
SftTabs/DLL 6.5 - Tab Control



An application communicates with the SftTabs/DLL tab control by sending messages using the Windows SendMessage function. To simplify the process, SftTabs/DLL offers predefined macros for messages. This eliminates the casting of parameters and the use of SendMessage.

Definitions and Structures

SFTTABS_CLASSDefines the SftTabs/DLL control window class name.
SFTTABS_COLORSUsed with GetCtlColors and SetCtlColors to retrieve and set a tab control's color attributes.
SFTTABS_CONTROLUsed to describe a tab control's layout and attributes.
SFTTABS_DRAGINFOUsed with GetDragInfo/SetDragInfo during tab reordering and drag & drop.
SFTTABS_DRAWBACKGROUNDPROCDefines the type of a user-supplied drawing callback routine called by SftTabs/DLL, which paints the tab page background.
SFTTABS_DRAWINFOPassed to an application defined callback routine which can calculate the size or paint the tab labels.
SFTTABS_DRAWPROCPARMUsed as a parameter for SetDrawTabCallback to define an application-specific drawing callback routine, which paints the tab labels.
SFTTABS_DRAWTABPROCDefines the type of a user-supplied drawing callback routine called by SftTabs/DLL, which paints the tab labels.
SFTTABS_DWORD_PTRRepresents a type large enough to hold a DWORD or pointer value.
SFTTABS_GRAPHDescribes a tab's picture component and its location.
SFTTABS_LONG_PTRRepresents a type large enough to hold a long or pointer value.
SFTTABS_MAXROWSDefines the maximum number of tab rows.
SFTTABS_MAXTABSDefines the maximum number of tabs per tab control.
SFTTABS_NOCOLORIndicates that the default color should be used.
SFTTABS_STATICDefines static linking of SftTabs/DLL to an application.
SFTTABS_STYLETABLEADescribes each available tab style.
SFTTABS_TABDescribes one tab label, including its colors, picture and text components.
SFTTABS_TABCALLBACKDefines the callback function associated with a tab. This callback routine is called by SftTabs/DLL to create and destroy the page associated with a tab.

