
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


Keyboard & Mouse Interface

Masked Edit Control - Keys
+ - * /These characters will invoke the popup calculator if entered in a numeric field which defines a popup calculator.
Alt+Down ArrowIf the caret location is in a date field and the control has a calendar drop down button (see EditStyle property), the popup calendar is made visible.
BackspaceDeletes the current selection (if any) and moves the caret location one position to the left.
Control+CThe currently selected text is copied to the clipboard.
Control+EndMoves the caret location to the last position.
Control+Left ArrowMoves the caret location to the left, stopping after the next encountered group of literals.
Control+Right ArrowMoves the caret location to the right, stopping after the next encountered group of literals.
Control+UThe last action is undone.
Down ArrowIf the caret location is in a numeric input field and the control has up/down buttons, the field value is decremented and/or the UpDownPress and UpDownHandled events occur. If autocomplete entries are available for display, the list of autocomplete entries is displayed (AutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend) or the first matching saved entry is used to complete the current input (AutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskAppend). Otherwise the down arrow key acts like the right arrow key.
EndMoves the caret location beyond the last position where data can be entered.
F4The F4 key is only used if the AllowF4 property is set to True. If the caret location is in a date field and the control has a calendar drop down button (see EditStyle property), the popup calendar is made visible. If a popup calendar or the autocomplete window is active, it is closed.
HomeMoves the caret location to the first position where data can be entered.
InsertToggles between insert and overtype mode (based on InputMode property)
Left ArrowMoves the caret location one position to the left.
Right ArrowMoves the caret location one position to the right.
Shift+The Shift key combined with arrow keys, Home or End keys will extend/shrink the selection as the action defined by the additional key is performed.
Control+XThe currently selected text is copied to the clipboard and the selection is deleted.
Shift+F10A popup menu is displayed allowing the user to select cut/paste and undo operations.
Control+VThe contents of the clipboard are copied into the control at the caret location, replacing the current selection (if any).
Shift+TabThe Tab key can only be used if the TabAdvance property is set to True, in which case Shift+Tab is equivalent to Control+Left arrow. If the caret location is at the first position, the container application can handle the key, which usually results in the previous control on the form/dialog to receive the input focus. The correct operation of this function depends on the container application to provide this functionality and may not be available in all environments. If TabAdvance is set to False, the Masked Edit control does not handle the Tab key and the container application can handle the key, which usually results in the previous control on the form/dialog to receive the input focus.
TabThe Tab key can only be used if the TabAdvance property is set to True, in which case the Tab key is equivalent to Control+Right arrow. If the caret location is at the last position, the container application can handle the key, which usually results in the next control on the form/dialog to receive the input focus. The correct operation of this function depends on the container application to provide this functionality and may not be available in all environments. If TabAdvance is set to False, the Masked Edit control does not handle the Tab key and the container application can handle the key, which usually results in the next control on the form/dialog to receive the input focus.
Typed CharactersThese are processed as defined by the Mask property. If a character is typed that is not allowable, the ValidationError event occurs.
Up ArrowIf the caret location is in a numeric input field and the control has up/down buttons, the field value is incremented and/or the UpDownPress and UpDownHandled events occur. If autocomplete entries are available for display, the list of autocomplete entries is displayed (AutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend) or the last matching saved entry is used to complete the current input (Mode = autocompleteSftMaskAppend).
Masked Edit Control - Mouse
Left Mouse ButtonWhen clicking on the Masked Edit control, the selection behavior is defined using the EntrySelectMouse and EntrySelect properties. When clicking on the text of the Masked Edit control, the caret location is changed. If the left mouse button is pressed on the portion of the text that is selected, an OLE drag & drop operation is started (based on the OLEDragMode settings). When double-clicking on the text of the Masked Edit control, the selection is extended, stopping at the next literal or blank in either direction. When double-clicking on the text of the Masked Edit control and autocomplete entries are available for display, the list of autocomplete entries is displayed (Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend).
Right Mouse ButtonUsing the right mouse button, a popup menu is displayed allowing the user to select cut/paste and undo operations.
