
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control



Using the Columns.Count property, a single or multiple columns can be defined, each with its individual text alignment (Column.CellHAlign and Column.CellVAlign). A combo box control can also define a header with titles, each with its individual text alignment (Header.Text and Header.Align).

Users can reorder and resize columns (see Headers.Reorderable and Headers.Resizable).

The last displayed column can be defined as an open-ended column or as a fixed width column (Columns.OpenEnded).

SftBox/OCX offers the Columns.MakeOptimal and Column.MakeOptimal method which will optimally resize columns so cell and header contents are not clipped horizontally.

Each SftBoxColumn object represents one column in a SftBox/OCX control. A SftBoxColumn object for a particular column can be accessed through the control's Column property.

The SftBoxColumns object describes all columns and their (default) attributes. The SftBoxColumns object can be accessed through the control's Columns property. A control has only one SftBoxColumns object.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
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