
SftTabs/DLL 6.5 - Tab Control



The SFT_PICTURE structure is used to describe a picture component (a bitmap, icon or ImageList image, GDI+ image, etc.).

typedef struct tagSftPicture {
    BYTE type;          // see SFT_PICTURE_xxx
    BYTE align;         // see SFT_PICALIGN_xxx
    BYTE valign;        // see SFT_PICALIGN_xxx
    BYTE flag1;         // see SFT_PICFLAG_xxx
    union tagSftPictureItem {
        HICON hIcon;       // SFT_PICTURE_ICON, SFT_PICTURE_ICON_xxxx, icon
        HBITMAP hBitmap;   // SFT_PICTURE_BITMAPxxxx
        struct tagSftPicImage {          // {asis "SFT_PICTURE_IMAGELIST"}, imagelist
            HIMAGELIST hImageList;
            short iImage; // normal image index
            short iImageDisabled; // disabled image index
        } Image;
        struct tagSftPicClrSample {      // SFT_PICTURE_COLOR_xxxxx
            int w, h; // width, height
            COLORREF sampleColor;        // sample color
            COLORREF frameColor;         // frame color
        } ColorSample;
        struct tagSftPicDimensions {     // {asis "SFT_PICTURE_SIZEONLY"}
            int w, h; // width, height
        } Dimension;
        struct tagSftPicCheckBox {       // {asis "SFT_PICTURE_CB"},SFT_PICTURE_CB3, ...
            int w, h; // width, height
            int state:2; // (-1), 0, 1
            int enabled:1; // 0, -1
        } CheckBox;
        struct tagSftGDIPlusImage {
            LPVOID lpImageObject;        // GDI+ Image object (Gdiplus::Image*)
        } GDIPlusImage;
        struct tagReserved {
            int res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6, res7, res8; // largest item
        } Unused;
        IPictureDisp* IPicDisp;      // SFT_PICTURE_IDISPATCH
        IPicture* IPic;              // SFT_PICTURE_IPICTURE
    } Picture;





Defines the type of the picture component.

0Empty - no picture component has been defined.
SFT_PICTURE_BITMAPBitmap - The Picture union contains the bitmap handle in the hBitmap member.
SFT_PICTURE_CBCheck box - The Picture union describes the check box in the CheckBox structure. The check box is rendered using the specified height and width (h, w), the check box state state and in enabled or disabled form (enabled). If Windows themes are used, the check box is rendered using the current theme.
SFT_PICTURE_CB33-state check box - The Picture union describes the check box in the CheckBox structure. The check box is rendered using the specified height and width (h, w), the check box state state and in enabled or disabled form (enabled). If Windows themes are used, the check box is rendered using the current theme.
SFT_PICTURE_COLOR_SAMPLEColor sample - The Picture union describes the picture in the ColorSample structure. A color sample is a small rectangle used to show a color sampleColor. The color sample can also be outlined using the color defined by frameColor.
SFT_PICTURE_GDIPLUSGDI+ Image - The Picture union contains the Gdiplus::Image* pointer in the lpImageObject member. The image can be of any size or type supported by GDI+.
SFT_PICTURE_ICONIcon - The Picture union contains the icon handle in the hIcon member. The icon can be of any size.
SFT_PICTURE_ICON_16x16Discontinued. Used with Windows Mobile Edition only: Icon - The Picture union contains the icon handle in the hIcon member and defines a 16x16 pixel icon.
SFT_PICTURE_ICON_32x32Discontinued. Used with Windows Mobile Edition only: Icon - The Picture union contains the icon handle in the hIcon member and defines a 32x32 pixel icon.
SFT_PICTURE_IDISPATCHIDispatch - The Picture union contains the IDispatch pointer in the IPicDisp member. This describes an OLE Picture object, which is used to render the picture. All picture types are supported, including bitmaps, icons, Windows metafiles.
SFT_PICTURE_IMAGELISTImageList - The Picture union describes the ImageList picture in the Image structure. The hImageList member contains the handle of an ImageList control. iImage and iImageDisabled are index values for the image to display in enabled and disabled form.
SFT_PICTURE_IPICTUREIPicture - The Picture union contains the IPicture pointer in the IPic member. This describes an OLE Picture object, which is used to render the picture. All picture types are supported, including bitmaps, icons, Windows metafiles.
SFT_PICTURE_RBRadio button - The Picture union describes the radio button in the CheckBox structure. The radio button is rendered using the specified height and width (h, w), the radio button state state and in enabled or disabled form (enabled). If Windows themes are used, the radio button is rendered using the current theme.
SFT_PICTURE_SIZEONLYDimensions only - The Picture union describes the dimensions in the Dimension structure. It contains the dimensions of the image only. This results in a transparent image of the specified size. This can be used to register the size of an image when an actual image is not required.
SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNUp/down - The Picture union describes the up/down button in the CheckBox structure. The up/down button is rendered using the specified height and width (h, w), the up/down button state state and in enabled or disabled form (enabled). If Windows themes are used, the up/down button is rendered using the current theme.
SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORTSorting direction - The Picture union describes the sort direction indicator in the CheckBox structure. The sort direction indicator is rendered using the specified height and width (h, w), the sort direction indicator state state and in enabled or disabled form (enabled). Visually, there is no difference between the enabled and disabled form.
additional valuesReserved for future use.


