
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control



The SftBox/OCX control generates these events:

ColumnSizeThe user is resizing the columns.
ColumnSizeEndedThe user has stopped resizing the columns.
ColumnSizeStartedThe user is about to resize the columns.
ColumnsReorderedThe user is reordering the columns.
ContextMenuThe right mouse button is released or Shift-F10 is pressed requesting a context menu.
DragStartingThe user is initiating an OLE drag & drop operation.
EditChangeThe edit control portion has changed.
EditUpdateThe edit control portion has changed and is about to be redrawn.
FocusInThe control receives the input focus.
FocusOutThe control loses the input focus.
ItemClickA mouse button is clicked.
ItemCollapsedAn item has been collapsed.
ItemDblClkA mouse button is double-clicked.
ItemDeletedAn item is deleted.
ItemExpandedAn item has been expanded.
KeyDownA key is pressed.
KeyPressAn ANSI key is pressed.
KeyUpA key is released.
MouseDblClkA mouse button is double-clicked.
MouseDownA mouse button is pressed.
MouseMoveThe mouse is moved.
MouseUpA mouse button is released.
OffsetChangeThe horizontal scrolling offset changes.
OLECompleteDragSource object is notified that the OLE drag & drop operation is ending.
OLEDragDropAn object is dropped on the control.
OLEDragOverAn object is dragged over the control.
OLEGiveFeedbackSource object can provide visual feedback during OLE drag & drop.
OLESetDataSource object can provide data and/or data formats.
OLEStartDragSource object is starting an OLE drag & drop operation.
SelectionAcceptThe current selection is accepted (permanently).
SelectionCancelThe current selection is cancelled.
SelectionChangeThe current selection is changing.
ShowingThe drop down portion is rolling up/down.
SizeBoxChangeThe user resized the drop down portion using the size box.
SizeChangeThe control's size has changed.
SortCompareTwo items are compared for sorting purposes.
ToolTipCellA cell ToolTip is about to be displayed.
ToolTipColumnA column header ToolTip is about to be displayed.
ToolTipVScrollA ScrollTip is about to be displayed.
TopChangeThe control is scrolled vertically.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2024 Softel vdm, Inc.