
SftBox/OCX 5.0 - Combo Box Control


SftBoxItems.NoFocusStyle Property

Defines the display style of selected items when the control does not have the input focus.



VB.NETStyle = object.NoFocusStyle As SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants
VBStyle = object.NoFocusStyle As SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants
C#.NETSftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants Style = object.NoFocusStyle;
VC++enum SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants Style = object->NoFocusStyle;
enum SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants Style = object->GetNoFocusStyle();
CHRESULT object->get_NoFocusStyle(enum SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants* Style);


VB.NETobject.NoFocusStyle = Style As SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants
VBobject.NoFocusStyle = Style As SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants
C#.NETSftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants object.NoFocusStyle = Style;
VC++enum SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants object->NoFocusStyle = Style;
void object->PutNoFocusStyle(enum SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants Style);
CHRESULT object->put_NoFocusStyle(enum SftBoxNoFocusStyleConstants Style);


A SftBoxItems object.


Defines the display style of selected items when the control does not have the input focus.

noFocusSftBoxKeepSel0The selected items are drawn the same way as for a control that has the input focus, so the user cannot distinguish between selected items in an active control and an inactive control. The Items.SelectBackColorNoFocus and Items.SelectForeColorNoFocus properties can be used to define the colors used for selected items in this case.
noFocusSftBoxFrame1The selected items are drawn as items that are not selected, but are framed by a rectangle drawn using the color specified by the Items.SelectBackColor property.
noFocusSftBoxNothing2The selected items are drawn as items that are not selected. The user cannot distinguish between selected items and items that are not selected in an inactive control.


The NoFocusStyle property defines the display style of selected items when the control does not have the input focus.

The Items.SelectionStyle property is used to change the appearance of selected items in a control that has the input focus.

See Also SftBoxItems Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.