Reserved for future use. Must be initialized to 0.


Reserved for future use. Must be initialized to 0.


Reserved for future use. Must be initialized to 0.


An icon handle. Valid if the picture component represents an icon (type == SFT_PICTURE_ICON, SFT_PICTURE_ICON_32x32 or SFT_PICTURE_ICON_16x16).


A bitmap handle. Valid if the picture component represents a bitmap (type == SFT_PICTURE_BITMAP).


An ImageList control handle. Valid if the picture component represents an ImageList (type == SFT_PICTURE_IMAGELIST). The iImage and iImageDisabled members must also be defined to describe a valid ImageList image.


The index of the image defined by the ImageList control hImageList. This index is used to display the picture component if the item is enabled. If disabled, the index defined by iImageDisabled is used instead. Valid if the picture component represents an ImageList (type == SFT_PICTURE_IMAGELIST).


The index of the image defined by the ImageList control hImageList. This index is used to display the picture component if the item is disabled. If enabled or if the index value is -1, the index defined by iImage is used instead. Valid if the picture component represents an ImageList (type == SFT_PICTURE_IMAGELIST).


The width of the image. Valid if the picture component represents a color sample (type == SFT_PICTURE_COLOR_SAMPLE), a dimension only (type == SFT_PICTURE_SIZEONLY), a check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB), a 3-state check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB3), a radio button (type == SFT_PICTURE_RB), an up/down button (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWN), or a sort direction indicator (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORT).


The height of the image. Valid if the picture component represents a color sample (type == SFT_PICTURE_COLOR_SAMPLE), a dimension only (type == SFT_PICTURE_SIZEONLY), a check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB), a 3-state check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB3), a radio button (type == SFT_PICTURE_RB), an up/down button (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWN), or a sort direction indicator (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORT).


The color of the color sample. Valid if the picture component represents a color sample (type == SFT_PICTURE_COLOR_SAMPLE). This color is used as fill color for the picture component of width w and height h. The area may be framed using the defined frameColor.


The color of the border around the color sample. Valid if the picture component represents a color sample (type == SFT_PICTURE_COLOR_SAMPLE). If this value is -1, no border is drawn around the color sample.


The state of the item represented by the image. Valid if the picture component represents a check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB), a 3-state check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB3), a radio button (type == SFT_PICTURE_RB), an up/down button (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWN), or a sort direction indicator (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORT).

Valid states are 0 (False) and 1 (True) for a check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB).

Valid states are -1 (Unknown), 0 (False) and 1 (True) for a 3-state check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB3).

