
SftMask/OCX 7.0 - ActiveX Masked Edit Control


IgnoreCase Property, SftMaskAutoComplete Object

Defines whether the comparison to find matching autocomplete entries is case sensitive.



VB.NETBoolean = object.IgnoreCase As Boolean
VBBoolean = object.IgnoreCase As Boolean
C#.NETbool Boolean = object.IgnoreCase;
VC++VARIANT_BOOL Boolean = object->IgnoreCase;
VARIANT_BOOL Boolean = object->GetIgnoreCase();
CHRESULT object->get_IgnoreCase(VARIANT_BOOL* Boolean);


VB.NETobject.IgnoreCase = Boolean As Boolean
VBobject.IgnoreCase = Boolean As Boolean
C#.NETbool object.IgnoreCase = Boolean;
VC++VARIANT_BOOL object->IgnoreCase = Boolean;
void object->PutIgnoreCase(VARIANT_BOOL Boolean);
CHRESULT object->put_IgnoreCase(VARIANT_BOOL Boolean);


A SftMaskAutoComplete object.


Defines whether the comparison to find matching autocomplete entries is case sensitive.

TrueThe comparison is case sensitive.
FalseThe comparison is not case sensitive.


The IgnoreCase property defines whether the comparison to find matching autocomplete entries is case sensitive.

If the AutoComplete.Contents property is set to contentsSftMaskFiles, contentsSftMaskDirs or contentsSftMaskFilesDirs, the IgnoreCase property is ignored as file/directory matching is not case sensitive.

Saved autocomplete entries are compared to the current control contents to find matching items, in preparation for display of the autocomplete list or the current suggestion. The built-in comparison is defined using the IgnoreCase property.

The Matching event can be used by an application to further reject or accept saved entries. The Accept parameter of the Matching event contains the result of the built-in comparison.



    CaptionObj.SizePercent = 33
    CaptionObj.Text = "&ZIP Code:"

    AxSftMask1.Mask = "#####"
    AxSftMask1.EntrySelect = SftMaskEntrySelectConstants.entrySftMaskSelectEndHome

    AutoCompleteObj.File = "-\Softelvdm\AutoComplete\SampleFile2.Suggest"
    AutoCompleteObj.Encrypt = False
    AutoCompleteObj.IgnoreCase = True
    AutoCompleteObj.MaxEntries = 50
    AutoCompleteObj.Mode = SftMaskAutoCompleteModeConstants.autocompleteSftMaskSuggest
End Sub

Private Sub AxSftMask1_MatchAddCustomItems(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxSftMaskLib70._ISftMaskEvents_MatchAddCustomItemsEvent) Handles AxSftMask1.MatchAddCustomItems
    ' Ready to add custom items
    AxSftMask1.AutoComplete.AddTop("ZIP-Code Lookup ...", 1)


    CaptionObj.SizePercent = 33
    CaptionObj.Text = "&ZIP Code:"

    SftMask1.Mask = "#####"
    SftMask1.EntrySelect = entrySftMaskSelectEndHome

    AutoCompleteObj.File = "-\Softelvdm\AutoComplete\SampleFile2.Suggest"
    AutoCompleteObj.Encrypt = False
    AutoCompleteObj.IgnoreCase = True
    AutoCompleteObj.MaxEntries = 50
    AutoCompleteObj.Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest
End Sub

Private Sub SftMask1_MatchAddCustomItems(ByVal Count As Long)
    ' Ready to add custom items
    SftMask1.AutoComplete.AddTop "ZIP-Code Lookup ...", 1


    CaptionObj.SizePercent = 33;
    CaptionObj.Text = "&ZIP Code:";

    axSftMask1.Mask = "#####";
    axSftMask1.EntrySelect = SftMaskEntrySelectConstants.entrySftMaskSelectEndHome;

    AutoCompleteObj.File = @"-\Softelvdm\AutoComplete\SampleFile2.Suggest";
    AutoCompleteObj.Encrypt = false;
    AutoCompleteObj.IgnoreCase = true;
    AutoCompleteObj.MaxEntries = 50;
    AutoCompleteObj.Mode = SftMaskAutoCompleteModeConstants.autocompleteSftMaskSuggest;

private void axSftMask1_MatchAddCustomItems(object sender, AxSftMaskLib70._ISftMaskEvents_MatchAddCustomItemsEvent e)
    // Ready to add custom items


    pCaption->SizePercent = 33;
    pCaption->Text = _T("&ZIP Code:");

    m_pMask1->Mask = _T("#####");
    m_pMask1->EntrySelect = entrySftMaskSelectEndHome;

    pAutoComplete->File = _T("-\\Softelvdm\\AutoComplete\\SampleFile2.Suggest");
    pAutoComplete->Encrypt = VARIANT_FALSE;
    pAutoComplete->IgnoreCase = VARIANT_TRUE;
    pAutoComplete->MaxEntries = 50;
    pAutoComplete->Mode = autocompleteSftMaskSuggest;

    return TRUE;

void CProject1Dlg::OnMatchAddCustomItemsSftMask1(long Count)

See Also SftMaskAutoComplete Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.