
SftTree/DLL 7.5 - Tree Control



Defines whether an item's expand/collapse button is shown.


BOOL WINAPI SftTree_GetItemExpandCollapseButton(HWND hwndCtl, int index);
BOOL WINAPI SftTree_SetItemExpandCollapseButton(HWND hwndCtl, int index, BOOL fShown);
BOOL WINAPI SftTreeSplit_GetItemExpandCollapseButton(HWND hwndCtl, int index);
BOOL WINAPI SftTreeSplit_SetItemExpandCollapseButton(HWND hwndCtl, int index, BOOL fShown);


BOOL CSftTree::GetItemExpandCollapseButton(int index) const;
BOOL CSftTree::SetItemExpandCollapseButton(int index, BOOL fShown = TRUE);
BOOL CSftTreeSplit::GetItemExpandCollapseButton(int index) const;
BOOL CSftTreeSplit::SetItemExpandCollapseButton(int index, BOOL fShown = TRUE);



The window handle of the tree control.


The zero-based index of the item for which the expand/collapse button is to be shown or hidden.


Set to TRUE to show the item's expand/collapse button or FALSE to hide the item's expand/collapse button.


GetItemExpandCollapseButton returns TRUE if the item's expand/collapse button is shown, FALSE if the item's expand/collapse button is hidden.


The GetItemExpandCollapseButton and SetItemExpandCollapseButton functions define whether an item's expand/collapse button is shown.

SetItemExpandCollapseButton can only be used to show/hide an expand/collapse button for an item that has an expand/collapse button. Leaf items do not have an expand/collapse button, so it is not possible for SetItemExpandCollapseButton to be used to show an expand/collapse button. The SetItemExpandable function can be used instead to mark an item as expandable, so it receives an expand/collapse button. An item marked as expandable can have its expand/collapse button suppressed using the SetItemExpandCollapseButton function.

In a tree control using a virtual data source, SetItemExpandCollapseButton cannot be used and an error is returned. The flag2 member of the SFTTREE_ITEM structure is used instead.

See Also C/C++ API | Categories | Notifications