Valid states are -1 (Unknown), 0 (False) and 1 (True) for a radio button (type == SFT_PICTURE_RB).

Valid states are 0 (Down) and 1 (Up) for an up/down button (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWN).

Valid states are 0 (Descending) and 1 (Ascending) for a sort direction indicator (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORT).


Defines whether the item is rendered enabled or disabled. Valid values are 0 (Disabled) and 1 (Enabled). Valid if the picture component represents a check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB), a 3-state check box (type == SFT_PICTURE_CB3), a radio button (type == SFT_PICTURE_RB), an up/down button (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWN), or a sort direction indicator (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORT). This value has no visual effect if a sort direction indicator (type == SFT_PICTURE_UPDOWNSORT) is used.


An Gdiplus::Image* pointer. Valid if the picture component represents an GDI+ image (type == SFT_PICTURE_GDIPLUS). Describes a GDI+ image, which is used to render the picture.


An IDispatch pointer. Valid if the picture component represents an IDispatch pointer (type == SFT_PICTURE_IDISPATCH). Describes an OLE Picture object, which is used to render the picture. All picture types are supported, including bitmaps, icons, Windows metafiles.


An IPicture pointer. Valid if the picture component represents an IPicture pointer (type == SFT_PICTURE_IPICTURE). Describes an OLE Picture object, which is used to render the picture. All picture types are supported, including bitmaps, icons, Windows metafiles.


The SFT_PICTURE structure is used to describe a picture component (a bitmap, icon or ImageList image, etc.).

The SFT_PICTURE structure can represent an icon, bitmap, ImageList, a color sample, a GDI+ image, an OLE Picture object, a check box, a radio button, an up/down button or a sort direction indicator. The SFT_PICTURE describes how the picture is rendered.

If an application allocates SFT_PICTURE structures, these must always be initialized using Sft_InitPicture. Before they are deallocated, they must be cleared using Sft_ClearPicture.

Any resources that are stored in a SFT_PICTURE structure, such as a bitmap handle, icon handle, etc. remain owned by the application and must be deleted by the application. The SFT_PICTURE structure and its supporting functions do not manage resources.

Any resources that are used by the control, such as a bitmap handle, icon handle, etc., must remain valid until the control no longer uses these resources, typically until the control is destroyed.

A number of functions are available to manipulate the contents of the SFT_PICTURE structure:

Sft_ClearPictureClears a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_CopyPictureCopies a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_GetPictureSizeReturns the height and width of a picture component.
Sft_InitPictureInitializes a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_IsPictureReturns TRUE if a SFT_PICTURE structure contains a picture component (i.e., it is not empty).
Sft_SetPictureBitmapAssigns a bitmap to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureCheckBoxAssigns an check box image to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureCheckBox3Assigns a 3-state check box image to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureColorSampleAssigns a color sample to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImageAssigns a Gdiplus::Image pointer to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureIconAssigns an icon to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureIcon_16x16Assigns a 16x16 pixel icon to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureIcon_32x32Assigns a 32x32 pixel icon to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureIDispatchAssigns an OLE Picture object (IDispatch interface) to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureImageListAssigns an ImageList image to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureIPictureAssigns an OLE Picture object (IPicture interface) to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureRadioButtonAssigns a radio button image to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureSizeOnlyAssigns a dimension to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureUpDownAssigns an up/down image to a SFT_PICTURE structure.
Sft_SetPictureUpDownSortAssigns a sort direction indicator image to a SFT_PICTURE structure.

Detail Information

void Sft_ClearPicture(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture);

Clears the SFT_PICTURE structure. To initialize a newly allocated structure, use Sft_InitPicture instead.

void Sft_CopyPicture(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPictureCopy, LPCSFT_PICTURE lpPictureOrig);

Copies the SFT_PICTURE structure lpPictureOrig to the SFT_PICTURE structure lpPictureCopy.

void WINAPI Sft_GetPictureSize(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    LPINT lpWidth,
    LPINT lpHeight);

Returns the height (lpHeight) and width (lpWidth) of the picture component described by lpPicture. If it is empty, the width and height returned is 0.

void Sft_InitPicture(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture);

Initializes a SFT_PICTURE structure.

