
SftButton/OCX 3.0 - Button Control


Picture1AlignHorz Property, SftButton Object

Defines the horizontal alignment of the first graphic.

Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use the Image1AlignHorz property instead



VB.NETAlign = object.Picture1AlignHorz As SftButtonAlignConstants
VBAlign = object.Picture1AlignHorz As SftButtonAlignConstants
C#.NETSftButtonAlignConstants Align = object.Picture1AlignHorz;
VC++enum SftButtonAlignConstants Align = object->Picture1AlignHorz;
enum SftButtonAlignConstants Align = object->GetPicture1AlignHorz();
CHRESULT object->get_Picture1AlignHorz(enum SftButtonAlignConstants* Align);


VB.NETobject.Picture1AlignHorz = Align As SftButtonAlignConstants
VBobject.Picture1AlignHorz = Align As SftButtonAlignConstants
C#.NETSftButtonAlignConstants object.Picture1AlignHorz = Align;
VC++enum SftButtonAlignConstants object->Picture1AlignHorz = Align;
void object->PutPicture1AlignHorz(enum SftButtonAlignConstants Align);
CHRESULT object->put_Picture1AlignHorz(enum SftButtonAlignConstants Align);


A SftButton object.


Defines the horizontal alignment of the first graphic.

alignSftButtonCenter0The picture component is horizontally centered within the available space.
alignSftButtonLeft1The picture component is left aligned within the available space.
alignSftButtonRight2The picture component is right aligned within the available space.


Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use the Image1AlignHorz property instead

The Picture1AlignHorz property defines the horizontal alignment of the first graphic.

The layout of the button label and the position and alignment of the first picture component are defined using the Orientation, Image1AlignHorz and Image1AlignVert properties.

For detailed information on the use of the Orientation, Image1, Image1AlignHorz, Image1AlignVert, Image2, Image2AlignHorz, Image2AlignVert, Text, TextAlignHorz, TextAlignVert properties, please see "Button Label".

See Also SftButton Object | Object Hierarchy

Last Updated 08/13/2020 - (email)
© 2025 Softel vdm, Inc.