
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control



Defines whether flyby highlighting is enabled.

GetFlyby and SetFlyby are provided for compatibility with SftTree/DLL 6.0 and earlier only. Applications should use SFTTREE_CONTROL, iFlybyStyle instead.


BOOL WINAPI SftTree_GetFlyby(HWND hwndCtl);
void WINAPI SftTree_SetFlyby(HWND hwndCtl, BOOL fSet);
BOOL WINAPI SftTreeSplit_GetFlyby(HWND hwndCtl);
void WINAPI SftTreeSplit_SetFlyby(HWND hwndCtl, BOOL fSet);


BOOL CSftTree::GetFlyby() const;
void CSftTree::SetFlyby(BOOL fSet = TRUE);
BOOL CSftTreeSplit::GetFlyby() const;
void CSftTreeSplit::SetFlyby(BOOL fSet = TRUE);



The window handle of the tree control.


Set to TRUE to enable flyby highlighting or FALSE to disable.


GetFlyby returns TRUE if flyby highlighting is enabled, otherwise FALSE is returned.


GetFlyby and SetFlyby are provided for compatibility with SftTree/DLL 6.0 and earlier only. Applications should use SFTTREE_CONTROL, iFlybyStyle instead.

The GetFlyby and SetFlyby functions define whether flyby highlighting is enabled.

Flyby highlighting can be useful when multiple columns without grid lines are shown. The user receives immediate feedback when the mouse cursor moves over an item.



            SftTree_SetButtons(g_hwndTree, SFTTREE_BUTTON_USERDEF);/* User-defined buttons */
            SftTree_SetButtons(g_hwndTree, SFTTREE_BUTTON_AUTOMATIC3);/* Automatic button style 3 */
        SftTree_SetShowGrid(g_hwndTree, TRUE);/* Show grid */
        SftTree_SetGridStyle(g_hwndTree, SFTTREE_GRID_BOTH_DOT);/* Dotted grid lines */
        SftTree_SetShowTruncated(g_hwndTree, TRUE);/* Show ... if truncated */
        SftTree_SetSelectionStyle(g_hwndTree, SFTTREE_SELECTION_ALL | SFTTREE_SELECTION_OUTLINE);/* Select entire item using outline */
        SftTree_SetSelectionArea(g_hwndTree, SFTTREE_SELECTIONAREA_ALLCELLS);/* Selection changes by clicking on an item's cells */
        SftTree_SetFlyby(g_hwndTree, TRUE);  /* Flyby highlighting */
        SftTree_SetUpdateCaretExpandCollapse(g_hwndTree, FALSE);/* don't update caret location when expand/collapse button clicked */
        SftTree_SetScrollTips(g_hwndTree, TRUE);/* Show Scrolltips */
        SftTree_SetInheritBgColor(g_hwndTree, TRUE);/* Inherit background color of first cell */
        SftTree_SetReorderColumns(g_hwndTree, TRUE);/* Column reordering */
        SftTree_SetOpenEnded(g_hwndTree, FALSE);/* Last column width */
        SftTree_SetShowHeaderButtons(g_hwndTree, TRUE);/* Show column header as buttons */


        m_Tree.SetButtons(SFTTREE_BUTTON_USERDEF);/* User-defined buttons */
        m_Tree.SetButtons(SFTTREE_BUTTON_AUTOMATIC3);/* Automatic button style 3 */
    m_Tree.SetShowGrid(TRUE);            /* Show grid */
    m_Tree.SetGridStyle(SFTTREE_GRID_BOTH_DOT);/* Dotted grid lines */
    m_Tree.SetShowTruncated(TRUE);       /* Show ... if truncated */
    m_Tree.SetSelectionStyle(SFTTREE_SELECTION_ALL | SFTTREE_SELECTION_OUTLINE);/* Select entire item using outline */
    m_Tree.SetSelectionArea(SFTTREE_SELECTIONAREA_ALLCELLS);/* Selection changes by clicking on an item's cells */
    m_Tree.SetFlyby(TRUE);               /* Flyby highlighting */
    m_Tree.SetUpdateCaretExpandCollapse(FALSE);/* don't update caret location when expand/collapse button clicked */
    m_Tree.SetScrollTips(TRUE);          /* Show Scrolltips */
    m_Tree.SetInheritBgColor(TRUE);      /* Inherit background color of first cell */
    m_Tree.SetReorderColumns(TRUE);      /* Column reordering */
    m_Tree.SetOpenEnded(FALSE);          /* Last column width */
    m_Tree.SetShowHeaderButtons(TRUE);   /* Show column header as buttons */

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