New Features
SftButton/OCX 3.0 is fully upward compatible to version 2.5 and older versions.
Product Enhancements
- SftButton/OCX 3.0 no longer provides help documentation integrated with development tools in various custom formats - instead documentation is located at OCX 3 0, which allows for continuous documentation updates without the need to release a new product version. Web access is required to access the product documentation.
- Support for Internet Explorer has been removed. Cabinet files are no longer available.
- Sample solutions for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.
- Support for Visual Studio 2019 (and earlier).
- Support for Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) & Software Enforced Data Execution Prevention (DEP).
- Now includes 64-bit controls in addition to the 32-bit controls. This is most useful for all managed .NET applications compiled for "Any CPU" and for native C++ and MFC applications compiled as 64-bit applications.
- The file Softelvdm.OCXHelperV2.dll (required for managed .NET applications) no longer needs to be registered for COM Interop, simplifying distribution and installation of end-user applications - XCOPY deployment of this file is now possible.
- New background image displayed inside the button (see ImageBackground, ImageBackgroundDisabled, ImageBackgroundHover and ImageBackgroundPressed properties).
- New MouseIconH property to support direct use of icon handles.
- New GDIPlusSupport property to determine whether GDI+ support is available.
Product Enhancements (SftButton/OCX 2.5)
- The AutoSize property can be used to define how the control is resized based on its contents.
- The Bounce property can be used to define the control's visual response to a mouse click.
- The ButtonStyle property can be used to define the control's style. It replaces the ShowDropDown property and adds a new style, where only the graphics and text components are displayed transparently on the containing window's background.
- The ClickStyle property defines how the control responds to mouse clicks.
- The properties HoverOnControl, HoverOnImage1, HoverOnImage2 and HoverOnText can be used to determine where the mouse cursor is located.
- The HoverStyle property defines how images respond to mouse cursor positions.
- The Image1 and Image2 properties replace the Picture1 and Picture2 properties and add numerous new supported image formats, such as GDI+ images (jpeg, tiff, gif, etc. with alpha-channel supporting transparent and translucent images), bitmaps, OLE Picture objects (IPictureDisp, IPicture interfaces), icons, ImageLists, color samples, predefined images (checkboxes, radiobuttons, etc.) and color samples.
- The Image1AlignHorz, Image1AlignVert, Image2AlignHorz, Image2AlignVert properties replace the Picture1AlignHorz, Picture1AlignVert, Picture2AlignHorz, Picture2AlignVert properties.
- The Image1Hover, Image1Pressed, Image1Disabled, Image2Hover, Image2Pressed and Image2Disabled properties can be used to define a hot, pressed and disabled button image.
- Installation and usability changes for Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005, 2008 - User-definable installation options allow the control to be automatically added to the Toolbox.
- Various corrections to help file syntax.
- Help integration for Visual Studio 2008.
- Support for Visual Studio 2005 with .NET Framework version 2.0 SP1 and above.
- Support for C/C++ applications using DEP (Data Execution Prevention).
- Enhanced property pages.