
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control



The SftMask/OCX control generates these events:

CalculatorKeyDownA key is pressed while the popup calculator is active.
CalculatorKeyPressAn ANSI key is pressed while the popup calculator is active.
CalculatorKeyUpA key is released while the popup calculator is active.
CalendarKeyDownA key is pressed while the popup calendar is active.
CalendarKeyPressAn ANSI key is pressed while the popup calendar is active.
CalendarKeyUpA key is released while the popup calendar is active.
ChangeThe control contents are changing.
CustomValidationValid input is detected (custom application validation).
DragStartingThe beginning of a drag & drop operation has been detected.
DropDownThe Calendar/Calculator/AutoComplete window is changing its view status.
EllipseClickedThe ellipse button is clicked.
FocusInThe control receives the input focus.
FocusOutThe control loses the input focus.
InputModeUpdateThe input insert/overtype mode is updated.
InvokingCalculatorA key is pressed which is about to invoke the popup calculator.
KeyDownA key is pressed.
KeyPressAn ANSI key is pressed.
KeyUpA key is released.
MatchAcceptThe user has accepted an autocomplete text entry.
MatchAddCustomItemsThe control now accepts custom autocomplete entries.
MatchCustomThe user has accepted a custom autocomplete entry.
MatchingAccept an autocomplete text entry for display.
MouseDblClkA mouse button is double-clicked.
MouseDownA mouse button is pressed.
MouseMoveThe mouse is moved.
MouseUpA mouse button is released.
OLECompleteDragSource object is notified that the OLE drag & drop operation is ending.
OLEDragDropAn object is dropped on the control.
OLEDragOverAn object is dragged over the control.
OLEGiveFeedbackSource object can provide visual feedback during OLE drag & drop.
OLESetDataSource object can provide data and/or data formats.
OLEStartDragSource object is starting an OLE drag & drop operation.
PrePasteText is about to be pasted into the control.
SizeChangeThe control's size has changed.
UpdateMonthA new month is displayed.
UpDownHandledThe control contents have been modified using the up/down button.
UpDownPressThe up/down button is pressed.
ValidationErrorInvalid input is detected, based on the Mask property.

See Also Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.