
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


FirstDate Property, SftMaskCalendar Object

Defines the first valid date.



VB.NETFirst = object.FirstDate As Date
VBFirst = object.FirstDate As Date
C#.NETSystem.DateTime First = object.FirstDate;
VC++DATE First = object->FirstDate;
DATE First = object->GetFirstDate();
CHRESULT object->get_FirstDate(DATE* First);


VB.NETobject.FirstDate = First As Date
VBobject.FirstDate = First As Date
C#.NETSystem.DateTime object.FirstDate = First;
VC++DATE object->FirstDate = First;
void object->PutFirstDate(DATE First);
CHRESULT object->put_FirstDate(DATE First);


A SftMaskCalendar object.


Defines the first valid date to be entered or selected by the user.


The FirstDate property defines the first valid date.

The edit control contents are not considered valid (see Contents.ValidMsg) until the date is within the specified range. The user cannot select a date outside of the date range defined using FirstDate and Calendar.LastDate using the popup calendar.

If the date defined using LastDate is prior to the date defined using FirstDate, the range Calendar.LastDate to FirstDate is considered the valid range.



    AxSftMask1.TabAdvance = True
    AxSftMask1.AllowEmpty = False
    AxSftMask1.MessageTitle = "Sample"
    AxSftMask1.MessageEmpty = "Please enter a date"
    AxSftMask1.MessageInvalid = "Please enter a valid date"
    AxSftMask1.AutoSize = True
    AxSftMask1.Calendar.CircleToday = True
    AxSftMask1.Calendar.WeekNumbers = True
    AxSftMask1.Calendar.FirstDate = #1/1/2000#
    AxSftMask1.Calendar.LastDate = #12/31/2020#
    AxSftMask1.Calendar.ShowToday = True
    AxSftMask1.Caption.Text = "&Ship Date"
    AxSftMask1.Caption.Alignment = SftMaskAlignConstants.alignSftMaskCenter
    AxSftMask1.Caption.Position = SftMaskPositionConstants.positionSftMaskTop
    AxSftMask1.Caption.BackColor = Convert.ToUInt32(ColorTranslator.ToOle(SystemColors.Highlight) And &HFFFFFFFF&)
    AxSftMask1.Caption.ForeColor = Convert.ToUInt32(ColorTranslator.ToOle(SystemColors.HighlightText) And &HFFFFFFFF&)


    SftMask1.TabAdvance = True
    SftMask1.AllowEmpty = False
    SftMask1.MessageTitle = "Sample"
    SftMask1.MessageEmpty = "Please enter a date"
    SftMask1.MessageInvalid = "Please enter a valid date"
    SftMask1.AutoSize = True
    SftMask1.Calendar.CircleToday = True
    SftMask1.Calendar.WeekNumbers = True
    SftMask1.Calendar.FirstDate = #1/1/2000#
    SftMask1.Calendar.LastDate = #12/31/2020#
    SftMask1.Calendar.ShowToday = True
    SftMask1.Caption.Text = "&Ship Date"
    SftMask1.Caption.Alignment = alignSftMaskCenter
    SftMask1.Caption.Position = positionSftMaskTop
    SftMask1.Caption.BackColor = vbHighlight
    SftMask1.Caption.ForeColor = vbHighlightText


    axSftMask1.TabAdvance = true;
    axSftMask1.AllowEmpty = false;
    axSftMask1.MessageTitle = "Sample";
    axSftMask1.MessageEmpty = "Please enter a date";
    axSftMask1.MessageInvalid = "Please enter a valid date";
    axSftMask1.AutoSize = true;
    axSftMask1.Calendar.CircleToday = true;
    axSftMask1.Calendar.WeekNumbers = true;
    axSftMask1.Calendar.FirstDate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
    axSftMask1.Calendar.LastDate = new DateTime(2020, 12, 31);
    axSftMask1.Calendar.ShowToday = true;
    axSftMask1.Caption.Text = "&Ship Date";
    axSftMask1.Caption.Alignment = SftMaskAlignConstants.alignSftMaskCenter;
    axSftMask1.Caption.Position = SftMaskPositionConstants.positionSftMaskTop;
    axSftMask1.Caption.BackColor = (uint) ColorTranslator.ToOle(SystemColors.Highlight);
    axSftMask1.Caption.ForeColor = (uint) ColorTranslator.ToOle(SystemColors.HighlightText);


    m_pMask1->MessageTitle = _T("Sample");
    m_pMask1->MessageEmpty = _T("Please enter a date");
    m_pMask1->MessageInvalid = _T("Please enter a valid date");
    m_pMask1->AutoSize = VARIANT_TRUE;
    m_pMask1->Calendar->CircleToday = VARIANT_TRUE;
    m_pMask1->Calendar->WeekNumbers = VARIANT_TRUE;

    COleDateTime first(2000, 1, 1, 0,0,0);
    m_pMask1->Calendar->FirstDate = first;
    COleDateTime last(2020, 12, 31, 0,0,0);
    m_pMask1->Calendar->LastDate = last;
    m_pMask1->Calendar->ShowToday = VARIANT_TRUE;
    m_pMask1->Caption->Text = _T("&Ship Date");
    m_pMask1->Caption->Alignment = alignSftMaskCenter;
    m_pMask1->Caption->Position = positionSftMaskTop;
    m_pMask1->Caption->BackColor = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT | 0x80000000L;

See Also SftMaskCalendar Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.