SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftPrintPreview/DLL 2.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control
SftDirectory 3.5 - File/Folder Control (discontinued)
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - Masked Edit Control
SftOptions 1.0 - Registry/INI Control (discontinued)
SftPrintPreview/OCX 1.0 - Print Preview Control (discontinued)
SftTabs/OCX 6.5 - Tab Control (VB6 only)
SftTree/OCX 7.5 - Tree Control
SftTabs/NET 6.0 - Tab Control (discontinued)
SftTree/NET 2.0 - Tree Control
Defines whether the contents are automatically selected when the control receives the input focus.
VB.NET | Style = object.EntrySelect As SftMaskEntrySelectConstants |
VB | Style = object.EntrySelect As SftMaskEntrySelectConstants |
C#.NET | SftMaskEntrySelectConstants Style = object.EntrySelect; |
VC++ | enum SftMaskEntrySelectConstants Style = object->EntrySelect; enum SftMaskEntrySelectConstants Style = object->GetEntrySelect(); |
C | HRESULT object->get_EntrySelect(enum SftMaskEntrySelectConstants* Style); |
VB.NET | object.EntrySelect = Style As SftMaskEntrySelectConstants |
VB | object.EntrySelect = Style As SftMaskEntrySelectConstants |
C#.NET | SftMaskEntrySelectConstants object.EntrySelect = Style; |
VC++ | enum SftMaskEntrySelectConstants object->EntrySelect = Style; void object->PutEntrySelect(enum SftMaskEntrySelectConstants Style); |
C | HRESULT object->put_EntrySelect(enum SftMaskEntrySelectConstants Style); |
Defines whether the contents are automatically selected when the control receives the input focus.
Style | Value | Description |
entrySftMaskNone | 0 | The selection is unchanged. |
entrySftMaskSelectAll | 1 | The entire contents are selected, including leading and trailing literals. |
entrySftMaskSelectEndHome | 2 | The contents are selected as if the user pressed the End key, followed by Shift+Home. This typically excludes leading and trailing literals from the selection, leaving the insertion point at the start of the editable contents. |
entrySftMaskSelectHomeEnd | 3 | The contents are selected as if the user pressed the Home key, followed by Shift+End. This typically excludes leading and trailing literals from the selection, leaving the insertion point at the end of the editable contents. |
entrySftMaskSelectHome | 4 | The contents are not selected. The insertion point is positioned at the start of the editable contents as if the user had pressed the Home key, generally past any leading literals. |
entrySftMaskSelectEnd | 5 | The contents are not selected. The insertion point is positioned at the end of the editable contents as if the user had pressed the End key, generally in front of any trailing literals. |
The EntrySelect property defines whether the contents are automatically selected when the control receives the input focus.
The EntrySelect property controls the selection. As the control receives the input focus, either through user intervention (keyboard only) or under application control, the selection is modified as defined by the Style argument.
When the control receives the input focus as a result of mouse input (left mouse button), the EntrySelect property has no effect, unless the EntrySelectMouse property is set to True.
AxSftMask1.Caption.Text = "&IP:"
AxSftMask1.Mask = "$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)"
AxSftMask1.Text = ""
AxSftMask1.EditStyle = SftMaskEditStyleConstants.editSftMaskUpDown
AxSftMask1.AutoAdvance = True
AxSftMask1.AutoSize = True
AxSftMask1.TabAdvance = True
AxSftMask1.TabAdvanceLast = True
AxSftMask1.EntrySelect = SftMaskEntrySelectConstants.entrySftMaskSelectHome
AxSftMask1.EntrySelectMouse = True
End Sub
SftMask1.Caption.Text = "&IP:"
SftMask1.Mask = "$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)"
SftMask1.Text = ""
SftMask1.EditStyle = editSftMaskUpDown
SftMask1.AutoAdvance = True
SftMask1.AutoSize = True
SftMask1.TabAdvance = True
SftMask1.TabAdvanceLast = True
SftMask1.EntrySelect = entrySftMaskSelectHome
SftMask1.EntrySelectMouse = True
End Sub
axSftMask1.Caption.Text = "&IP:";
axSftMask1.Mask = @"$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)\.$I^03(0,255)";
axSftMask1.Text = "";
axSftMask1.EditStyle = SftMaskEditStyleConstants.editSftMaskUpDown;
axSftMask1.AutoAdvance = true;
axSftMask1.AutoSize = true;
axSftMask1.TabAdvance = true;
axSftMask1.TabAdvanceLast = true;
axSftMask1.EntrySelect = SftMaskEntrySelectConstants.entrySftMaskSelectHome;
axSftMask1.EntrySelectMouse = true;
m_pMask1->Caption->Text = _T("&IP:");
m_pMask1->Mask = _T("$I^03(0,255)\\.$I^03(0,255)\\.$I^03(0,255)\\.$I^03(0,255)");
m_pMask1->Text = _T("");
m_pMask1->EditStyle = editSftMaskUpDown;
m_pMask1->AutoAdvance = VARIANT_TRUE;
m_pMask1->AutoSize = VARIANT_TRUE;
m_pMask1->TabAdvance = VARIANT_TRUE;
m_pMask1->TabAdvanceLast = VARIANT_TRUE;
m_pMask1->EntrySelect = entrySftMaskSelectHome;
m_pMask1->EntrySelectMouse = VARIANT_TRUE;
return TRUE;
See Also SftMask Object | Object Hierarchy