Messages and Functions

SftTabs_ActivatePageActivates a page.
SftTabs_AddTabAdds a new tab to a tab control. The new tab will be added as the last tab.
SftTabs_AdjustClientRectCalculates a tab control size which will provide a client area of the given size.
SftTabs_ClosePossibleThe parent window of a tab control calls the SftTabs_ClosePossible function to test if a tabbed dialog or window can be ended.
SftTabs_CopyWindowTitleCopies the window caption of a window to another window.
SftTabs_DeactivatePageThe parent window of a tab control calls the SftTabs_DeactivatePage function to signal that the current page is no longer the active page.
SftTabs_DeleteTabDeletes a tab from the tab control.
SftTabs_DestroyThe parent window of a tab control calls SftTabs_Destroy when the parent window is about to be destroyed.
SftTabs_DrawSelectionOutlineDraws a selection outline.
SftTabs_FreeGDIPlusImageLoadedFromResourceDeletes a GDI+ image obtained using SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromResource.
SftTabs_GetAllowAllInactiveEnables all tabs to become inactive.
SftTabs_GetControlInfoRetrieves tab control attributes.
SftTabs_GetCountRetrieves the number of tabs in a tab control.
SftTabs_GetCtlColorsReturns the tab control's color attributes.
SftTabs_GetCurrentTabRetrieves the index of the currently active tab.
SftTabs_GetDragInfoReturns the drag & drop information while handling SFTTABSN_DRAGMOVE/SFTTABSN_DRAGDROP notifications.
SftTabs_GetEndPageMessageRetrieves the private message ID sent to a page of a tabbed dialog when the user chooses to switch to another page or to end the tabbed dialog.
SftTabs_GetGDIPlusAvailableReturns whether GDI+ support is available.
SftTabs_GetNextTabRetrieves the index of the next tab about to become active.
SftTabs_GetStyleTableReturns a pointer to the style table. The style table describes all available tab styles, suitable for use by a resource editor.
SftTabs_GetTabControlFromPageReturns the tab control window handle, given the window handle of a window attached to a tab.
SftTabs_GetTabInfoRetrieves tab attributes.
SftTabs_GetTabLabelRetrieves a tab's text.
SftTabs_GetTabLabelLenRetrieves the length of a tab's text.
SftTabs_GetToolTipRetrieves a tab's ToolTip text.
SftTabs_GetToolTipLenRetrieves the length of a tab's ToolTip text.
SftTabs_GetVisibleCountRetrieves the count of visible tabs.
SftTabs_HandleDialogMessageThe parent dialog window of a tab control and the dialogs used as pages of a tab control call SftTabs_HandleDialogMessage to pass messages on to SftTabs/DLL so they can be processed.
SftTabs_HandleWindowMessageThe parent window of a tab control and the windows or dialogs used as pages of a tab control call SftTabs_HandleWindowMessage to pass messages on to SftTabs/DLL so they can be processed.
SftTabs_HitTestDetermines the tab index of the tab at a given location.
SftTabs_InsertTabInserts a new tab at the specified position.
SftTabs_IsHiResReturns whether high resolution support is enabled.
SftTabs_IsRegisteredDialogDetermines whether a given dialog is registered with SftTabs/DLL for special tabbed dialog or tabbed window handling, such as accelerator key handling, ESCAPE and TAB key processing, etc.
SftTabs_IsRegisteredWindowDetermines whether a given window is registered with SftTabs/DLL for special tabbed dialog or tabbed window handling, such as accelerator key handling, ESCAPE and TAB key processing, etc.
SftTabs_IsTabControlDetermines whether a given window is a tab control.
SftTabs_IsTabControlWithDialogDetermines whether a given window is a tab control with an attached page.
SftTabs_IsTabControlWithPageDetermines whether a given window is a tab control with an attached page.
SftTabs_LoadGDIPlusImageFromResourceLoads a GDI+ image from an application's or DLL's resources.
SftTabs_MoveTabMoves a tab within a tab control.
SftTabs_PaintBitmapPaints a bitmap.
SftTabs_PaintTiledBitmapPaints a bitmap, tiling it if necessary.
SftTabs_QueryCharTests if a tab control responds to the specified character, i.e. the character is an accelerator key which the tab control processes.
SftTabs_RegisterAppRegisters the application for use of SftTabs/DLL controls.
SftTabs_RegisterDialogRegisters a dialog containing a tab control.
SftTabs_RegisterWindowRegisters a window containing a tab control.
SftTabs_ResetContentRemoves all tabs from a tab control.
SftTabs_ResizePagesResizes attached pages when using a frame window.
SftTabs_ScrollTabsScrolls tabs in the direction specified.
SftTabs_SetAllowAllInactiveEnables all tabs to become inactive.
SftTabs_SetControlInfoSets tab control attributes.
SftTabs_SetCtlColorsSets the tab control's color attributes.
SftTabs_SetCurrentTabMakes the specified tab the new active tab.
SftTabs_SetCurrentTabExMakes the specified tab the new active tab.
SftTabs_SetDragInfoUpdates the drag & drop information while handling SFTTABSN_DRAGMOVE/SFTTABSN_DRAGDROP notifications.
SftTabs_SetDrawTabCallbackDefines a drawing callback routine used to paint tab labels.
SftTabs_SetPageActiveNotifies a tab control that the page attached to the currently active tab has been activated.
SftTabs_SetPageInactiveNotifies a tab control that the page attached to the currently active tab has been deactivated.
SftTabs_SetTabInfoSets the tab attributes for the specified tab.
SftTabs_SetTabLabelSets a tab's text.
SftTabs_SetToolTipSets a tab's ToolTip text.
SftTabs_SetVersionSets the SftTabs/DLL version an application requires.
SftTabs_SwitchTabSwitches to the next/previous tab.
SftTabs_TransparentControlsThe dialogs used as pages of a tab control call SftTabs_TransparentControls to pass messages on to SftTabs/DLL so they can be processed.
SftTabs_UnregisterAppUnregisters the application.
SftTabs_UnregisterDialogUnregisters a dialog which has been previously registered using SftTabs_RegisterDialog or SftTabs_RegisterWindow.
SftTabs_UnregisterWindowUnregisters a window which has been previously registered using SftTabs_RegisterDialog or SftTabs_RegisterWindow.

See Also C++ Classes | Notifications

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.