
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control



SftMask/OCX 7.0 includes sample code for both VB.NET, C#, VB6 and C++/MFC. Even though C and Delphi samples are not included, the Syntax section always shows the C and Delphi syntax.

The following samples can be found in the folder C:\Program Files\Softelvdm\SftMask OCX 7.0\Samples\:


VB.NET AutoComplete1 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
VB.NET Calc1 SampleIllustrates using a popup calculator.
VB.NET Date1 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar with validation.
VB.NET Date2 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar.
VB.NET DragDrop1 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drag source.
VB.NET DragDrop2 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
VB.NET DragDrop3 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
VB.NET Fmt1 SampleIllustrates date, time and number formatting.
VB.NET InputMode1 SampleIllustrates insert/overtype mode and the InputModeUpdate event.
VB.NET IP1 SampleIllustrates IP address entry.
VB.NET MouseIcon1 SampleIllustrates overriding the mouse cursor.
VB.NET Password1 SampleIllustrates password input.
VB.NET Phone1 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
VB.NET Phone2 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
VB.NET PromptChar1 SampleIllustrates pin code entry.
VB.NET Sample1 SampleIllustrates various Masked Edit controls.
VB.NET Sample2 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
VB.NET Sample3 SampleIllustrates captions.
VB.NET Sample4 SampleIllustrates input validation.


C# AutoComplete1 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
C# Calc1 SampleIllustrates using a popup calculator.
C# Date1 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar with validation.
C# Date2 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar.
C# DragDrop1 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drag source.
C# DragDrop2 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
C# DragDrop3 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
C# Fmt1 SampleIllustrates date, time and number formatting.
C# InputMode1 SampleIllustrates insert/overtype mode and the InputModeUpdate event.
C# IP1 SampleIllustrates IP address entry.
C# MouseIcon1 SampleIllustrates overriding the mouse cursor.
C# Password1 SampleIllustrates password input.
C# Phone1 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
C# Phone2 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
C# PromptChar1 SampleIllustrates pin code entry.
C# Sample1 SampleIllustrates various Masked Edit controls.
C# Sample2 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
C# Sample3 SampleIllustrates captions.
C# Sample4 SampleIllustrates input validation.


C++ AutoComplete1 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
C++ Calc1 SampleIllustrates using a popup calculator.
C++ Date1 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar with validation.
C++ Date2 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar.
C++ DragDrop1 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drag source.
C++ DragDrop2 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
C++ DragDrop3 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
C++ Fmt1 SampleIllustrates date, time and number formatting.
C++ InputMode1 SampleIllustrates insert/overtype mode and the InputModeUpdate event.
C++ IP1 SampleIllustrates IP address entry.
C++ MouseIcon1 SampleIllustrates overriding the mouse cursor.
C++ Password1 SampleIllustrates password input.
C++ Phone1 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
C++ Phone2 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
C++ PromptChar1 SampleIllustrates pin code entry.
C++ Sample1 SampleIllustrates various Masked Edit controls.
C++ Sample2 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
C++ Sample3 SampleIllustrates captions.
C++ Sample4 SampleIllustrates input validation.


VB6 AutoComplete1 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
VB6 Calc1 SampleIllustrates using a popup calculator.
VB6 Date1 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar with validation.
VB6 Date2 SampleIllustrates a popup calendar.
VB6 DragDrop1 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drag source.
VB6 DragDrop2 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
VB6 DragDrop3 SampleIllustrates using an OLE drop target.
VB6 Fmt1 SampleIllustrates date, time and number formatting.
VB6 InputMode1 SampleIllustrates insert/overtype mode and the InputModeUpdate event.
VB6 IP1 SampleIllustrates IP address entry.
VB6 MouseIcon1 SampleIllustrates overriding the mouse cursor.
VB6 Password1 SampleIllustrates password input.
VB6 Phone1 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
VB6 Phone2 SampleIllustrates phone number entry.
VB6 PromptChar1 SampleIllustrates pin code entry.
VB6 Sample1 SampleIllustrates various Masked Edit controls.
VB6 Sample2 SampleIllustrates autocomplete.
VB6 Sample3 SampleIllustrates captions.
VB6 Sample4 SampleIllustrates input validation.

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.