Mouse MovementIf OLE drag & drop is enabled (see OLEDragMode), an arrow is used as mouse pointer when the cursor is on the selected (highlighted) text indicating that dragging is possible. Otherwise an I-beam is shown. If the Masked Edit control does not have the input focus and the mouse cursor is moved into the Masked Edit control, the editable text is displayed (replacing the formatted field values and replacing any text that is defined using the FormattedText property). Once the mouse cursor leaves the Masked Edit control, the formatted text is restored. If the Masked Edit control has the input focus, mouse movement has no noticeable effect (other than the modification of the mouse pointer displayed).
Popup Calculator - Keys
+ - * /The current number is saved as the current total and a new number can be entered which will be added to the current total (+), subtracted from the current total (-), multiplied by the current total (*) or the total will be divided by the number (/).
=The new total is saved.
0 - 9 .These are inserted into the current number.
CThe current number is cleared.
EnterThe new total is saved, the popup calculator is closed and the total is inserted into the Masked Edit control field.
EscapeThe popup calculator is closed. The contents of the Masked Edit control field remain unchanged.
OtherThe edit control used to enter the current number accepts keystrokes as defined valid for a Masked Edit control.
Shift+TabThe new total is saved, the popup calculator is closed and the total is inserted into the Masked Edit control field. The correct operation of this function depends on the container application to provide this functionality and may not be available in all environments.
TabThe new total is saved, the popup calculator is closed and the total is inserted into the Masked Edit control field. The correct operation of this function depends on the container application to provide this functionality and may not be available in all environments.
PgDnThe following entries are displayed, if the list of entries is scrollable (see Calculator.VisibleLines).
PgUpThe previous entries are displayed, if the list of entries is scrollable (see Calculator.VisibleLines).
Down ArrowThe list of entries is scrolled down, if the list of entries is scrollable (see Calculator.VisibleLines).
Up ArrowThe list of entries is scrolled up, if the list of entries is scrollable (see Calculator.VisibleLines).
Popup Calculator - Mouse
ScrollbarClicking on the scrollbar if available (see Calculator.VisibleLines) will scroll the list of calculator entries. Otherwise, no mouse events are handled. If the user clicks outside of the popup calculator the new total is saved, the popup calculator is closed and the total is inserted into the Masked Edit control field.
Popup Calendar - Keys
Arrow KeysThe day in the given direction is selected.
Control+PgDnThe next year is displayed and the equivalent day/month is selected.
Control+PgUpThe previous year is displayed and the equivalent day/month is selected.
EndThe last day of the current month is selected.
EnterThe selected date is saved, the popup calendar is closed and the new date is inserted into the Masked Edit control field(s).
EscapeThe popup calendar is closed. The contents of the Masked Edit control field(s) remain unchanged.
HomeThe first day of the current month is selected.
PgDnThe next month is displayed and the equivalent day is selected.
PgUpThe previous month is displayed and the equivalent day is selected.
Popup Calendar - Mouse
Left Mouse ButtonClicking on the month name displayed in the calendar's title area, a popup menu is displayed from which a new month can be selected which is then displayed. Clicking on the year displayed in the calendar's title area, up/down buttons are displayed to select a new year, which is then displayed. Keyboard input is not possible to enter a new year. The buttons displayed in the calendar's title area can be clicked to move to the previous/next year. Clicking on a day selects that day. Depending on the Calculator.SingleClickClose property, the calendar is closed and the new date is inserted into the Masked Edit control field(s). Double-clicking on a day of the current month displayed selects that day, closes the calendar and the new date is inserted into the Masked Edit control field(s).
AutoComplete - Keys
Down ArrowAutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend: If the drop down suggestion list is shown, the next entry in the list is selected. AutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskAppend: The next matching saved entry is used to complete the current input.
Up ArrowAutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend: If the drop down suggestion list is shown, the previous entry in the list is selected. AutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskAppend: The previous matching saved entry is used to complete the current input.
PgDnAutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend: If the drop down suggestion list is shown, the next set of entries in the list is displayed.
PgUpAutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend: If the drop down suggestion list is shown, the previous set of entries in the list is displayed.
AutoComplete - Mouse
Left Mouse ButtonAutoComplete.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest or autocompleteSftMaskSuggestAppend: If the drop down suggestion list is shown, clicking on an entry will select and accept the entry, update the control contents and close the drop down list window. Using the left mouse button, the drop down list can be resized by dragging the resizing box in the bottom right corner of the window.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.