
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


Display Properties

Various properties are available to define the visual appearance of the Masked Edit control:

AlignmentThe horizontal alignment of the contents is defined using the Alignment property. While the control has the input focus, left and right aligned text display is possible. While the control does not have the input focus, left, centered or right aligned text is possible. The FormattedText property can be used to override the default contents while the control does not have the input focus.
AppearanceDefines the border style (flat or 3D) of the control. Usually used together with the BorderStyle property.
AutoSizeControls the height of the control. By setting the AutoSize property to True, the control's height is automatically adjusted so text is never clipped vertically. The height of the control is increased or decreased as necessary based on the size of the font used (defined using the Font and Caption.Font properties).
BorderStyleDefines whether the control has a border. Usually used together with the Appearance property.
CaptionThe SftMaskCaption object describes the attributes of the control's caption area.
DropDownWidthDefines the width of the drop down button.
EditStyleDefines whether up/down buttons or calendar drop down buttons are displayed.
FontDefines the font used to display the contents of the control. Modifiable fields can optionally be underlined using the PromptUnderline property. The height of the control may automatically be adjusted when the font changes, based on the AutoSize property.
FormattedTextThis optional property can be used to display text when the Masked Edit control does not have the input focus, overriding the (default) formatted contents of the control.
HideSelectionDefines the display of the currently selected text when the control does not have the input focus.
HotTrackDefines whether up/down and drop down buttons are hot-tracked.
PromptCharModifiable fields can display the prompt character in places where data has not yet been entered. The default is a space character. The PromptUnderline property can be used to underline input fields. The PromptUnderline property should be used instead of defining the PromptChar property as an underscore ("_") character.
PromptUnderline PromptUnderlineNoFocusThe PromptUnderline and PromptUnderlineNoFocus properties can be used to underline areas where data has not been entered. The PromptUnderline property should be used instead of defining the PromptChar property as an underscore ("_") character.
PswdCharIf data entered should not be displayed (e.g. in password fields), the PswdChar property can be used to define the character that should be displayed instead of actual data. The PswdChar property only takes effect if the "<p" subtoken is used in a mask or if no mask has been defined (see Mask property).
RightToLeftDefines the text orientation, usually used with Hebrew and Arabic Windows versions for text that is displayed in a Right-To-Left Reading fashion.
ThemeStyleDefines the theme style of the control (if UseThemes is enabled).
UseThemesDefines whether Windows themes can be used.
BackColorDefines the background color of the control. Text that is selected (highlighted) uses the background color defined using SelectBackColor.
BackColorInvalidDefines the background color of the control, which is used when the control's contents are invalid.
BackColorFocusDefines the control's background color when it does not have the input focus.
ForeColorDefines the foreground color used to display text and fields modifiable by the user, provided the control is enabled (see Enabled property). Literals defined using the Mask property use the color defined using the MaskForeColor property. Text that is selected (highlighted) uses the foreground color defined using SelectForeColor. If the control is disabled, the color defined using the ForeColorGrayed property is used instead.
ForeColorInvalidDefines the foreground color used to display text and fields modifiable by the user. This color is only used when the control's contents are invalid.
ForeColorFocusDefines the control's default text color when it does not have the input focus.
ForeColorGrayedDefines the foreground color used to display text and fields modifiable by the user, provided the control is disabled (see Enabled property). Literals defined using the Mask property use the color defined using the MaskForeColorGrayed property. If the control is enabled, the color defined using the ForeColor property is used instead.
MaskForeColorDefines the foreground color used to display text not modifiable by the user (literals), provided the control is enabled (see Enabled property). Text that is selected (highlighted) uses the foreground color defined using SelectForeColor. If the control is disabled, the color defined using the MaskForeColorGrayed property is used instead.
MaskForeColorGrayedDefines the foreground color used to display text not modifiable by the user (literals), provided the control is disabled (see Enabled property). If the control is enabled, the color defined using the MaskForeColor property is used instead.
SelectBackColorDefines the background color of text that is selected (highlighted).
SelectBackColorFocusDefines the control's background color for selected text when it has the input focus.
SelectForeColorDefines the foreground color used to display text that is selected (highlighted).
SelectForeColorFocusDefines the control's selected text color when it has the input focus.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
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