
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control



Defines the number of columns displayed in the left pane of a split tree control.


int WINAPI SftTreeSplit_GetSplitColumn(HWND hwndCtl);
BOOL WINAPI SftTreeSplit_SetSplitColumn(HWND hwndCtl, int splitColumn);


int GetSplitColumn() const
BOOL SetSplitColumn(int splitColumn)



The window handle of the tree control.


The number of columns displayed in the left pane of a split tree control. The number specified must be between 1 and the total number of columns - 1. The total number of columns is defined using SetColumns.


GetSplitColumn returns the number of columns displayed in the left pane.


The GetSplitColumn and SetSplitColumn functions define the number of columns displayed in the left pane of a split tree control.

GetSplitColumn and SetSplitColumn are only available for a split tree control.

A splitter bar is always present in a split tree control, it cannot be removed.



                SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Selected cell foreground color */
                0,                           /* Real column position (set by SetColumns call) */
                2,                           /* Display column number (display position) */
                0,                           /* Column flag */
                30,                          /* Minimum column width */
            SftTreeSplit_SetColumnsEx(g_hwndTree, 3, aCol);/* Set column attributes */
            SftTreeSplit_SetSplitColumn(g_hwndTree, 1);/* Column split position */

        SftTreeSplit_SetShowRowHeader(g_hwndTree, SFTTREE_ROWSTYLE_BUTTONCOUNT0);/* Row style */
        /* Register the row header picture size.  All row header   */
        /* pictures used must be the same size.  Only one picture  */
        /* needs to be registered, even if several are used.       */


            SFTTREE_NOCOLOR,             /* Selected cell foreground color */
            0,                           /* Real column position (set by SetColumns call) */
            2,                           /* Display column number (display position) */
            0,                           /* Column flag */
            30,                          /* Minimum column width */
        m_Tree.SetColumns(3, aCol);      /* Set column attributes */
        m_Tree.SetSplitColumn(1);        /* Column split position */

    m_Tree.SetShowRowHeader(SFTTREE_ROWSTYLE_BUTTONCOUNT0);/* Row style */
    /* Register the row header picture size.  All row header   */
    /* pictures used must be the same size.  Only one picture  */
    /* needs to be registered, even if several are used.       */

See Also C/C++ API | Categories | Notifications