BOOL Sft_IsPicture(LPCSFT_PICTURE lpPicture);

Returns TRUE if the SFT_PICTURE structure contains a picture component (i.e., it is not empty).

void Sft_SetPictureBitmap(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture, HBITMAP hBitmap);

Assigns a bitmap handle hBitmap to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureCheckBox(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    int state,
    int w,
    int h,
    BOOL fEnabled);

Assigns an check box image to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureCheckBox3(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    int state,
    int w,
    int h,
    BOOL fEnabled);

Assigns a 3-state check box image to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureColorSample(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    int w,
    int h,
    COLORREF sampleColor,
    COLORREF frameColor);

Assigns a color sample to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    LPVOID lpImageObject);

Assigns a Gdiplus::Image pointer to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureIcon(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture, HICON hIcon);

Assigns an icon hIcon to the SFT_PICTURE structure. The icon can be of any reasonable size.

void Sft_SetPictureIcon_16x16(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture, HICON hIcon);

Discontinued. Windows Mobile Edition: Assigns a 16x16 pixel icon hIcon to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureIcon_32x32(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture, HICON hIcon);

Discontinued. Windows Mobile Edition: Assigns a 32x32 pixel icon hIcon to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureIDispatch(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture, IPictureDisp* IPicDisp);

Assigns an OLE Picture object (IDispatch interface) to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureImageList(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    HIMAGELIST hImageList,
    short iImage,
    short iImageDisabled);

Assigns an ImageList image to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureIPicture(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture, IPicture* IPic);

Assigns an OLE Picture object (IPicture interface) to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureRadioButton(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    int state,
    int w,
    int h,
    BOOL fEnabled);

Assigns a radio button image to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureSizeOnly(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    int w,
    int h);

Assigns a dimension to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureUpDown(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    BOOL fUp,
    int w,
    int h,
    BOOL fEnabled);

Assigns an up/down image to the SFT_PICTURE structure.

void Sft_SetPictureUpDownSort(LPSFT_PICTURE lpPicture,
    BOOL fUp,
    int w,
    int h,
    BOOL fEnabled);

Assigns a sort direction indicator image to the SFT_PICTURE structure.



                ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
                ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;
                if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) {
                    LPVOID lpImage = SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromFile(ofn.lpstrFile);
                    if (lpImage) {
                        SFTTABS_TAB Tab;
                        SftTabs_GetTabInfo(m_hwndMainTab, 0, &Tab); // we're updating the first tab
                        if (ID == IDC_GDI_LOAD)
                            Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(&Tab.TabPicture, lpImage);
                        else if (ID == IDC_GDI_LOAD_HOT)
                            Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(&Tab.TabPictureHot, lpImage);
                        else if (ID == IDC_GDI_LOAD_DISABLED)
                            Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(&Tab.TabPictureDisabled, lpImage);
                        SftTabs_SetTabInfo(m_hwndMainTab, 0, &Tab);

                        if (ID == IDC_GDI_LOAD) {


    /* Initialization is faster if we set redraw off */

    /* We are using new features */

    index = m_Tab.AddTab(_T("&GDI+ Images"));
    Tab = Tab0;
    Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(&Tab.TabPicture, m_GDIPlusImage);
    Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(&Tab.TabPictureHot, m_GDIPlusImageHot);
    Sft_SetPictureGDIPlusImage(&Tab.TabPictureDisabled, m_GDIPlusImageDisabled);
    m_Tab.SetTabInfo(index, &Tab);
    m_Tab.SetTabDialog(index, new CPage1(this)); /* tab page */

    index = m_Tab.AddTab(_T("Other &Images"));
    Tab = Tab1;

See Also C/C++ API | C++ Classes | Notifications

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.