
SftTabs/DLL 6.5 - Tab Control



The parent window of a Print Preview control receives the following event notifications using the WM_COMMAND messages.


NotifyCode = HIWORD(wParam);
idItem = LOWORD(wParam);
hwndCtl = (HWND) lParam;
SFTTABSN_CLIENTAREACHANGEThe tab control's client area has been resized or its position has changed.
SFTTABSN_CLOSEBUTTONThe Close button was clicked. This notification only occurs if the fSendWMCLOSE member of the SFTTABS_CONTROL was defined as FALSE. Otherwise, the tab control sends the WM_CLOSE message to the tab control's parent window.
SFTTABSN_DRAGDROPThe user released the left mouse button and ended tab reordering or drag & drop. Use the GetDragInfo function to determine the action required.
SFTTABSN_DRAGMOVEThe user moved the mouse cursor while tab reordering or drag & drop is active. The application can use the GetDragInfo and SetDragInfo functions to retrieve information and to control tab reordering and drag & drop. By sending a WM_CANCELMODE message, an application can cancel tab reordering and drag & drop.
SFTTABSN_DRAGSTARTThe user initiated tab reordering or drag & drop by pressing the left mouse button on a tab and dragging the tab. By sending a WM_CANCELMODE message, an application can cancel tab reordering and drag & drop.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_AREAThe tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on a tab, but neither on the tab text nor on the tab picture. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDOWN_AREAThe tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on a tab, but neither on the tab text nor on the tab picture. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_IMAGEThe tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on the tab picture of a tab. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_IMAGE2The tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on the second tab picture of a tab. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control. This notification is typically used to implement a tab Close button for a tab. When implementing custom behavior, such as closing the associated page by removing the tab, the WM_CANCELMODE must be sent, otherwise the notification causes tab switching.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDOWN_IMAGEThe tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on the tab picture of a tab. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDOWN_IMAGE2The tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on the second tab picture of a tab. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control. This notification is typically used to implement a tab Close button for a tab. When implementing custom behavior, such as closing the associated page by removing the tab, the WM_CANCELMODE must be sent, otherwise the notification causes tab switching.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDBLCLK_TEXTThe tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on the tab text of a tab. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control.
SFTTABSN_LBUTTONDOWN_TEXTThe tab control received a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on the tab text of a tab. The GetNextTab function can be used to determined the tab that is being clicked. Following this notification, tab switching may occur. This can be cancelled by sending the the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE to the tab control.
SFTTABSN_KILLFOCUSThe tab control lost the input focus.
SFTTABSN_LAYOUTThe layout of the tabs within the tab control has changes (rows or tabs may have been reordered or repositioned within the tab control).
SFTTABSN_MBUTTONDBLCLKThe tab control received a WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK message which it doesn't process. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on a tab.
SFTTABSN_MBUTTONDOWNThe tab control received a WM_MBUTTONDOWN message which it doesn't process. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on a tab.
SFTTABSN_MINIMIZEBUTTONThe Minimize button was clicked.
SFTTABSN_MOUSEMOVEThe tab control received a WM_MOUSEMOVE message.
SFTTABSN_RBUTTONDBLCLKThe tab control received a WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK message which it doesn't process. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on a tab.
SFTTABSN_RBUTTONDOWNThe tab control received a WM_RBUTTONDOWN message which it doesn't process. This notification is only generated if the mouse cursor is located on a tab.
SFTTABSN_RESTOREBUTTONThe Restore button was clicked.
SFTTABSN_SCROLLEDThe user has caused scrolling of the tabs shown, by pressing a scroll button or by using the keyboard interface.
SFTTABSN_SETFOCUSThe tab control received the input focus.
SFTTABSN_SIZECHANGEDThe tab control received a WM_SIZE message.
SFTTABSN_SWITCHEDThe tab control has been switched to a new tab, which is now active.
SFTTABSN_SWITCHINGThe user has initiated a switch to another tab. This notification signals that the tab control is about to switch away from the current tab to a new tab. The application can cancel switching to the new tab by sending a WM_CANCELMODE message to the tab control. If the application doesn't cancel the switching, the new tab will be activated and a SFTTABSN_SWITCHED notification is sent to the parent window.
SFTTABSN_SWITCHINGDISABLEDThe user has clicked on a disabled tab. No tab switching takes place. The application can display messages informing the end-user that a disabled tab was clicked, or it can even switch to another tab if desired (SetCurrentTab).
SFTTABSN_TTPOPThe tab control is about to hide the ToolTip currently shown for a tab.
SFTTABSN_TTSHOWThe tab control is about to display a ToolTip for a tab.

See Also C/C++ API | C++ Classes

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.