
SftTabs/DLL 6.5 - Tab Control


C++ Classes

CSftTabsTab control.
CSftTabsDialogTabbed dialog.
CSftTabsPagePage of a tabbed dialog.
CSftTabsWindowSheetTabbed window.
CSftTabsWindowPagePage of a tabbed window.

CSftTabs Class, Member Functions

CSftTabs is derived from CWnd.

AddTabAdds a new tab to a tab control. The new tab will be added as the last tab.
AdjustClientRectCalculates a tab control size which will provide a client area of the given size.
CreateCreates a tab control window and attaches it to the CSftTabs object.
CSftTabsStandard constructor.
DeleteTabDeletes a tab from the tab control.
GetAllowAllInactiveEnables all tabs to become inactive.
GetControlInfoRetrieves tab control attributes.
GetCountRetrieves the number of tabs in a tab control.
GetCtlColorsReturns the tab control's color attributes.
GetDragInfoReturns the drag & drop information while handling SFTTABSN_DRAGMOVE/SFTTABSN_DRAGDROP notifications.
GetGDIPlusAvailableReturns whether GDI+ support is available.
GetCurrentTabRetrieves the index of the currently active tab.
GetNextTabRetrieves the index of the next tab about to become active.
GetTabDialogRetrieves the CSftTabsPage based object attached to the specified tab.
GetTabInfoRetrieves tab attributes.
GetTabLabelRetrieves a tab's text.
GetTabLabelLenRetrieves the length of a tab's text.
GetTabWindowPageRetrieves the CSftTabsWindowPage based object attached to the specified tab.
GetToolTipRetrieves a tab's ToolTip text.
GetToolTipLenRetrieves the length of a tab's ToolTip text.
GetVisibleCountRetrieves the count of visible tabs.
HitTestDetermines the tab index of the tab at a given location.
InsertTabInserts a new tab at the specified position.
MoveTabMoves a tab within a tab control.
QueryCharTests if a tab control responds to the specified character, i.e. the character is an accelerator key which the tab control processes.
RegisterAppRegisters the application for use of SftTabs/DLL controls.
ResetContentRemoves all tabs from a tab control.
ResizePagesResizes attached pages when using a frame window.
ScrollTabsScrolls tabs in the direction specified.
SetAllowAllInactiveEnables all tabs to become inactive.
SetControlInfoSets tab control attributes.
SetCtlColorsSets the tab control's color attributes.
SetCurrentTabMakes the specified tab the new active tab.
SetCurrentTabExMakes the specified tab the new active tab.
SetDragInfoUpdates the drag & drop information while handling SFTTABSN_DRAGMOVE/SFTTABSN_DRAGDROP notifications.
SetDrawTabCallbackDefines a drawing callback routine used to paint tab labels.
SetTabDialogSets the CSftTabsPage based object pointer attached to the specified tab.
SetTabInfoSets the tab attributes for the specified tab.
SetTabLabelSets a tab's text.
SetTabWindowPageSets the CSftTabsWindowPage based object pointer attached to the specified tab.
SetToolTipSets a tab's ToolTip text.
SetVersionSets the SftTabs/DLL version an application requires.
SwitchTabSwitches to the next/previous tab.
UnregisterAppUnregisters the application.

CSftTabsDialog Class, Member Functions

The class CSftTabsDialog describes a main, tabbed dialog. A CSftTabsDialog based dialog is created using a dialog resource defined using a resource editor. A CSftTabsDialog based dialog contains at least one tab control (CSftTabs based) and optionally buttons, such as OK, Cancel, and other Windows controls.

CSftTabsDialog is derived from CDialog.

ClosePossibleDetermines whether a tabbed dialog can be closed.
CSftTabsDialogStandard constructor.
GetModifiedRetrieves the current data modification flag for the tabbed dialog.
InitializeTabControlInitializes a tab control in a tabbed dialog. Activates the specified tab and the associated page.
m_fInitializingDefines the current initialization status.
m_fModifiedDefines the current data modification status.
OnCancelCalled when the user hits the ESCAPE key or clicks the Cancel button (the button with an ID of IDCANCEL).
OnOKCalled when the user clicks the OK button (the button with an ID of IDOK).
SetCloseSignals that data has been changed permanently and the tabbed dialog can no longer be Cancel'ed.
SetModifiedSets the current data modification flag for the tabbed dialog.

CSftTabsPage Class, Member Functions

The class CSftTabsPage describes a dialog (called page) attached to a tab control, which is embedded in a CSftTabsDialog based dialog. A CSftTabsPage based dialog is created using a dialog resource defined using a resource editor. A CSftTabsPage based dialog contains Windows controls and may optionally also include a tab control with nested CSftTabsPage objects attached to the tab control.

CSftTabsPage is derived from CDialog.

AllowDestroyDetermines whether a page should be destroyed when it is no longer visible because the associated tab is no longer the currently active tab.
AllowSwitchDetermines whether a currently active page can be left and a new page activated.
ClosePossibleDetermines whether a page can be closed.
CSftTabsPageStandard constructor.
GetModifiedReturns the current data modification flag for the tabbed dialog.
GetParentDialogReturns the page's parent dialog object.
InitializeTabControlInitializes a tab control in a page. Activates the specified tab and the associated page.
m_flagDrawBackgroundDefines background handling for the tab page.
m_lpfnDrawBackgroundContains a pointer to the application supplied background handling callback for the tab page.
m_pTabCtlContains a pointer to the tab control object to which the page is attached.
m_UserDataBackgroundDefines an application defined value that is passed to the background drawing callback CSftTabsPage::m_lpfnDrawBackground as the UserData parameter.
OnCancelCalled when the user clicks the Cancel button (the button with an ID of IDCANCEL).
OnOKCalled when the user clicks the OK button (the button with an ID of IDOK).
SetCloseSignals that data has been changed permanently and the tabbed dialog can no longer be Cancel'ed.
SetModifiedSets the current data modification flag for the tabbed dialog.

CSftTabsWindowSheet Class, Member Functions

The class CSftTabsWindowSheet describes the support necessary for a tabbed, main window. A tabbed window is usually created dynamically using the CWnd::Create function. A tabbed window contains at least one tab control (CSftTabs based) and optionally other Windows controls.

The class CSftTabsWindowSheet is used to add tabbed window support to most CWnd derived classes.

This is accomplished using multiple inheritance. You supply the CWnd derived class, and through multiple inheritance, the class can then be used as a tabbed window, containing one or more tab controls with attached pages.

ClosePossibleDetermines whether a tabbed window can be closed.
CSftTabsWindowSheetStandard constructor.
InitializeTabControlInitializes a tab control in a tabbed window. Activates the specified tab and the associated page.
TabSwitchedHandles the SFTTABSN_SWITCHED notification.
TabSwitchingHandles the SFTTABSN_SWITCHING notification.
TerminateTabControlTerminates a tab control and deactivates all pages.

CSftTabsWindowPage Class, Member Functions

The class CSftTabsWindowPage describes the support necessary for a window to be used as a page in a tabbed window. A CSftTabsWindowPage based window is typically created dynamically (at run-time) when the user switches to a tab.

The class CSftTabsWindowPage is used to add support to most CWnd derived classes so they can be used as pages in a tabbed window.

This is accomplished using multiple inheritance. You supply the CWnd derived class, and through multiple inheritance, the class can then be used as a page in a tabbed window.

ActivatePageCreates or activates a page.
AllowSwitchDetermines whether a currently active page can be left and a new page activated.
CSftTabsWindowPageStandard constructor.
DeactivatePageDeactivates or destroys a page

See Also C/C++ API | Notifications

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.