
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control


SftPictureObject.SetImageList Method

Defines the picture object as an ImageList image.


VB.NETobject.SetImageList(ByVal ImageList As Object, ByVal ImageIndex As Short)
VBobject.SetImageList(ByVal ImageList As Object, ByVal ImageIndex As Integer)
C#.NETvoid object.SetImageList(object ImageList, short ImageIndex);
VC++HRESULT object->SetImageList(LPDISPATCH ImageList, short ImageIndex);
CHRESULT object->raw_SetImageList(LPDISPATCH ImageList, short ImageIndex);


A SftPictureObject object.


An ImageList control (supporting the IImageList interface).


The one-based index of the image in the ImageList control to be used as graphic.


The SetImageList method defines the picture object as an ImageList image.

SetImageList only supports ActiveX ImageList controls that offer an IImageList interface. GetImageListH and SetImageListH support a window handle based ImageList control (Common Controls).

The SftPictureObject.Type property is set to sftTypeImageList. The SftPictureObject.ActualHeight and SftPictureObject.ActualWidth properties reflect the image size.



    C.Image.SetImage Pic, True
    C.ImageHAlign = Align
    PropagateImage ItemIndex, C.Image
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateImageList(ByVal ItemIndex As Integer, ByVal ImageListControl As ImageList, ByVal I As Integer, ByVal Align As SftBoxHAlignConstants)
    Dim C As SftBoxCell
    Set C = SftBox1.Cell(ItemIndex, 0)
    C.Image.SetImageList ImageListControl, I
    C.ImageHAlign = Align
    PropagateImage ItemIndex, C.Image
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateColor(ByVal ItemIndex As Integer, ByVal Clr As OLE_COLOR, ByVal Align As SftBoxHAlignConstants)
    Dim C As SftBoxCell
    Set C = SftBox1.Cell(ItemIndex, 0)

See Also SftPictureObject Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.