
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control



Searches a string and selects the matching item.


int SftTree_SelectStringCol(HWND hwndCtl,
      int start,
      int realCol,
      LPCTSTR lpszString);
int SftTree_SelectString(HWND hwndCtl, int start, LPCTSTR lpszString);
int WINAPI SftTree_SelectString_A(HWND hwndCtl, int start, LPCSTR lpszString);
int WINAPI SftTree_SelectString_W(HWND hwndCtl, int start, LPCWSTR lpszString);
int SftTreeSplit_SelectStringCol(HWND hwndCtl,
      int start,
      int realCol,
      LPCTSTR lpszString);
int SftTreeSplit_SelectString(HWND hwndCtl, int start, LPCTSTR lpszString);
int WINAPI SftTreeSplit_SelectString_A(HWND hwndCtl, int start, LPCSTR lpszString);
int WINAPI SftTreeSplit_SelectString_W(HWND hwndCtl, int start, LPCWSTR lpszString);


int CSftTree::SelectString(int start, int realCol, LPCTSTR lpszString) const;
int CSftTreeSplit::SelectString(int start, int realCol, LPCTSTR lpszString) const;



The window handle of the tree control.


The zero-based index of the item where the search for the specified string is to begin.


The zero-based column number to be searched.


The string to be searched.


The return value is the zero-based index of the item where the string was found. -1 is returned if the string was not found or an error occurred.


The SelectString function searches a string and selects the matching item.

The column text searched is based on the column specified using realCol or last defined using SetAccessColumn. Functions, which do not allow the realCol parameter, access the column last defined by SetAccessColumn or the last column referenced by a column specific function. The last column accessed can be retrieved using GetAccessColumn.

The string lpszString is compared to the value returned by GetText for each item starting at start. The search starts at the item described by start and is restricted to the column specified by realCol. If an item with matching text is found, it is selected and its zero-based index is returned, otherwise -1 is returned.

Only one column can be searched at a time. The comparison of lpszString and the cell text is not case sensitive. If the cell text starts with the string in lpszString, it is considered a match. To find an exact match for lpszString use FindStringExact.

SearchStringCell TextMatchComment
ABCabcYesSame string, case is ignored
abcabc123YesStarts with lpszString
abcThisabcNoDoesn't start with lpszString
abcabNoDoesn't contain the complete lpszString

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