and ALT keys. A bit is set if the key is down. The Shift argument is a bit field with bits corresponding to the SHIFT, CONTROL and ALT keys. It indicates the state of these keys. Some, all, or none of the bits can be set, indicating which of the keys are pressed.
Shift | Value | Description |
constSftBoxShiftMask | 1 | The SHIFT key is down. |
constSftBoxCtrlMask | 2 | The CONTROL key is down. |
constSftBoxAltMask | 4 | The ALT key is down. |
The ItemDblClk event occurs when a mouse button is double-clicked.
<sup>1)</sup> If the AutoRespond property is set to True, the areas areaSftBoxButton, areaSftBoxItem and areaSftBoxCell do not generate an ItemClick event for the left mouse button. The combo box control responds by expanding/collapsing the items automatically. The middle and right mouse buttons still generate the event in those areas.
Double click events in the drop down portion only occur in a simple combo box or if during the preceding ItemClick event the DropDown.Suppress method was used to suppress showing/hiding the drop down portion. Drop down and drop down list combo boxes usually hide the drop down portion in response to the first mouse click, so a double click is not possible, unless the DropDown.Suppress method is used.
Once an ItemClick or ItemDblClk event is processed, the drop down portion may automatically become visible or may be hidden in response. This default action is built into the control. It is possible to suppress the default response by using the DropDown.Suppress method while handling the ItemClick or ItemDblClk event.
The edit control portion does not generate an ItemDblClk event. The MouseDblClk event can be used instead.
An ItemClick event always precedes the ItemDblClk event.
Case SftBoxAreaConstants.areaSftBoxButton If e.part = SftBoxPortionConstants.partSftBoxDropDown Then AxSftBox1.DropDown.Suppress() ' Make sure we don't close the drop down End If ExpandCollapseItem(e.itemIndex, e.shift) End Select End Sub Private Sub AxSftBox1_ItemDblClk(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxSftBoxLib50._ISftBoxEvents_ItemDblClkEvent) Handles AxSftBox1.ItemDblClk Select Case e.areaType Case SftBoxAreaConstants.areaSftBoxColumnRes AxSftBox1.get_Column(e.colNum).MakeOptimal(0) ' Make column width optimal AxSftBox1.Items.RecalcHorizontalExtent(0) ' Update horizontal scroll bar Case SftBoxAreaConstants.areaSftBoxColumn If e.colNum = 0 Then SetSortDirection(Not m_SortDirection)
If Part = partSftBoxDropDown Then SftBox1.DropDown.Suppress ' Make sure we don't close the drop down ToggleImage SftBox1.Item(ItemIndex).LabelImage Case areaSftBoxButton If Part = partSftBoxDropDown Then SftBox1.DropDown.Suppress ' Make sure we don't close the drop down ExpandCollapseItem ItemIndex, Shift End Select End Sub Private Sub SftBox1_ItemDblClk(ByVal Part As SftBoxLib50.SftBoxPortionConstants, ByVal AreaType As SftBoxLib50.SftBoxAreaConstants, ByVal ItemIndex As Long, ByVal ColNum As Integer, ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer) Select Case AreaType Case areaSftBoxColumnRes SftBox1.Column(ColNum).MakeOptimal 0 ' Make column width optimal SftBox1.Items.RecalcHorizontalExtent 0 ' Update horizontal scroll bar Case areaSftBoxColumn If ColNum = 0 Then SetSortDirection Not SortDirection
case SftBoxAreaConstants.areaSftBoxButton: if (e.part == SftBoxPortionConstants.partSftBoxDropDown) axSftBox1.DropDown.Suppress(); // Make sure we don't close the drop down ExpandCollapseItem(e.itemIndex, e.shift); break; } } private void axSftBox1_ItemDblClk(object sender, AxSftBoxLib50._ISftBoxEvents_ItemDblClkEvent e) { switch (e.areaType) { case SftBoxAreaConstants.areaSftBoxColumnRes: axSftBox1.get_Column(e.colNum).MakeOptimal(0); // Make column width optimal axSftBox1.Items.RecalcHorizontalExtent(0); // Update horizontal scroll bar break; case SftBoxAreaConstants.areaSftBoxColumn:
case areaSftBoxButton: if (Part == partSftBoxDropDown) m_vBox->DropDown->Suppress(); // Make sure we don't close the drop down ExpandCollapseItem(ItemIndex, Shift); break; } } void CPicturesDlg::OnItemDblClkSftBox1(long Part, long AreaType, long ItemIndex, short ColNum, short Button, short Shift) { switch (AreaType) { case areaSftBoxColumnRes: m_vBox->Column[ColNum]->MakeOptimal(0); // Make column width optimal m_vBox->Items->RecalcHorizontalExtent(0); // Update horizontal scroll bar break; case areaSftBoxColumn:
See Also SftBox Object | Object Hierarchy